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  • Visual C++ 2008入门经典 第八章深入理解类(二) 简单

    //8.9 C++/CLI编程
    //8.9.1 在数值类中重载运算符
    #include "stdafx.h"
    #include <iostream>
    #include <string>
    using namespace std;
    using namespace System;
    /*value class Length
    	int feet;
    	int inches;
    	static initonly int inchesPerFoot = 12;
    	Length(int ft, int ins):feet(ft), inches(ins)
    	virtual String^ ToString() override
    	     return feet+L" feet "+inches+" inches ";
    	Length operator+(Length len)
    	      int inchTotal = inches + len.inches + inchesPerFoot * (feet+len.feet);
    		  return Length(inchTotal/inchesPerFoot, inchTotal%inchesPerFoot);
    	static Length operator+(Length len1, Length len2)
    	      //int inchTotal = inches + len.inches + inchesPerFoot * (feet+len.feet);
    		  int inchTotal = len1.inches + len2.inches + inchesPerFoot * (len1.feet+len2.feet);
    		  return Length(inchTotal/inchesPerFoot, inchTotal%inchesPerFoot);
    value class Length
    	int feet;
    	int inches;
    	static initonly int inchesPerFoot = 12;
    	Length(int ft, int ins):feet(ft), inches(ins)
    	virtual String^ ToString() override
    	     return feet+L" feet "+inches+" inches ";
    	Length operator+(Length len)
    	      int inchTotal = inches + len.inches + inchesPerFoot * (feet+len.feet);
    		  return Length(inchTotal/inchesPerFoot, inchTotal%inchesPerFoot);
    	static Length operator*(double x, Length len);
    	static Length operator*(Length len, double x);
    int main(array<System::String ^> ^args)
    	Length len1 = Length(6, 9);
    	Length len2 = Length(7, 8);
    	Console::WriteLine(L"{0} plus {1} is {2}",len1, len2, len1+len2);
    	double factor = 2.5;
    	Console::WriteLine(L"{0} times {1} is {2}", factor, len2, factor*len2);
    	Console::WriteLine(L"{0} times {1} is {2}", factor, len2, len2*factor);
    	return 0;
    Length Length::operator*(double x, Length len)
         int ins = safe_cast<int>(x*len.inches + x*len.feet*inchesPerFoot);
    	 return Length(ins/12, ins%12);
    Length Length::operator*(Length len, double x)
          return operator*(x, len);
    /*#include "stdafx.h"
    #include <iostream>
    #include <string>
    using namespace std;
    using namespace System;
    value class Length
    	int feet;
    	int inches;
    	static initonly int inchesPerFoot = 12;
    	Length(int ft, int ins):feet(ft), inches(ins)
    	virtual String^ ToString() override
    	     return feet+" feet "+inches+" inches ";
    	Length operator+(Length len)
    	     int inchTotal = inches + len.inches + inchesPerFoot *(feet*len.feet);
    		 return Length(inchTotal/inchesPerFoot, inchTotal%inchesPerFoot);
    	static Length operator/(Length len, double x)
    	     int ins = safe_cast<int>((len.feet*inchesPerFoot + len.inches)/x);
    		 return Length(ins/inchesPerFoot, ins%inchesPerFoot);
    	static Length operator%(Length len1, Length len2)
    	      int ins =(len1.feet * inchesPerFoot + len1.inches) % (len1.feet*inchesPerFoot + len2.inches);
    		  return Length(ins/inchesPerFoot, ins%inchesPerFoot);
        static Length operator*(double x, Length len);
    	static Length operator*(Length len, double x);
    Length Length::operator*(double x, Length len)
         int inchs = safe_cast<int>(x*len.inches + x*len.feet * inchesPerFoot);
    	 return Length(inchs/inchesPerFoot, inchs%inchesPerFoot);
    Length Length::operator*(Length len, double x)
         return operator*(x, len);
    int main(array<System::String ^> ^args)
    	Length Len1 = Length(6, 9);
    	Length Len2 = Length(7, 8);
    	double factor = 2.5;
    	Console::WriteLine(L"{0} + {1} = {2}", Len1, Len2, Len1+Len2);
    	Console::WriteLine(L"{0} * {1} = {2}", factor, Len1, factor*Len2);	
    	Console::WriteLine(L"{0} * {1} = {2}", Len1, factor, factor*Len2);
    	Console::WriteLine(L"({0} + {1}) / {2} = {3}", Len1, Len2, factor, (Len1+Len2)/factor);
    	return 0;
    //8.9.2 重载递增和递减运算符
    /*#include "stdafx.h"
    #include <iostream>
    #include <string>
    using namespace std;
    using namespace System;
    value class Length
    	int feet;
    	int inches;
    	static initonly int inchesPerFoot = 12;
