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  • [UOJ#223][BZOJ4654][Noi2016]国王饮水记



    跳蚤国有 n 个城市,伟大的跳蚤国王居住在跳蚤国首都中,即 1 号城市中。跳蚤国最大的问题就是饮水问题,由于首都中居住的跳蚤实在太多,跳蚤国王又体恤地将分配给他的水也给跳蚤国居民饮用,这导致跳蚤国王也经常喝不上水。于是,跳蚤国在每个城市都修建了一个圆柱形水箱,这些水箱完全相同且足够高。一个雨天后,第 i 个城市收集到了高度为 hi 的水。由于地理和天气因素的影响,任何两个不同城市收集到的水高度互不相同。跳蚤国王也请来蚂蚁工匠帮忙,建立了一个庞大的地下连通系统。跳蚤国王每次使用地下连通系统时,可以指定任意多的城市,将这些城市的水箱用地下连通系统连接起来足够长的时间之后,再将地下连通系统关闭。由连通器原理,这些城市的水箱中的水在这次操作后会到达同一高度,并且这一高度等于指定的各水箱高度的平均值。由于地下连通系统的复杂性,跳蚤国王至多只能使用 k 次地下连通系统。跳蚤国王请你告诉他,首都 1 号城市水箱中的水位最高能有多高?


    输入的第一行包含 3 个正整数 n,k,p分别表示跳蚤国中城市的数量,跳蚤国王能使用地下连通系统的最多次数,以及你输出的答案要求的精度。p 的含义将在输出格式中解释。接下来一行包含 n 个正整数,描述城市的水箱在雨后的水位。其中第 i 个 正整数 hi 表示第 i 个城市的水箱的水位。保证 hi 互不相同,1≤hi≤10^5


    仅一行一个实数,表示 1 号城市的水箱中的最高水位。这个实数只可以包含非负整数部分、小数点和小数部分。其中非负整数部分为必需部分,不加正负号。若有小数部分,则非负整数部分与小数部分之间以一个小数点隔开。若无小数部分,则不加小数点。你输出的实数在小数点后不能超过 2p 位,建议保留至少 p 位。数据保证参考答案与真实答案的绝对误差小于 10^-2p。你的输出被判定为正确当且仅当你的输出与参考答案的绝对误差小于 10^(-p)


    3 1 3
    1 4 3






    这题居然被我卡过了 233333333

    这题 91 分还是比较有意义的。

    首先发现一个性质(以下所说的数组 H 均不包含城市 1 的高度以及比城市 1 矮的高度),若将数组 H 从小到大排序,会发现最优策略一定考虑最后面若干个数,并且 k 次取平均操作均是和一段连续区间取平均。

    那么一个 dp 的模型就已经出来了:f(j, i) 表示进行了 j 次取平均操作,前 i 个数都被考虑过的最大能达到的平均值。

    转移就是枚举这一次取平均操作是哪个区间:f(j, i) = max{ ( S[i] - S[k] + f(j-1, k) ) / ( i - k + 1 ) | 0 ≤ k < i },整理一下发现 f(j, i) = ( S[i] - ( S[k] - f(j-1, k) ) ) / ( i - ( k - 1 ) ),也就是说我们要最大化一个斜率,那么显然就是对于点集 { ( x - 1, S[x] - f(x-1, k) ) } 维护下凸壳。

    进一步发现,每次转移的决策是单调增的,因为我们已经将数组 H 从小到大排序,那么点集 { ( i, S[i] ) } 构成了一个下凸壳,所以每次过 ( i, S[i] ) 的直线只会更陡,并且(画个图就知道)在维护的凸包上的切点一直在往后移。

    于是初步分析我们得到 O(nkp) 的算法。

    看到题解,我了解到当 k > 14 时,只需要算到 j = 14 即可,后面的转移都是长度为 1 的区间,贪心取即可。这样试了一下有 90 分。。。

    后来我尝试卡常,发现我被骗了,其实只需要算到 j = 8(也许更少,现在(2017-6-30) AC 的代码只算到了 j = 8,欢迎 hack),然后题面中时刻需要保留 6/5·p 位小数也是骗人的,我只保留了 3050 位小数就过掉最后一个点了。。。

