Given a string containing just the characters '('
, ')'
, '{'
, '}'
, '['
and ']'
, determine if the input string is valid.
The brackets must close in the correct order, "()"
and "()[]{}"
are all valid but "(]"
and "([)]"
are not.
def isValid(s): matchDict={'(':')','[':']','{':'}'} strLen=len(s) stackList=[] for i in range(strLen): if s[i] not in matchDict.keys() and len(stackList)==0: return False elif s[i] in matchDict.keys(): stackList.append(s[i]) elif s[i]==matchDict[stackList[-1]]: stackList.pop() else: return False if len(stackList)==0: return True else: return False
class StackUnderflow(ValueError): #栈下溢(空栈访问) pass class SStack(): #基于顺序表技术实现的栈类 def __init__(self): #用list对象存储栈中元素 self._elems = [] #所有栈操作都映射到list操作 def is_empty(self): return self._elems == [] def top(self): if self._elems==[]: raise StackUnderflow("in SStack.top()") return self._elems[-1] def push(self,elem): self._elems.append(elem) def pop(self): if self._elems==[]: raise StackUnderflow("in SStack.pop()") return self._elems.pop() class Solution: def isValid(self, s): """ :type s: str :rtype: bool """ """括号配对检查函数,text是被检查的正文串""" parens = "()[]{}" open_parens = "([{" opposite = {")": "(", "]": "[", "}": "{"} def parenttheses(s): i,text_len = 0,len(s) #初始化 while True: while i<text_len and s[i] not in parens: i+=1 if i >= text_len: return yield s[i],i i+=1 st = SStack() for pr,i in parenttheses(s): if pr in open_parens: st.push(pr) else: if st.is_empty(): return False else: temp = st.pop() if temp !=opposite[pr]: return False if st.is_empty(): return True else: return False