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  • mysql基础SQL练习



    • Student(Sid,Sname,Sage,Ssex) 学生表
    • Course(Cid,Cname,Tid) 课程表
    • SC(Sid,Cid,score) 成绩表
    • Teacher(Tid,Tname) 教师表



    select a.Sid from (select sid,score from SC where Cid='001') a,(select sid,score   

           from SC where Cid='002') b  

          where a.score>b.score and a.sid=b.sid; 


    select Sid,avg(score)  

           from sc  

           group by Sid having avg(score) >60;  


    select Student.Sid,Student.Sname,count(SC.Cid),sum(score)   

           from Student left Outer join SC on Student.Sid=SC.Sid  

           group by Student.Sid,Sname


    select count(distinct(Tname))  

         from Teacher  

         where Tname like '李%'; 


    select Student.Sid,Student.Sname  

         from Student  

         where Sid not in (select distinct( SC.Sid) from SC,Course,Teacher  

         where SC.Cid=Course.Cid and Teacher.Tid=Course.Tid and Teacher.Tname='叶平'); 


    select Student.Sid,Student.Sname from Student,SC  

         where Student.Sid=SC.Sid and SC.Cid='001'and  

         exists( Select * from SC as SC_2 where SC_2.Sid=SC.Sid and SC_2.Cid='002');  


    select Sid,Sname  

         from Student  

         where Sid in (select Sid from SC ,Course ,Teacher  

         where SC.Cid=Course.Cid and Teacher.Tid=Course.Tid and Teacher.Tname='叶平'  

         group by Sid having count(SC.Cid)=(select count(Cid) from Course,Teacher  

         where Teacher.Tid=Course.Tid and Tname='叶平'));  


    26     Select Sid,Sname from (select Student.Sid,Student.Sname,score ,(select score from SC SC_2  

    27     where SC_2.Sid=Student.Sid and SC_2.Cid='002') score2  

    28     from Student,SC where Student.Sid=SC.Sid and Cid='001') S_2 where score2 <score; 


    29     select Sid,Sname  

    30     from Student  

    31     where Sid not in (select Student.Sid from Student,SC where S.Sid=SC.Sid and score>60); 


    32     select Student.Sid,Student.Sname  

    33     from Student,SC  

    34     where Student.Sid=SC.Sid  

    35     group by Student.Sid,Student.Sname having count(Cid) <(select count(Cid) from Course);  


    36     select Sid,Sname from Student,SC  

    37     where Student.Sid=SC.Sid and Cid in select Cid from SC where Sid='1001';  


    38     select distinct SC.Sid,Sname  

    39     from Student,SC  

    40     where Student.Sid=SC.Sid and Cid in (select Cid from SC where Sid='001');  


    41     update SC set score=(select avg(SC_2.score)  

    42     from SC SC_2  

    43     where SC_2.Cid=SC.Cid ) from Course,Teacher  

    44     where Course.Cid=SC.Cid and Course.Tid=Teacher.Tid and Teacher.Tname='叶平');  


    45     select Sid from SC where Cid in (select Cid from SC where Sid='1002')  

    46     group by Sid having count(*)=(select count(*) from SC where Sid='1002');  


    47     Delect SC  

    48     from course ,Teacher  

    49     where Course.Cid=SC.Cid and Course.Tid= Teacher.Tid and Tname='叶平'; 


    50     Insert SC select Sid,'002',(Select avg(score)  

    51     from SC where Cid='002') from Student  

    52     where Sid not in (Select Sid from SC where Cid='002'); 

    17、按平均成绩从高到低显示所有学生的“数据库”、“企业管理”、“英语”三门的课程成绩,按如下形式显示: 学生ID,,数据库,企业管理,英语,有效课程数,有效平均分

    53     SELECT Sid as 学生ID  

    54     ,(SELECT score FROM SC WHERE SC.Sid=t.Sid AND Cid='004') AS 数据库  

    55     ,(SELECT score FROM SC WHERE SC.Sid=t.Sid AND Cid='001') AS 企业管理  

    56     ,(SELECT score FROM SC WHERE SC.Sid=t.Sid AND Cid='006') AS 英语  

    57     ,COUNT(*) AS 有效课程数, AVG(t.score) AS 平均成绩  

    58     FROM SC AS t  

    59     GROUP BY Sid  

    60     ORDER BY avg(t.score) 


    61     SELECT L.Cid As 课程ID,L.score AS 最高分,R.score AS 最低分  

    62     FROM SC L ,SC AS R  

    63     WHERE L.Cid = R.Cid and  

    64     L.score = (SELECT MAX(IL.score)  

    65     FROM SC AS IL,Student AS IM  

    66     WHERE L.Cid = IL.Cid and IM.Sid=IL.Sid  

    67     GROUP BY IL.Cid)  

    68     AND  

    69     R.Score = (SELECT MIN(IR.score)  

    70     FROM SC AS IR  

    71     WHERE R.Cid = IR.Cid  

    72     GROUP BY IR.Cid  

    73     );  


