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  • MegaCli使用方法



    ​ 一天小明做了个系统,要装ceph,也许是Raid卡不支持JBOD,就只能做Raid0咯,表面看着好像没区别,大佬还会跟你讲做Raid0有毛线用,我在想也许他还不知道Ceph是替代什么的吧,像我这种小白,连JBOD是什么都不知道,(之前Cisco UCS 做Raid的时候看到过这个选项)。


    ​JBOD是存储领域中一类重要的存储设备,Low点的说法叫Raid卡直通,Just a Bunch Of Disks是JBOD的全名,奥,JBOD真的是只是一堆盘的缩写,23333。

    ​如果已经安装完系统,并且没有配置JBOD 而是做了RAID 插入新磁盘, 系统是看不到的,但是有些业务是不能重启的 ,但是你还想加盘,这就需要Megacli来搞事情了。



    wegt https://docs.broadcom.com/docs-and-downloads/raid-controllers/raid-controllers-common-files/8-07-10_MegaCLI_Linux.zip
    unzip 8-07-10_MegaCLI_Linux.zip 
    yum localinstall 8.07.10_MegaCLI_Linux/Linux MegaCLI 8.07.10/MegaCli-8.07.10-1.noarch.rpm



    rpm -ql  rpm -ql MegaCli





    适配器 - 我们要使用的物理控制器,由id(通常为0)表示。

    机柜 - 物理机箱所附的物理驱动器,以id为代表,例如254,252等。

    物理驱动器 - 附加到控制器的物理硬盘,由id,0,1,2,3等代表

    虚拟驱动器 - 这些驱动器包含物理驱动器,并等同于由id,0,1,2,3等代表的RAID设备。

    例如,如果我们的RAID 0超过3个物理驱动器,我们得到:




    我们可以通过一个物理驱动器看到具有RAID 0的虚拟驱动器中的配置,我们有这种设置,因为物理驱动器连接到RAID控制器,并且为了将设备表示给系统,我们必须将其设置为兆位。

    默认情况下,我们将在RAID 0中看到虚拟驱动器的所有物理设备。



     lspci | grep -i raid


    03:00.0 RAID bus controller: LSI Logic / Symbios Logic MegaRAID SAS 2208 [Thunderbolt] (rev 05)

    这表明我这存在MegaRaid controller ;我可以愉快的使用MegaCli搞事!


     /opt/MegaRAID/MegaCli/MegaCli64  -AdpGetPciInfo -aAll



    PCI information for Controller 0
    Bus Number      : 23c0
    Device Number   : 0
    Function Number : a0
    Exit Code: 0x00



    /opt/MegaRAID/MegaCli/MegaCli64 -EncInfo -a0


        Number of enclosures on adapter 0 -- 1
        Enclosure 0:
        Device ID                     : 252
        Number of Slots               : 8
        Number of Power Supplies      : 0
        Number of Fans                : 0
        Number of Temperature Sensors : 0
        Number of Alarms              : 0
        Number of SIM Modules         : 1
        Number of Physical Drives     : 8
        Status                        : Normal
        Position                      : 1
        Connector Name                : Unavailable
        Enclosure type                : SGPIO
        FRU Part Number               : N/A
        Enclosure Serial Number       : N/A 
        ESM Serial Number             : N/A 
        Enclosure Zoning Mode         : N/A 
        Partner Device Id             : Unavailable
        Inquiry data                  :
            Vendor Identification     : LSI     
            Product Identification    : SGPIO           
            Product Revision Level    : N/A 
            Vendor Specific           :                     
    Exit Code: 0x00


