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  • android批量插入数据效率对比


    1、 一个一个插入


    Java代码  收藏代码
    1. /** 
    2.      * 向表中插入数据 
    3.      *  
    4.      * @param openHelper 
    5.      * @param appInfo 
    6.      * @return 
    7.      */  
    8.     public static boolean insert(SQLiteOpenHelper openHelper,  
    9.             RemoteAppInfo appInfo) {  
    10.         if (null == appInfo) {  
    11.             return true;  
    12.         }  
    13.         SQLiteDatabase db = null;  
    14.         try {  
    15.             db = openHelper.getWritableDatabase();  
    16.             ContentValues values = appInfo.getContentValues();  
    17.             return -1 != db.insert(RemoteDBHelper.TABLE_APP_REMOTE, null,  
    18.                     values);  
    19.         } catch (Exception e) {  
    20.             e.printStackTrace();  
    21.         } finally {  
    22.             if (null != db) {  
    23.                 db.close();  
    24.             }  
    25.         }  
    26.         return false;  
    27.     }  
    30.     for (RemoteAppInfo remoteAppInfo : list) {  
    31.                     RemoteDBUtil.insert(helper, remoteAppInfo);  
    32.                 }  




    2、 开启事务批量插入,使用


    insert(String table, String nullColumnHack, ContentValues values)




    Java代码  收藏代码
    1. /** 
    2.  * 向表中插入一串数据 
    3.  *  
    4.  * @param openHelper 
    5.  * @param appInfo 
    6.  * @return 如果成功则返回true,否则返回flase 
    7.  */  
    8. public static boolean insert(SQLiteOpenHelper openHelper,  
    9.         List<RemoteAppInfo> list) {  
    10.     boolean result = true;  
    11.     if (null == list || list.size() <= 0) {  
    12.         return true;  
    13.     }  
    14.     SQLiteDatabase db = null;  
    16.     try {  
    17.         db = openHelper.getWritableDatabase();  
    18.         db.beginTransaction();  
    19.         for (RemoteAppInfo remoteAppInfo : list) {  
    20.             ContentValues values = remoteAppInfo.getContentValues();  
    21.             if (db.insert(RemoteDBHelper.TABLE_APP_REMOTE, null, values) < 0) {  
    22.                 result = false;  
    23.                 break;  
    24.             }  
    25.         }  
    26.         if (result) {  
    27.             db.setTransactionSuccessful();  
    28.         }  
    29.     } catch (Exception e) {  
    30.         e.printStackTrace();  
    31.         return false;  
    32.     } finally {  
    33.         try {  
    34.             if (null != db) {  
    35.                 db.endTransaction();  
    36.                 db.close();  
    37.             }  
    38.         } catch (Exception e) {  
    39.             e.printStackTrace();  
    40.         }  
    41.     }  
    42.     return true;  
    43. }  




    3、 开启事务批量插入,使用




    Java代码  收藏代码
    1. /** 
    2.      * 第二种方式批量插入(插入1W条数据耗时:1365ms) 
    3.      * @param openHelper 
    4.      * @param list 
    5.      * @return 
    6.      */  
    7.     public static boolean insertBySql(SQLiteOpenHelper openHelper,  
    8.             List<RemoteAppInfo> list) {  
    9.         if (null == openHelper || null == list || list.size() <= 0) {  
    10.             return false;  
    11.         }  
    12.         SQLiteDatabase db = null;  
    13.         try {  
    14.             db = openHelper.getWritableDatabase();  
    15.             String sql = "insert into " + RemoteDBHelper.TABLE_APP_REMOTE + "("  
    16.                     + RemoteDBHelper.COL_PKG_NAME + ","// 包名  
    17.                     + RemoteDBHelper.COL_USER_ACCOUNT + ","// 账号  
    18.                     + RemoteDBHelper.COL_APP_SOURCE + ","// 来源  
    19.                     + RemoteDBHelper.COL_SOURCE_UNIQUE + ","// PC mac 地址  
    20.                     + RemoteDBHelper.COL_MOBILE_UNIQUE + ","// 手机唯一标识  
    21.                     + RemoteDBHelper.COL_IMEI + ","// 手机IMEI  
    22.                     + RemoteDBHelper.COL_INSTALL_STATUS + ","// 安装状态  
    23.                     + RemoteDBHelper.COL_TRANSFER_RESULT + ","// 传输状态  
    24.                     + RemoteDBHelper.COL_REMOTE_RECORD_ID // 唯一标识  
    25.                     + ") " + "values(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)";  
    26.             SQLiteStatement stat = db.compileStatement(sql);  
    27.             db.beginTransaction();  
    28.             for (RemoteAppInfo remoteAppInfo : list) {  
    29.                 stat.bindString(1, remoteAppInfo.getPkgName());  
    30.                 stat.bindString(2, remoteAppInfo.getAccount());  
    31.                 stat.bindLong(3, remoteAppInfo.getFrom());  
    32.                 stat.bindString(4, remoteAppInfo.getFromDeviceMd5());  
    33.                 stat.bindString(5, remoteAppInfo.getMoblieMd5());  
    34.                 stat.bindString(6, remoteAppInfo.getImei());  
    35.                 stat.bindLong(7, remoteAppInfo.getInstallStatus());  
    36.                 stat.bindLong(8, remoteAppInfo.getTransferResult());  
    37.                 stat.bindString(9, remoteAppInfo.getRecordId());  
    38.                 long result = stat.executeInsert();  
    39.                 if (result < 0) {  
    40.                     return false;  
    41.                 }  
    42.             }  
    43.             db.setTransactionSuccessful();  
    44.         } catch (Exception e) {  
    45.             e.printStackTrace();  
    46.             return false;  
    47.         } finally {  
    48.             try {  
    49.                 if (null != db) {  
    50.                     db.endTransaction();  
    51.                     db.close();  
    52.                 }  
    53.             } catch (Exception e) {  
    54.                 e.printStackTrace();  
    55.             }  
    56.         }  
    57.         return true;  
    58.     }  





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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/xiaochao12345/p/3595548.html
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