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    1. 函数基础理解

    def hi(name='zhangyang'):   # 函数定义
        return 'hi ' + name
    print(hi())                 # 函数调用,打印:hi zhangyang
    # 将一个hi函数,赋值给一个greet变量(函数后跟小括号:函数调用;函数后不跟小括号:赋值)
    greet = hi
    print(greet)   # <function hi at 0x0000020E4C43B400>
    print(hi)      # <function hi at 0x0000020E4C43B400>
    print(greet())    # 打印:hi zhangyang
    print(hi())       # 打印:hi zhangyang
    # 删除hi函数
    del hi
    print(hi())      # 报错,打印:NameError: name 'hi' is not defined
    print(greet())   # 打印:hi zhangyang

    2. 在一个函数中,定义另外一个函数 

    def hi(name='zhangyang'):    # 函数定义
        print('now you are in the hi() function')
        def greet():   # 在函数中定义的函数
            return 'now you are in the greet() function'
        def welcome():
            return 'now you are in the welcome() function'
        print(greet())    # 调用greet()函数,并打印
        print('now you are back in the hi() function')
    hi()    # 函数调用,打印如下:
    now you are in the hi() function
    now you are in the greet() function
    now you are in the welcome() function
    now you are back in the hi() function
    greet()   # greet()函数在hi()函数体外,不能被访问,会报错。打印:NameError: name 'greet' is not defined

    3. 从函数中返回函数

    def hi(name='zhangyang'):
        def greet():
            return 'now you are in the greet() function'
        def welcome():
            return 'now you are in the welcome() function'
        if name == 'zhangyang':
            return greet   # 不带小括号,可以被传递(赋值给别的变量,而不去执行它)
            return welcome
    a = hi()         # a指向hi()函数中的greet()函数
    print(a)         # 打印:<function hi.<locals>.greet at 0x0000028001FFB840>
    a = hi('lisi')   # a指向hi()函数中的welcome()函数
    print(a)         # 打印:<function hi.<locals>.welcome at 0x0000028AA4D2BAE8>
    print(a())       # 打印:now you are in the greet() function
    print(hi()())    # 打印:now you are in the greet() function

    4. 将函数作为参数,传递给另外一个函数 

    def hi():
        return 'hi zhangyang'
    def doSomethingBeforeHi(func):   # 函数定义:将另一个函数作为形参
        print('i an doing some work before executing hi()')
    doSomethingBeforeHi(hi)  # 函数调用,将hi()函数传入(执行了doSomethingBeforeHi(),也执行了它中的hi()),打印如下:
    i an doing some work before executing hi()
    hi zhangyang

    5. 创建一个装饰器

    def a_new_decorator(a_func):
        def wrap_the_function():   # 定义wrap_the_function()
            print('i am doing some work before executing a_func()')
            print('i am doing some work after executing a_func()')
        return wrap_the_function   # 返回wrap_the_function()
    def a_function_requiring_decorator():    # 函数定义
        print('i am the function which needs some decoration')
    # 1. 普通函数调用
    a_function_requiring_decorator()   # ***普通函数调用,打印如下:
    i am the function which needs some decoration
    # 2. 装饰后的函数调用
    a_function_requiring_decorator = a_new_decorator(a_function_requiring_decorator)
    print(a_function_requiring_decorator)   # 打印:<function a_new_decorator.<locals>.wrap_the_function at 0x000002434CA3B7B8>
    a_function_requiring_decorator()  # ***装饰后的函数调用,调用a_new_decorator()中的wrap_the_function(),打印如下:
    i am doing some work before executing a_func()
    i am the function which needs some decoration
    i am doing some work after executing a_func()

    6. 使用@符号创建一个装饰器 

    def a_new_decorator(a_func):
        def wrap_the_function():   # 定义wrap_the_function()
            print('i am doing some work before executing a_func()')
            print('i am doing some work after executing a_func()')
        return wrap_the_function   # 返回wrap_the_function()
    @a_new_decorator    # 使用@符号,简洁的方式生成被装饰的函数
    def a_function_requiring_decoration():
        print('i am the function which needs some decoration')
    a_function_requiring_decoration()  # 函数调用,执行的是被装饰后的函数,打印如下:
    i am doing some work before executing a_func()
    i am the function which needs some decoration
    i am doing some work after executing a_func()


    a_function_requiring_decorator = a_new_decorator(a_function_requiring_decorator)

    7. wraps


    print(a_function_requiring_decoration.__name__)   # 打印:wrap_the_function


    from functools import wraps   # 导入wraps包
    def a_new_decorator(a_func):
        @wraps(a_func)   # 使用wraps处理
        def wrap_the_function():
            print('i am doing some work before executing a_func()')
            print('i am doing some work after executing a_func()')
        return wrap_the_function
    def a_function_requiring_decoration():
        print('i am the function which needs some decoration')
    i am doing some work before executing a_func()
    i am the function which needs some decoration
    i am doing some work after executing a_func()
    print(a_function_requiring_decoration.__name__)   # 打印:a_function_requiring_decoration


    8. 模板

    from functools import wraps
    def decorator_name(func):   # 装饰函数
        def decorated(*args, **kwargs):
            if not can_run:
                return 'function will not run'
            return func(*args, **kwargs)
        return decorated
    def func():      # 函数定义
        return('function is running')
    can_run = True
    print(func())    # 函数调用,打印:function is running
    can_run = False
    print(func())    # 函数调用,打印:function will not run
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/xiaochongc/p/12788100.html
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