    74     SELECT t.Cid AS 课程号,max(course.Cname)AS 课程名,isnull(AVG(score),0) AS 平均成绩  

    75     ,100 * SUM(CASE WHEN isnull(score,0)>=60 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)/COUNT(*) AS 及格百分数  

    76     FROM SC T,Course  

    77     where t.Cid=course.Cid  

    78     GROUP BY t.Cid  

    79     ORDER BY 100 * SUM(CASE WHEN isnull(score,0)>=60 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)/COUNT(*) DESC 

    20、查询如下课程平均成绩和及格率的百分数(用"1行"显示): 企业管理(001),马克思(002),OO&UML (003),数据库(004)

    80     SELECT SUM(CASE WHEN Cid ='001' THEN score ELSE 0 END)/SUM(CASE Cid WHEN '001' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS 企业管理平均分  

    81     ,100 * SUM(CASE WHEN Cid = '001' AND score >= 60 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)/SUM(CASE WHEN Cid = '001' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS 企业管理及格百分数  

    82     ,SUM(CASE WHEN Cid = '002' THEN score ELSE 0 END)/SUM(CASE Cid WHEN '002' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS 马克思平均分  

    83     ,100 * SUM(CASE WHEN Cid = '002' AND score >= 60 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)/SUM(CASE WHEN Cid = '002' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS 马克思及格百分数  

    84     ,SUM(CASE WHEN Cid = '003' THEN score ELSE 0 END)/SUM(CASE Cid WHEN '003' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS UML平均分  

    85     ,100 * SUM(CASE WHEN Cid = '003' AND score >= 60 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)/SUM(CASE WHEN Cid = '003' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS UML及格百分数  

    86     ,SUM(CASE WHEN Cid = '004' THEN score ELSE 0 END)/SUM(CASE Cid WHEN '004' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS 数据库平均分  

    87     ,100 * SUM(CASE WHEN Cid = '004' AND score >= 60 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)/SUM(CASE WHEN Cid = '004' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS 数据库及格百分数  

    88     FROM SC  


    89     SELECT max(Z.Tid) AS 教师ID,MAX(Z.Tname) AS 教师姓名,C.Cid AS 课程ID,MAX(C.Cname) AS 课程名称,AVG(Score) AS 平均成绩  

    90     FROM SC AS T,Course AS C ,Teacher AS Z  

    91     where T.Cid=C.Cid and C.Tid=Z.Tid  

    92     GROUP BY C.Cid  

    93     ORDER BY AVG(Score) DESC 

    22、查询如下课程成绩第 3 名到第 6 名的学生成绩单:企业管理(001),马克思(002),UML (003),数据库(004) [学生ID],[学生姓名],企业管理,马克思,UML,数据库,平均成绩

    94     SELECT DISTINCT top 3  

    95     SC.Sid As 学生学号,  

    96     Student.Sname AS 学生姓名 ,  

    97     T1.score AS 企业管理,  

    98     T2.score AS 马克思,  

    99     T3.score AS UML,  

    100   T4.score AS 数据库,  

    101   ISNULL(T1.score,0) + ISNULL(T2.score,0) + ISNULL(T3.score,0) + ISNULL(T4.score,0) as 总分  

    102   FROM Student,SC LEFT JOIN SC AS T1  

    103   ON SC.Sid = T1.Sid AND T1.Cid = '001'  

    104   LEFT JOIN SC AS T2  

    105   ON SC.Sid = T2.Sid AND T2.Cid = '002'  

    106   LEFT JOIN SC AS T3  

    107   ON SC.Sid = T3.Sid AND T3.Cid = '003'  

    108   LEFT JOIN SC AS T4  

    109   ON SC.Sid = T4.Sid AND T4.Cid = '004'  

    110   WHERE student.Sid=SC.Sid and  

    111   ISNULL(T1.score,0) + ISNULL(T2.score,0) + ISNULL(T3.score,0) + ISNULL(T4.score,0)  

    112   NOT IN  

    113   (SELECT  

    114   DISTINCT  

    115   TOP 15 WITH TIES  

    116   ISNULL(T1.score,0) + ISNULL(T2.score,0) + ISNULL(T3.score,0) + ISNULL(T4.score,0)  

    117   FROM sc  

    118   LEFT JOIN sc AS T1  

    119   ON sc.Sid = T1.Sid AND T1.Cid = 'k1'  

    120   LEFT JOIN sc AS T2  

    121   ON sc.Sid = T2.Sid AND T2.Cid = 'k2'  

    122   LEFT JOIN sc AS T3  

    123   ON sc.Sid = T3.Sid AND T3.Cid = 'k3'  

    124   LEFT JOIN sc AS T4  

    125   ON sc.Sid = T4.Sid AND T4.Cid = 'k4'   

    126   ORDER BY ISNULL(T1.score,0) + ISNULL(T2.score,0) + ISNULL(T3.score,0) + ISNULL(T4.score,0) DESC);  

    23、统计列印各科成绩,各分数段人数:课程ID,课程名称,[100-85],[85-70],[70-60],[ <60]

    127   SELECT SC.Cid as 课程ID, Cname as 课程名称  

    128   ,SUM(CASE WHEN score BETWEEN 85 AND 100 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS [100 - 85]  