    	Length(int ft, int ins):feet(ft), inches(ins)
    	virtual String^ ToString() override
    	     return feet+" feet "+inches+" inches ";
    	Length operator+(Length len)
    	     int inchTotal = inches + len.inches + inchesPerFoot *(feet*len.feet);
    		 return Length(inchTotal/inchesPerFoot, inchTotal%inchesPerFoot);
    	static Length operator/(Length len, double x)
    	     int ins = safe_cast<int>((len.feet*inchesPerFoot + len.inches)/x);
    		 return Length(ins/inchesPerFoot, ins%inchesPerFoot);
    	static Length operator%(Length len1, Length len2)
    	      int ins =(len1.feet * inchesPerFoot + len1.inches) % (len1.feet*inchesPerFoot + len2.inches);
    		  return Length(ins/inchesPerFoot, ins%inchesPerFoot);
    	static Length operator++(Length len)
    		 len.feet += len.inches/len.inchesPerFoot;
    		 len.inches %= len.inchesPerFoot;
    		 return len;
        static Length operator*(double x, Length len);
    	static Length operator*(Length len, double x);
    Length Length::operator*(double x, Length len)
         int inchs = safe_cast<int>(x*len.inches + x*len.feet * inchesPerFoot);
    	 return Length(inchs/inchesPerFoot, inchs%inchesPerFoot);
    Length Length::operator*(Length len, double x)
         return operator*(x, len);
    int main(array<System::String ^> ^args)
    	Length Len1 = Length(1, 11);
    	return 0;
    //8.9.3 在引用类中重载运算符
    #include "stdafx.h"
    #include <iostream>
    #include <string>
    using namespace std;
    using namespace System;
    ref class Length
    	int feet;
    	int inches;
    	static initonly int inchesPerFoot = 12;
    	Length(int ft, int ins) : feet(ft), inches(ins){ }
    	virtual String^ ToString() override
    		return feet+L" feet " + inches + L" inches";  
    	Length^ operator+(Length^ len)
    	    int inchTotal = inches + len->inches + inchesPerFoot *(feet+len->feet);
    		return gcnew Length(inchTotal/inchesPerFoot, inchTotal%inchesPerFoot);
    	static Length^ operator/(Length^ len, double x)
    	     int ins = safe_cast<int>((len->feet*inchesPerFoot + len->inches)/x);
    		 return gcnew Length(ins/inchesPerFoot, ins%inchesPerFoot);
    	static int operator/(Length^ len1, Length^ len2)
    	     return (len1->feet*inchesPerFoot + len1->inches)/(len2->feet*inchesPerFoot + len2->inches);
    	static Length^ operator%(Length^ len1, Length^ len2)
    	      int ins =(len1->feet * inchesPerFoot + len1->inches) % (len2->feet*inchesPerFoot + len2->inches);
    		  return gcnew Length(ins/inchesPerFoot, ins%inchesPerFoot);
    	static Length^ operator++(Length^ len)
    	    Length^ temp = gcnew Length(len->feet, len->inches);
    		temp->feet += temp->inches/temp->inchesPerFoot;
    		temp->inches %= temp->inchesPerFoot;
    		return temp;
        static Length^ operator*(double x, Length^ len);
    	static Length^ operator*(Length^ len, double x);
    Length^ Length::operator*(double x, Length^ len)
      int ins = safe_cast<int>(x*len->inches +x*len->feet*inchesPerFoot);
      return gcnew Length(ins/inchesPerFoot, ins%inchesPerFoot);
    Length^ Length::operator*(Length^ len, double x)
         return operator*(x, len);
    int main(array<System::String ^> ^args)
    	//Length^ Len1 = gcnew Length(2, 6);
    	//Length^ Len2 = gcnew Length(3, 5);
    	//Length^ Len3 = gcnew Length(14, 6);
    	  Length^ Len1 = gcnew Length(2,6);              // 2 feet 6 inches
    	  Length^ Len2 = gcnew Length(3,5);              // 3 feet 5 inches
    	  Length^ Len3 = gcnew Length(14,6);             // 14 feet 6 inches
    	//Length^ total = 12 * (Len1 + Len2 + Len3) + (Len3 /gcnew Length(1,7))*Len2;
    	Length^ total = 12*(Len1+Len2+Len3) + (Len3/gcnew Length(1,7))*Len2;
    	//Console::WriteLine(L"{0} can be cut into {1} pieces {2} long with {3} left over.",
    	//	              Len3, Len3/Len1, Len1, Len3 %Len1);
    	Length^ len5 = gcnew Length(1, 11);
    	return 0;
    //8.9.4 实现引用类型的赋值运算符
    Length% operator=(const Length% len)
    	if(this != %len){
    	    feet = len.feet;
    		inches = len.inches;
    	return *this;


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/xiangxiaodong/p/2753011.html
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