    #include <iostream>
    #include <cstdio>
    #include <cstdlib>
    #include <cstring>
    #include <cctype>
    #include <algorithm>
    #include <string>
    // ---------- decimal lib start ----------
    const int PREC = 3050;
    class Decimal {
    		Decimal(const std::string &s);
    		Decimal(const char *s);
    		Decimal(int x);
    		Decimal(long long x);
    		Decimal(double x);
    		bool is_zero() const;
    		// p (p > 0) is the number of digits after the decimal point
    		std::string to_string(int p) const;
    		double to_double() const;
    		friend Decimal operator + (const Decimal &a, const Decimal &b);
    		friend Decimal operator + (const Decimal &a, int x);
    		friend Decimal operator + (int x, const Decimal &a);
    		friend Decimal operator + (const Decimal &a, long long x);
    		friend Decimal operator + (long long x, const Decimal &a);
    		friend Decimal operator + (const Decimal &a, double x);
    		friend Decimal operator + (double x, const Decimal &a);
    		friend Decimal operator - (const Decimal &a, const Decimal &b);
    		friend Decimal operator - (const Decimal &a, int x);
    		friend Decimal operator - (int x, const Decimal &a);
    		friend Decimal operator - (const Decimal &a, long long x);
    		friend Decimal operator - (long long x, const Decimal &a);
    		friend Decimal operator - (const Decimal &a, double x);
    		friend Decimal operator - (double x, const Decimal &a);
    		friend Decimal operator * (const Decimal &a, int x);
    		friend Decimal operator * (int x, const Decimal &a);
    		friend Decimal operator / (const Decimal &a, int x);
    		friend bool operator < (const Decimal &a, const Decimal &b);
    		friend bool operator > (const Decimal &a, const Decimal &b);
    		friend bool operator <= (const Decimal &a, const Decimal &b);
    		friend bool operator >= (const Decimal &a, const Decimal &b);
    		friend bool operator == (const Decimal &a, const Decimal &b);
    		friend bool operator != (const Decimal &a, const Decimal &b);
    		Decimal & operator += (int x);
    		Decimal & operator += (long long x);
    		Decimal & operator += (double x);
    		Decimal & operator += (const Decimal &b);
    		Decimal & operator -= (int x);
    		Decimal & operator -= (long long x);
    		Decimal & operator -= (double x);
    		Decimal & operator -= (const Decimal &b);
    		Decimal & operator *= (int x);
    		Decimal & operator /= (int x);
    		friend Decimal operator - (const Decimal &a);
    		// These can't be called
    		friend Decimal operator * (const Decimal &a, double x);
    		friend Decimal operator * (double x, const Decimal &a);
    		friend Decimal operator / (const Decimal &a, double x);
    		Decimal & operator *= (double x);
    		Decimal & operator /= (double x);
    		static const int len = PREC / 9 + 1;
    		static const int mo = 1000000000;
    		static void append_to_string(std::string &s, long long x);
    		bool is_neg;
    		long long integer;
    		int data[len];
    		void init_zero();
    		void init(const char *s);
    Decimal::Decimal() {
    Decimal::Decimal(const char *s) {
    Decimal::Decimal(const std::string &s) {
    Decimal::Decimal(int x) {
    	if (x < 0) {
    		is_neg = true;
    		x = -x;
    	integer = x;
    Decimal::Decimal(long long x) {
    	if (x < 0) {
    		is_neg = true;
    		x = -x;
    	integer = x;
    Decimal::Decimal(double x) {
    	if (x < 0) {
    		is_neg = true;
    		x = -x;
    	integer = (long long)x;
    	x -= integer;
    	for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
    		x *= mo;
    		if (x < 0) x = 0;
    		data[i] = (int)x;
    		x -= data[i];
    void Decimal::init_zero() {
    	is_neg = false;
    	integer = 0;
    	memset(data, 0, len * sizeof(int));
    bool Decimal::is_zero() const {
    	if (integer) return false;
    	for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
    		if (data[i]) return false;
    	return true;
    void Decimal::init(const char *s) {
    	is_neg = false;
    	integer = 0;
    	// find the first digit or the negative sign
    	while (*s != 0) {
    		if (*s == '-') {
