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  • Excel 数据导入(OleDb)

     1 @using (Html.BeginForm("Student", "Excel", FormMethod.Post, new { enctype = "multipart/form-data" }))
     2 {
     4     <div style="margin-top: 20px;">
     5         <fieldset id="myfieldset1">
     6             <legend>学生信息导入</legend>
     7             <p>
     8                 选择文件:<input id="FileUpload1" type="file" name="files" style=" 250px; height: 24px;
     9                     background: White" class="easyui-validatebox" /></p>
    10             <p>
    11                 <input id="btnImport1" type="submit" value="导入" style=" 60px; height: 28px;" /></p>
    12             <p style="color: Red; text-align: center;">@ViewBag.errorstu</p>
    13         </fieldset>
    14     </div>
    15 }
    View Code
      1     public class ExcelController : Controller
      2     {
      3         ContractInfoBLL contract;
      4         TeacherInfoBLL TIBLL;
      5         ParentBLL PBLL;
      6         public ExcelController()
      7         {
      8             if (contract == null)
      9             {
     10                 contract = new ContractInfoBLL();
     11             }
     12             if (TIBLL == null)
     13             {
     14                 TIBLL = new TeacherInfoBLL();
     15             }
     16             if (PBLL == null)
     17             {
     18                 PBLL = new ParentBLL();
     19             }
     20         }
     21         public ActionResult Index(bool Code = true, string Message="")
     22         {
     23             if (!Code) 
     24             {
     25                 ViewBag.Message = Message;
     26             }
     27             return View();
     28         }
     29         string StuExcel = ApiHelper.GetWebConfig("StuExcel", @"E:/需求/20160520 家宝贝/新建文件夹/学生用户.xlsx");
     30         /// <summary>
     31         /// Excel学生用户导入
     32         /// </summary>
     33         /// <returns></returns>
     34         [HttpPost]
     35         public ActionResult Student(HttpPostedFileBase filebase)
     36         {
     37             #region
     38             HttpPostedFileBase file = Request.Files["files"];
     39             string FileName;
     40             string savePath;
     41             if (file == null || file.ContentLength <= 0)
     42             {
     43                 ViewBag.error = "文件不能为空";
     44                 return View();
     45             }
     46             else
     47             {
     48                 string filename = Path.GetFileName(file.FileName);
     49                 int filesize = file.ContentLength;//获取上传文件的大小单位为字节byte
     50                 string fileEx = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(filename);//获取上传文件的扩展名
     51                 string NoFileName = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filename);//获取无扩展名的文件名
     52                 int Maxsize = 4000 * 1024;//定义上传文件的最大空间大小为4M
     53                 string FileType = ".xls,.xlsx";//定义上传文件的类型字符串
     55                 FileName = NoFileName + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddhhmmss") + fileEx;
     56                 if (!FileType.Contains(fileEx))
     57                 {
     58                     ViewBag.error = "文件类型不对,只能导入xls和xlsx格式的文件";
     59                     return View();
     60                 }
     61                 if (filesize >= Maxsize)
     62                 {
     63                     ViewBag.error = "上传文件超过4M,不能上传";
     64                     return View();
     65                 }
     66                 string path = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "App_Data/";
     67                 savePath = Path.Combine(path, FileName);
     68                 file.SaveAs(savePath);
     69             }
     70             #endregion
     71             List<Student_Excel> stuList = new ExcelBLL().GetStudentByExcel(savePath);
     72             string Meg = "";
     73             int ItemSchool = 0;
     74             int classID = 0;
     75             int i = 0;
     76             foreach (var item in stuList)
     77             {
     79                 bool ishavecode = contract.IsHaveContractCode(item.ContractCode);
     80                 if (!ishavecode)
     81                 {
     82                     i++;
     83                     Meg = "学籍号重复";
     84                     LoggerFactory.Instance.Logger_Info("学生用户_序号" + item.Number + "_学籍号:" + item.ContractCode + "_学生姓名:" + item.Name + "_原因:" + Meg);
     85                 }
     86                 else
     87                 {
     88                     ItemSchool = contract.GetGardenByName(item.ItemSchoolName);
     89                     classID = contract.GetClassInfoID(ItemSchool, item.ClassName);
     90                     if (classID != 0)
     91                     {
     92                         DateTime da = DateTime.Now;
     93                         ContractInfoList model = new ContractInfoList();
     94                         model.ContractCode = item.ContractCode;
     95                         model.ContractStatus = (int)ContractStatus.Normal;
