#include<stdio.h> //二分查找法 void binary_search(int a[],int start,int mid,int end); int main() { int iLength,istars,i,iTimes,iNumber,n; int a[100]; printf("please enter the length of the array: "); scanf("%d",&iLength); printf("please enter the number: "); for(i=0;i<iLength;i++) { scanf("%d",&a[i]); } printf("please enter the number that you want: "); scanf("%d",&istars); /*if(n==istars) { } else { printf("sorry ,without this number "); }*/ binary_search(a,0,istars,iLength); } void binary_search(int a[],int start,int iPut,int end) { int i,j,k,n; i=start; j=end; k=(i+j)/2; n=0; while(i<j) //while(i<=k && j>=k) 这个写的本身就有漏洞,就是对整个程序的不理解 { n++; if(iPut>a[k]) { i=k+1; } if(iPut<a[k]) { j=k-1; } if(iPut==a[k]) { printf("the number need %d times to find......a[%d]=%d ",n,k,iPut); break; } }
#include<stdio.h> //二分查找法 void binary_search(int a[],int start,int iPut,int end); int main() { int iLength,istars,i,iTimes,iNumber,n; int a[100]; printf("please enter the length of the array: "); scanf("%d",&iLength); printf("please enter the number: "); for(i=0;i<iLength;i++) { scanf("%d",&a[i]); } printf("please enter the number that you want: "); scanf("%d",&istars); /*if(n==istars) { } else { printf("sorry ,without this number "); }*/ binary_search(a,0,istars,iLength); } void binary_search(int a[],int start,int iPut,int end) { int i,j,k,n,m; m=0; i=start; j=end; n=0; while(i<j) //while(i<=k && j>=k) 这个写的本身就有漏洞,就是对整个程序的不理解 { n++; k=(i+j)/2;//这个为关键!!!!! if(iPut>a[k]) { i=k+1; } if(iPut<a[k]) { j=k-1; } if(iPut==a[k]) { printf("the number need %d times to find......a[%d]=%d ",n,k,iPut); m++; break; } } if(m==0) printf("failed "); }
与此同时编写代码多了,时常会把 if 和while用混,这就需要具体问题,if只执行一次,while则是一个循环,使用while的时候要写上跳出条件,要不然会无休止的运行下去,导致死循环。