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  • zyrpc service

    // Compile: csc service.cs /r:Zyan.Communication.dll /r:Topshelf.dll


    // Usage:

    //    service.exe            Run the console server

    //    service.exe install    Install the service (requires admin rights)

    //    service.exe start      Start the installed service (admin)

    //    service.exe stop       Stops the service (admin)

    //    service.exe uninstall  Uninstall the service (admin)

    //    service.exe client     Run the console client

    using System;

    using System.Linq;

    using System.Text;

    using System.Threading.Tasks;

    using Topshelf;

    using Zyan.Communication;

    using Zyan.Communication.Protocols.Tcp;

    struct Program


    const int TcpPortNumber = 8765;

    const string ZyanHostName = "SampleService";

    static void Main(string[] args)


    if (args.Any(s => s == "client"))







    // ------------------------------- Shared code --------

    public interface ISampleService


    string GeneratePassword(int length);


    // ------------------------------- Client code --------

    static async Task RunClient()


    var protocol = new TcpDuplexClientProtocolSetup();

    var url = protocol.FormatUrl("localhost", TcpPortNumber, ZyanHostName);

    using (var conn = await Task.Run(() => new ZyanConnection(url, protocol)))


    Console.WriteLine("Connected to server.");

    var proxy = conn.CreateProxy<ISampleService>();

    while (true)


    Console.Write("Enter password length (empty line to quit): ");

    var line = Console.ReadLine().Trim(' ', ' ', ' ', '.', '-');

    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(line) || line.Any(c => !char.IsNumber(c)))





    var length = Convert.ToInt32(line);

    var password = await Task.Run(() => proxy.GeneratePassword(length));

    Console.WriteLine("Server generated password: {0}", password);




    // ------------------------------- Server code --------

    static void RunServer()


    HostFactory.Run(x =>


    //x.UseNLog(); // configure logging as needed

    x.Service<Dispatcher>(s =>


    s.ConstructUsing(name => new Dispatcher());

    s.WhenStarted(d => d.Start());

    s.WhenStopped(d => d.Stop());


    // these options can be overridden via the command line:

    // service.exe install --localservice -servicename:Cida -description:Demo -displayname:CidaDemo


    x.SetDescription("Configuration Item Discovery Agent");



    x.EnableServiceRecovery(rc => rc.RestartService(1)); // restart after one minute


    Console.WriteLine("Topshelf application is finished. Exiting...");


    internal class Dispatcher


    private ZyanComponentHost Host { get; set; }

    public void Start()


    var protocol = new TcpDuplexServerProtocolSetup(TcpPortNumber);

    Host = new ZyanComponentHost(ZyanHostName, protocol);

    Host.RegisterComponent<ISampleService, SampleService>();

    Console.WriteLine("Server is up and running. Try running clients.");


    public void Stop()


    if (Host != null)



    Host = null;

    Console.WriteLine("Server is stopped.");




    internal class SampleService : ISampleService


    public string GeneratePassword(int length)


    var sb = new StringBuilder();

    var rnd = new Random();

    for (var i = 0; i < length; i++)


    var @char = (char)('a' + rnd.Next('z' - 'a'));



    Console.WriteLine("Generated password: {0}, length = {1}",

    sb, length);

    return sb.ToString();




    c:>service.exe install

    Configuration Result:

    [Success] Name CidaService

    [Success] Description Configuration Item Discovery Agent

    [Success] ServiceName CidaService

    Topshelf v3.2.150.0, .NET Framework v4.0.30319.34209

    Выполняется групповая операция установки.

    Начинается этап установки процедуры установки.

    Installing CidaService service

    Устанавливается служба CidaService...

    Служба CidaService успешно установлена.

    Этап установки успешно выполнен, начинается этап фиксации.

    Этап фиксации выполнен успешно.

    Групповая операция установки выполнена.

    Topshelf application is finished. Exiting...

    c:>service.exe start

    Configuration Result:

    [Success] Name CidaService

    [Success] Description Configuration Item Discovery Agent

    [Success] ServiceName CidaService

    Topshelf v3.2.150.0, .NET Framework v4.0.30319.34209

    The CidaService service was started.

    Topshelf application is finished. Exiting...

    c:service.exe client

    Connected to server.

    Enter password length (empty line to quit): 10

    Server generated password: xsshpcpdga

    Enter password length (empty line to quit): 11

    Server generated password: goarqvoqich

    Enter password length (empty line to quit): 123

    Server generated password: lmiwctrtsoasxgcmntvdfebclbfoceaiwuaqeosnnrlytplbotlt


    Enter password length (empty line to quit):


    c:>service.exe stop

    Configuration Result:

    [Success] Name CidaService

    [Success] Description Configuration Item Discovery Agent

    [Success] ServiceName CidaService

    Topshelf v3.2.150.0, .NET Framework v4.0.30319.34209

    The CidaService service was stopped.

    Topshelf application is finished. Exiting...

    c:>service.exe uninstall

    Configuration Result:

    [Success] Name CidaService

    [Success] Description Configuration Item Discovery Agent

    [Success] ServiceName CidaService

    Topshelf v3.2.150.0, .NET Framework v4.0.30319.34209

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/xiajing12345/p/6767415.html
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