    129   ,SUM(CASE WHEN score BETWEEN 70 AND 85 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS [85 - 70]  

    130   ,SUM(CASE WHEN score BETWEEN 60 AND 70 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS [70 - 60]  

    131   ,SUM(CASE WHEN score < 60 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS [60 -]  

    132   FROM SC,Course  

    133   where SC.Cid=Course.Cid  

    134   GROUP BY SC.Cid,Cname; 


    135   SELECT 1+(SELECT COUNT( distinct 平均成绩)  

    136   FROM (SELECT Sid,AVG(score) AS 平均成绩  

    137   FROM SC  

    138   GROUP BY Sid  

    139   ) AS T1  

    140   WHERE 平均成绩 > T2.平均成绩) as 名次,  

    141   Sid as 学生学号,平均成绩  

    142   FROM (SELECT Sid,AVG(score) 平均成绩  

    143   FROM SC  

    144   GROUP BY Sid  

    145   ) AS T2  

    146   ORDER BY 平均成绩 desc;  


    147   SELECT t1.Sid as 学生ID,t1.Cid as 课程ID,Score as 分数  

    148   FROM SC t1  

    149   WHERE score IN (SELECT TOP 3 score  

    150   FROM SC  

    151   WHERE t1.Cid= Cid  

    152   ORDER BY score DESC   

    153   )  

    154   ORDER BY t1.Cid; 


    155   select cid,count(Sid) from sc group by Cid;  


    156   select SC.Sid,Student.Sname,count(Cid) AS 选课数  

    157   from SC ,Student  

    158   where SC.Sid=Student.Sid group by SC.Sid ,Student.Sname having count(Cid)=1;  


    159   Select count(Ssex) as 男生人数 from Student group by Ssex having Ssex='男';  

    160   Select count(Ssex) as 女生人数 from Student group by Ssex having Ssex='女'; 


    161   SELECT Sname FROM Student WHERE Sname like '张%';  


    162   select Sname,count(*) from Student group by Sname having count(*)>1;;  


    163   select Sname, CONVERT(char (11),DATEPART(year,Sage)) as age  

    164   from student  

    165   where CONVERT(char(11),DATEPART(year,Sage))='1981';  


    166   Select Cid,Avg(score) from SC group by Cid order by Avg(score),Cid DESC ;  


    167   select Sname,SC.Sid ,avg(score)  

    168   from Student,SC  

    169   where Student.Sid=SC.Sid group by SC.Sid,Sname having avg(score)>85;  


    170   Select Sname,isnull(score,0)  

    171   from Student,SC,Course  

    172   where SC.Sid=Student.Sid and SC.Cid=Course.Cid and Course.Cname='数据库'and score <60;  


    173   SELECT SC.Sid,SC.Cid,Sname,Cname  

    174   FROM SC,Student,Course  

    175   where SC.Sid=Student.Sid and SC.Cid=Course.Cid ; 


    176   SELECT distinct student.Sid,student.Sname,SC.Cid,SC.score  

    177   FROM student,Sc  

    178   WHERE SC.score>=70 AND SC.Sid=student.Sid;  


    179   select cid from sc where scor e <60 order by Cid ; 


    180   select SC.Sid,Student.Sname from SC,Student  

    181   where SC.Sid=Student.Sid and Score>80 and Cid='003'; 


    182   select count(*) from sc;  


    183   select Student.Sname,score  

    184   from Student,SC,Course C,Teacher  

    185   where Student.Sid=SC.Sid and SC.Cid=C.Cid and C.Tid=Teacher.Tid and Teacher.Tname='叶平'  

    186   and SC.score=(select max(score)from SC where Cid=C.Cid );  


    187   select count(*) from sc group by Cid;  


    188   select distinct A.Sid,B.score from SC A ,SC B where A.Score=B.Score and A.Cid <>B.Cid ; 


    189   SELECT t1.Sid as 学生ID,t1.Cid as 课程ID,Score as 分数  

    190   FROM SC t1  

    191   WHERE score IN (SELECT TOP 2 score  

    192   FROM SC  

    193   WHERE t1.Cid= Cid  

    194   ORDER BY score DESC  

    195   )  

    196   ORDER BY t1.Cid; 


    197   select Cid as 课程号,count(*) as 人数  

    198   from sc  

    199   group by Cid  

    200   order by count(*) desc,cid  


    201   select Sid  

    202   from sc  

    203   group by sid  

    204   having count(*) > = 2  


    205   select Cid,Cname  

    206   from Course  

    207   where Cid in (select cid from sc group by cid)  


    208   select Sname from Student where Sid not in (select Sid from Course,Teacher,SC  

    209   where Course.Tid=Teacher.Tid and SC.Cid=course.Cid and Tname='叶平');  


    210   select Sid,avg(isnull(score,0)) from SC  

    211   where Sid in (select Sid from SC where score <60  

    212   group by Sid having count(*)>2)group by Sid; 


    213   select Sid from SC where Cid='004'and score <60 order by score desc;   


    214   delete from Sc where Sid='001'and Cid='001'; 

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