
1 #include <cstdio> 2 #include <cmath> 3 #include <algorithm> 4 using namespace std; 5 #define MAXN 700+10 6 #define PRECISION 10e-9 7 8 struct Point 9 { 10 int x, y; 11 }; 12 13 Point point[MAXN]; 14 double slope[MAXN]; 15 16 int main() 17 { 18 #ifdef LOCAL 19 freopen("in", "r", stdin); 20 #endif 21 int N; 22 scanf("%d", &N); 23 char s[100]; 24 getchar(); 25 gets(s); 26 while (N--) 27 { 28 int n = 0; // the number of points 29 while (gets(s)) 30 { 31 if (s[0] == '