    			is_neg = true;
    		} else if (*s >= 48 && *s <= 57) {
    	// read the integer part
    	while (*s >= 48 && *s <= 57) {
    		integer = integer * 10 + *s - 48;
    	// read the decimal part
    	if (*s == '.') {
    		int pos = 0;
    		int x = mo / 10;
    		while (pos < len && *s >= 48 && *s <= 57) {
    			data[pos] += (*s - 48) * x;
    			x /= 10;
    			if (x == 0) {
    				x = mo / 10;
    void Decimal::append_to_string(std::string &s, long long x) {
    	if (x == 0) {
    		s.append(1, 48);
    	char _[30];
    	int cnt = 0;
    	while (x) {
    		_[cnt++] = x % 10;
    		x /= 10;
    	while (cnt--) {
    		s.append(1, _[cnt] + 48);
    std::string Decimal::to_string(int p) const {
    	std::string ret;
    	if (is_neg && !this->is_zero()) {
    		ret = "-";
    	append_to_string(ret, this->integer);
    	ret.append(1, '.');
    	for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
    		// append data[i] as "%09d"
    		int x = mo / 10;
    		int tmp = data[i];
    		while (x) {
    			ret.append(1, 48 + tmp / x);
    			tmp %= x;
    			x /= 10;
    			if (--p == 0) {
    		if (p == 0) break;
    	if (p > 0) {
    		ret.append(p, '0');
    	return ret;
    double Decimal::to_double() const {
    	double ret = integer;
    	double k = 1.0;
    	for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
    		k /= mo;
    		ret += k * data[i];
    	if (is_neg) {
    		ret = -ret;
    	return ret;
    bool operator < (const Decimal &a, const Decimal &b) {
    	if (a.is_neg != b.is_neg) {
    		return a.is_neg && (!a.is_zero() || !b.is_zero());
    	} else if (!a.is_neg) {
    		// a, b >= 0
    		if (a.integer != b.integer) {
    			return a.integer < b.integer;
    		for (int i = 0; i < Decimal::len; i++) {
    			if (a.data[i] != b.data[i]) {
    				return a.data[i] < b.data[i];
    		return false;
    	} else {
    		// a, b <= 0
    		if (a.integer != b.integer) {
    			return a.integer > b.integer;
    		for (int i = 0; i < Decimal::len; i++) {
    			if (a.data[i] != b.data[i]) {
    				return a.data[i] > b.data[i];
    		return false;
    bool operator > (const Decimal &a, const Decimal &b) {
    	if (a.is_neg != b.is_neg) {
    		return !a.is_neg && (!a.is_zero() || !b.is_zero());
    	} else if (!a.is_neg) {
    		// a, b >= 0
    		if (a.integer != b.integer) {
    			return a.integer > b.integer;
    		for (int i = 0; i < Decimal::len; i++) {
    			if (a.data[i] != b.data[i]) {
    				return a.data[i] > b.data[i];
    		return false;
    	} else {
    		// a, b <= 0
    		if (a.integer != b.integer) {
    			return a.integer < b.integer;
    		for (int i = 0; i < Decimal::len; i++) {
    			if (a.data[i] != b.data[i]) {
    				return a.data[i] < b.data[i];
    		return false;
    bool operator <= (const Decimal &a, const Decimal &b) {
    	if (a.is_neg != b.is_neg) {
    		return a.is_neg || (a.is_zero() && b.is_zero());
    	} else if (!a.is_neg) {
    		// a, b >= 0
    		if (a.integer != b.integer) {
    			return a.integer < b.integer;
    		for (int i = 0; i < Decimal::len; i++) {
    			if (a.data[i] != b.data[i]) {
    				return a.data[i] < b.data[i];
    		return true;
    	} else {
    		// a, b <= 0
    		if (a.integer != b.integer) {
    			return a.integer > b.integer;
    		for (int i = 0; i < Decimal::len; i++) {
    			if (a.data[i] != b.data[i]) {
    				return a.data[i] > b.data[i];
    		return true;
    bool operator >= (const Decimal &a, const Decimal &b) {
    	if (a.is_neg != b.is_neg) {
    		return !a.is_neg || (a.is_zero() && b.is_zero());
    	} else if (!a.is_neg) {
    		// a, b >= 0
    		if (a.integer != b.integer) {
    			return a.integer > b.integer;
    		for (int i = 0; i < Decimal::len; i++) {
    			if (a.data[i] != b.data[i]) {
    				return a.data[i] > b.data[i];
    		return true;
    	} else {
    		// a, b <= 0
    		if (a.integer != b.integer) {
    			return a.integer < b.integer;
    		for (int i = 0; i < Decimal::len; i++) {
    			if (a.data[i] != b.data[i]) {
    				return a.data[i] < b.data[i];
    		return true;