     96                         model.AdmissionsTeacherID = contract.GetTeacherIDbyName(item.TeacherName);
     97                         model.StudentName = item.Name;
     98                         model.StudentGender = item.Sex == "" ? 0 : 1;
     99                         model.ParentName = item.ParentName;
    100                         model.ParenRelation = item.ParenRelation;
    101                         model.ParentTel = item.Phone;
    102                         model.EntranceTime = item.EntranceTime.HasValue ? item.EntranceTime.Value : DateTime.Now;
    103                         model.PaymentAmount = item.PaymentAmount != "" ? Convert.ToInt32(item.PaymentAmount) : 0;
    104                         model.ItemSchool = ItemSchool;
    105                         model.AddTime = da;
    106                         model.UpdateTime = da;
    107                         model.Remarks = "";
    108                         model.ClassInfoID = classID;
    110                         bool boo = contract.IsCreateContract(model);
    111                         if (!boo)
    112                         {
    113                             i++;
    114                             Meg = "创建失败";
    115                             LoggerFactory.Instance.Logger_Info("学生用户_序号" + item.Number + "_学籍号:" + item.ContractCode + "_学生姓名:" + item.Name + "_原因:" + Meg);
    116                         }
    117                     }
    118                     else
    119                     {
    120                         i++;
    121                         Meg = "班级不存在";
    122                         LoggerFactory.Instance.Logger_Info("学生用户_序号" + item.Number + "_学籍号:" + item.ContractCode + "_学生姓名:" + item.Name + "_原因:" + Meg);
    123                     }
    124                 }
    125             }
    127             return Json(new { Code = Meg == "" ? true : false, Message = Meg != "" ? "未导入数据:" + i + "" : "" });
    128             //ViewBag.errorstu = "导入成功";
    129             //return RedirectToAction("Index");
    130         }
    132      }
    View Code
     1     public class ExcelBLL
     2     {
     3         public List<Student_Excel> GetStudentByExcel(string path)
     4         {
     5             List<Student_Excel> stuList = new List<Student_Excel>();
     6             DataSet ds = Helper.GetDataSet("select * from [Sheet1$]", path);
     7             DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0];//忽略第一行表名,从第二行开始
     8             foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
     9             {
    10                 if (row["序号"].ToString()!="")
    11                 {
    12                     DateTime ad = new DateTime();
    13                     if (row["入学日期"].ToString() != "")
    14                     {
    15                         ad = Convert.ToDateTime(row["入学日期"]);
    16                     }
    17                     stuList.Add(new Student_Excel()
    18                     {
    19                         Number = row["序号"].ToString(),
    20                         ContractCode = row["学籍号"].ToString(),
    21                         Name = row["学生姓名"].ToString(),
    22                         Sex = row["性别"].ToString(),
    23                         ClassName = row["所在班级"].ToString(),
    24                         Phone = row["紧急联系电话"].ToString(),
    25                         ParenRelation = row["与孩子关系"].ToString(),
    26                         ParentName = row["家长姓名"].ToString(),
    27                         EntranceTime = ad,//Convert.ToDateTime(row["入学日期"]),
    28                         TeacherName = row["招生老师"].ToString(),
    29                         PaymentAmount = row["收费金额"].ToString(),
    30                         ItemSchoolName = row["所在园区"].ToString(),
    31                     });
    32                 }
    33             }
    35             return stuList;
    36         }
    37     }
    View Code
     1      public class Helper:BaseBLL
     2     {
     3 #region Excel 导入
     4          private static string connstring = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source={0};Extended Properties='Excel 12.0; HDR=yes; IMEX=2'";
     6          public static DataSet GetDataSet(string sql, string path)
     7          {
     8              OleDbConnection conn = new OleDbConnection(string.Format(connstring, path));
     9              OleDbCommand cmd = new OleDbCommand(sql, conn);
    10              OleDbDataAdapter da = new OleDbDataAdapter(cmd);
    11              DataSet ds = new DataSet();//创建内存数据集
    12              try
    13              {
    14                  conn.Open();
    15                  da.Fill(ds);
    16                  return ds;
    17              }
    18              catch (Exception e)
    19              {
    20                  //写日志
    22                  throw e;
    23              }
    24              finally
    25              {
    26                  conn.Close();
    27              }
    28          }
    29          #endregion
    30     }
    View Code
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/xhyang/p/5757538.html
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