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  • unity纯粹物理驱动方式


    In most cases you should not modify the velocity directly, as this can result in unrealistic behaviour. Don't set the velocity of an object every physics step, this will lead to unrealistic physics simulation. A typical example where you would change the velocity is when jumping in a first person shooter, because you want an immediate change in velocity.


    void FixedUpdate()
            float horizon=input.getAix("Hozizontal");
         rigidebody.Velocity= new Vector2(maxSpeed*horizon,rigidbody.velocity.y);
    void FixedUpdate()
            float horizon=input.getAix("Hozizontal");
         rigidebody.Addforce(new vector2(maxForce*horizon));


    void NormalMove() {
    float j = Input.GetAxis("Jump");
    if (grounded && (Input.GetButtonUp("Jump") || j > 0.99f))
    rigid2D.AddForce(new Vector2(0, j * jumpForce));

    if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.D))
    if (rigid2D.velocity.x < maxSpeed.x)                                       //如果运动的速度小于最大速度,那么
    constantForce2D.force = new Vector2(horizonForce, 0);       //让持续的推动力为预制的力
    else constantForce2D.force = new Vector2(0, 0);                  //如果速度大于等于最大速度,那么让推动力为0
    else if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.A))
    if (rigid2D.velocity.x > -maxSpeed.x)
    constantForce2D.force = new Vector2(-horizonForce, 0);
    else constantForce2D.force = new Vector2(0, 0);
    else constantForce2D.force = new Vector2(0, 0);

    if (grounded && !(Input.GetKey(KeyCode.A) || Input.GetKey(KeyCode.D) || Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space))&&!lockIgnore) rigid2D.drag = 20f;
    else rigid2D.drag = 0f;

    物体的组件设置如下,其中物理材质的属性全部设置为0,物理检测为continues,睡眠模式为never sleep,interpolate为Interpolate

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/xiaoahui/p/10068859.html
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