    bool operator == (const Decimal &a, const Decimal &b) {
    	if (a.is_zero() && b.is_zero()) return true;
    	if (a.is_neg != b.is_neg) return false;
    	if (a.integer != b.integer) return false;
    	for (int i = 0; i < Decimal::len; i++) {
    		if (a.data[i] != b.data[i]) return false;
    	return true;
    bool operator != (const Decimal &a, const Decimal &b) {
    	return !(a == b);
    Decimal & Decimal::operator += (long long x) {
    	if (!is_neg) {
    		if (integer + x >= 0) {
    			integer += x;
    		} else {
    			bool last = false;
    			for (int i = len - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
    				if (last || data[i]) {
    					data[i] = mo - data[i] - last;
    					last = true;
    				} else {
    					last = false;
    			integer = -x - integer - last;
    			is_neg = true;
    	} else {
    		if (integer - x >= 0) {
    			integer -= x;
    		} else {
    			bool last = false;
    			for (int i = len - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
    				if (last || data[i]) {
    					data[i] = mo - data[i] - last;
    					last = true;
    				} else {
    					last = false;
    			integer = x - integer - last;
    			is_neg = false;
    	return *this;
    Decimal & Decimal::operator += (int x) {
    	return *this += (long long)x;
    Decimal & Decimal::operator -= (int x) {
    	return *this += (long long)-x;
    Decimal & Decimal::operator -= (long long x) {
    	return *this += -x;
    Decimal & Decimal::operator /= (int x) {
    	if (x < 0) {
    		is_neg ^= 1;
    		x = -x;
    	int last = integer % x;
    	integer /= x;
    	for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
    		long long tmp = 1LL * last * mo + data[i];
    		data[i] = tmp / x;
    		last = tmp - 1LL * data[i] * x;
    	if (is_neg && integer == 0) {
    		int i;
    		for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
    			if (data[i] != 0) {
    		if (i == len) {
    			is_neg = false;
    	return *this;
    Decimal & Decimal::operator *= (int x) {
    	if (x < 0) {
    		is_neg ^= 1;
    		x = -x;
    	} else if (x == 0) {
    		return *this;
    	int last = 0;
    	for (int i = len - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
    		long long tmp = 1LL * data[i] * x + last;
    		last = tmp / mo;
    		data[i] = tmp - 1LL * last * mo;
    	integer = integer * x + last;
    	return *this;
    Decimal operator - (const Decimal &a) {
    	Decimal ret = a;
    	// -0 = 0
    	if (!ret.is_neg && ret.integer == 0) {
    		int i;
    		for (i = 0; i < Decimal::len; i++) {
    			if (ret.data[i] != 0) break;
    		if (i < Decimal::len) {
    			ret.is_neg = true;
    	} else {
    		ret.is_neg ^= 1;
    	return ret;
    Decimal operator + (const Decimal &a, int x) {
    	Decimal ret = a;
    	return ret += x;
    Decimal operator + (int x, const Decimal &a) {
    	Decimal ret = a;
    	return ret += x;
    Decimal operator + (const Decimal &a, long long x) {
    	Decimal ret = a;
    	return ret += x;
    Decimal operator + (long long x, const Decimal &a) {
    	Decimal ret = a;
    	return ret += x;
    Decimal operator - (const Decimal &a, int x) {
    	Decimal ret = a;
    	return ret -= x;
    Decimal operator - (int x, const Decimal &a) {
    	return -(a - x);
    Decimal operator - (const Decimal &a, long long x) {
    	Decimal ret = a;
    	return ret -= x;
    Decimal operator - (long long x, const Decimal &a) {
    	return -(a - x);
    Decimal operator * (const Decimal &a, int x) {
    	Decimal ret = a;
    	return ret *= x;
    Decimal operator * (int x, const Decimal &a) {
    	Decimal ret = a;
    	return ret *= x;
    Decimal operator / (const Decimal &a, int x) {
    	Decimal ret = a;
    	return ret /= x;
    Decimal operator + (const Decimal &a, const Decimal &b) {
    	if (a.is_neg == b.is_neg) {
    		Decimal ret = a;
    		bool last = false;
    		for (int i = Decimal::len - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
    			ret.data[i] += b.data[i] + last;
    			if (ret.data[i] >= Decimal::mo) {
    				ret.data[i] -= Decimal::mo;
    				last = true;
    			} else {
    				last = false;
    		ret.integer += b.integer + last;
    		return ret;
    	} else if (!a.is_neg) {
    		// a - |b|
    		return a - -b;
    	} else {
    		// b - |a|
    		return b - -a;
    Decimal operator - (const Decimal &a, const Decimal &b) {
    	if (!a.is_neg && !b.is_neg) {
    		if (a >= b) {
    			Decimal ret = a;
    			bool last = false;
    			for (int i = Decimal::len - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
    				ret.data[i] -= b.data[i] + last;
    				if (ret.data[i] < 0) {
    					ret.data[i] += Decimal::mo;
    					last = true;
    				} else {
    					last = false;
    			ret.integer -= b.integer + last;
    			return ret;
    		} else {
    			Decimal ret = b;
    			bool last = false;
    			for (int i = Decimal::len - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
    				ret.data[i] -= a.data[i] + last;
    				if (ret.data[i] < 0) {
    					ret.data[i] += Decimal::mo;
    					last = true;
    				} else {
    					last = false;
    			ret.integer -= a.integer + last;
    			ret.is_neg = true;
    			return ret;
    	} else if (a.is_neg && b.is_neg) {
    		// a - b = (-b) - (-a)
    		return -b - -a;
    	} else if (a.is_neg) {
    		// -|a| - b
    		return -(-a + b);
    	} else {
    		// a - -|b|
    		return a + -b;
    Decimal operator + (const Decimal &a, double x) {
    	return a + Decimal(x);
    Decimal operator + (double x, const Decimal &a) {
    	return Decimal(x) + a;
    Decimal operator - (const Decimal &a, double x) {
    	return a - Decimal(x);
    Decimal operator - (double x, const Decimal &a) {
    	return Decimal(x) - a;
    Decimal & Decimal::operator += (double x) {
    	*this = *this + Decimal(x);
    	return *this;
    Decimal & Decimal::operator -= (double x) {
    	*this = *this - Decimal(x);
    	return *this;
    Decimal & Decimal::operator += (const Decimal &b) {
    	*this = *this + b;
    	return *this;
    Decimal & Decimal::operator -= (const Decimal &b) {
    	*this = *this - b;
    	return *this;
    // ---------- decimal lib end ----------
    int read() {
    	int x = 0, f = 1; char c = getchar();
    	while(!isdigit(c)){ if(c == '-') f = -1; c = getchar(); }
    	while(isdigit(c)){ x = x * 10 + c - '0'; c = getchar(); }
    	return x * f;
    #define maxn 8010
    int n, K, P, A[maxn], S[maxn];
    struct Vec {
    	int x; Decimal y;
    	Vec() {}
    	Vec(int _, Decimal __): x(_), y(__) {}
    	Vec operator - (const Vec& t) const { return Vec(x - t.x, y - t.y); }
    	Decimal operator ^ (const Vec& t) const { return x * t.y - y * t.x; }
    } ps[maxn];
    Decimal f[2][maxn];
    int q[maxn], hd, tl;
    void solve() {
    	Decimal ans = A[1];
    	for(int i = 1; i <= n; i++) f[0][i] = A[1];
    	bool cur = 1;
    	for(int j = 1; j <= std::min(K, 8); j++, cur ^= 1) {
    		hd = 1; tl = 0;
    		for(int i = j; i <= n; i++) {
    			ps[i] = Vec(i - 1, S[i] - f[cur^1][i]);
    			while(hd < tl && (ps[i] - ps[q[tl]] ^ ps[i] - ps[q[tl-1]]) >= 0) tl--;
    			q[++tl] = i;
    			Vec p(i, S[i]);
    			while(hd < tl && (p - ps[q[hd]] ^ p - ps[q[hd+1]]) >= 0) hd++;
    			p = p - ps[q[hd]]; f[cur][i] = p.y / p.x;
    //			if(i - q[hd] != 1) printf("f(%d, %d) --> f(%d, %d)
    ", j - 1, q[hd], j, i);
    	if(K > 8) {
    		ans = f[cur^1][n-K+8];
    		for(int i = n - K + 9; i <= n; i++) ans = (ans + A[i]) / 2;
    	else ans = f[cur^1][n];
    	std::cout << ans.to_string(P << 1) << std::endl;
    	return ;
    int main() {
    	n = read(); K = read(); P = read();
    	for(int i = 1; i <= n; i++) A[i] = read();
    	int t = n; n = 1;
    	for(int i = 2; i <= t; i++) if(A[i] > A[1]) A[++n] = A[i];
    	K = std::min(K, n - 1);
    	std::sort(A + 2, A + n + 1);
    	for(int i = 1; i <= n; i++) S[i] = S[i-1] + A[i];
    	return 0;
  • 相关阅读:
    129. Sum Root to Leaf Numbers
    113. Path Sum II
    114. Flatten Binary Tree to Linked List
    112. Path Sum
    100. Same Tree
    300. Longest Increasing Subsequence
    72. Edit Distance
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/xiao-ju-ruo-xjr/p/7100632.html
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