    Device ID252
    Number of Slots( 可以连接到这个背板的最大物理驱动器 8


    /opt/MegaRAID/MegaCli/MegaCli64 -LdPdInfo -a0


    PD: 0 Information
    Enclosure Device ID: 252
    Slot Number: 1
    Drive's position: DiskGroup: 1, Span: 0, Arm: 0
    Enclosure position: N/A
    Device Id: 3
    WWN: 500003963820BFE1
    Sequence Number: 2
    Media Error Count: 0
    Other Error Count: 0
    Predictive Failure Count: 0
    Last Predictive Failure Event Seq Number: 0
    PD Type: SAS
    Raw Size: 279.396 GB [0x22ecb25c Sectors]
    Non Coerced Size: 278.896 GB [0x22dcb25c Sectors]
    Coerced Size: 278.875 GB [0x22dc0000 Sectors]
    Sector Size:  512
    Logical Sector Size:  512
    Physical Sector Size:  512
    Firmware state: Online, Spun Up
    Commissioned Spare : No
    Emergency Spare : No
    Device Firmware Level: 1004
    Shield Counter: 0
    Successful diagnostics completion on :  N/A
    SAS Address(0): 0x500003963820bfe2
    SAS Address(1): 0x0
    Connected Port Number: 1(path0) 
    Inquiry Data: TOSHIBA AL13SEB300      100445O0A05KFWC9        
    FDE Capable: Not Capable
    FDE Enable: Disable
    Secured: Unsecured
    Locked: Unlocked
    Needs EKM Attention: No
    Foreign State: None 
    Device Speed: 6.0Gb/s 
    Link Speed: 6.0Gb/s 
    Media Type: Hard Disk Device
    Drive:  Not Certified
    Drive Temperature :24C (75.20 F)
    PI Eligibility:  No 
    Drive is formatted for PI information:  No
    PI: No PI
    Port-0 :
    Port status: Active
    Port's Linkspeed: 6.0Gb/s 
    Port-1 :
    Port status: Active
    Port's Linkspeed: 6.0Gb/s 
    Drive has flagged a S.M.A.R.T alert : No
    Virtual Drive: 2 (Target Id: 2)
    Name                :
    RAID Level          : Primary-0, Secondary-0, RAID Level Qualifier-0
    Size                : 278.875 GB
    Sector Size         : 512
    Is VD emulated      : No
    Parity Size         : 0
    State               : Optimal
    Strip Size          : 256 KB
    Number Of Drives    : 1
    Span Depth          : 1
    Default Cache Policy: WriteThrough, ReadAhead, Direct, No Write Cache if Bad BBU
    Current Cache Policy: WriteThrough, ReadAhead, Direct, No Write Cache if Bad BBU
    Default Access Policy: Read/Write
    Current Access Policy: Read/Write
    Disk Cache Policy   : Disk's Default
    Encryption Type     : None
    PI type: No PI
    Is VD Cached: No
    Number of Spans: 1
    Span: 0 - Number of PDs: 1
    PD: 0 Information
    Enclosure Device ID: 252
    Slot Number: 3
    Drive's position: DiskGroup: 2, Span: 0, Arm: 0
    Enclosure position: N/A
    Device Id: 14
    WWN: 500003963820C81D
    Sequence Number: 2
    Media Error Count: 0
    Other Error Count: 0
    Predictive Failure Count: 0
    Last Predictive Failure Event Seq Number: 0
    PD Type: SAS
    Raw Size: 279.396 GB [0x22ecb25c Sectors]
    Non Coerced Size: 278.896 GB [0x22dcb25c Sectors]
    Coerced Size: 278.875 GB [0x22dc0000 Sectors]
    Sector Size:  512
    Logical Sector Size:  512
    Physical Sector Size:  512
    Firmware state: Online, Spun Up
    Commissioned Spare : No
    Emergency Spare : No
    Device Firmware Level: 1004
    Shield Counter: 0
    Successful diagnostics completion on :  N/A
    SAS Address(0): 0x500003963820c81e
    SAS Address(1): 0x0
    Connected Port Number: 3(path0) 
    Inquiry Data: TOSHIBA AL13SEB300      100445O0A08RFWC9        
    FDE Capable: Not Capable
    FDE Enable: Disable
    Secured: Unsecured
    Locked: Unlocked
    Needs EKM Attention: No
    Foreign State: None
    Device Speed: 6.0Gb/s
    Link Speed: 6.0Gb/s
    Media Type: Hard Disk Device
    Drive:  Not Certified
    Drive Temperature :26C (78.80 F)
    PI Eligibility:  No
    Drive is formatted for PI information:  No
    PI: No PI
    Port-0 :
    Port status: Active
    Port's Linkspeed: 6.0Gb/s
    Port-1 :
    Port status: Active
    Port's Linkspeed: 6.0Gb/s
    Drive has flagged a S.M.A.R.T alert : No
    Virtual Drive: 3 (Target Id: 3)
    Name                :
    RAID Level          : Primary-0, Secondary-0, RAID Level Qualifier-0
    Size                : 278.875 GB
    Sector Size         : 512
    Is VD emulated      : No
    Parity Size         : 0
    State               : Optimal
    Strip Size          : 256 KB
    Number Of Drives    : 1
    Span Depth          : 1
    Default Cache Policy: WriteThrough, ReadAhead, Direct, No Write Cache if Bad BBU
    Current Cache Policy: WriteThrough, ReadAhead, Direct, No Write Cache if Bad BBU
    Default Access Policy: Read/Write
    Current Access Policy: Read/Write
    Disk Cache Policy   : Disk's Default
    Encryption Type     : None
    PI type: No PI
    Is VD Cached: No
    Number of Spans: 1
    Span: 0 - Number of PDs: 1
    PD: 0 Information
    Enclosure Device ID: 252
    Slot Number: 2
    Drive's position: DiskGroup: 3, Span: 0, Arm: 0
    Enclosure position: N/A
    Device Id: 16
    WWN: 500003963820C225
    Sequence Number: 2
    Media Error Count: 0
    Other Error Count: 0
    Predictive Failure Count: 0
    Last Predictive Failure Event Seq Number: 0
    PD Type: SAS
    Raw Size: 279.396 GB [0x22ecb25c Sectors]
    Non Coerced Size: 278.896 GB [0x22dcb25c Sectors]
    Coerced Size: 278.875 GB [0x22dc0000 Sectors]
    Sector Size:  512
    Logical Sector Size:  512
    Physical Sector Size:  512
    Firmware state: Online, Spun Up
    Commissioned Spare : No
    Emergency Spare : No
    Device Firmware Level: 1004
    Shield Counter: 0
    Successful diagnostics completion on :  N/A
    SAS Address(0): 0x500003963820c226
    SAS Address(1): 0x0
    Connected Port Number: 2(path0) 
    Inquiry Data: TOSHIBA AL13SEB300      100445O0A06AFWC9        
    FDE Capable: Not Capable
    FDE Enable: Disable
    Secured: Unsecured
    Locked: Unlocked
    Needs EKM Attention: No
    Foreign State: None 
    Device Speed: 6.0Gb/s 
    Link Speed: 6.0Gb/s 
    Media Type: Hard Disk Device
    Drive:  Not Certified
    Drive Temperature :26C (78.80 F)
    PI Eligibility:  No 
    Drive is formatted for PI information:  No
    PI: No PI
    Port-0 :
    Port status: Active
    Port's Linkspeed: 6.0Gb/s
    Port-1 :
    Port status: Active
    Port's Linkspeed: 6.0Gb/s 
    Drive has flagged a S.M.A.R.T alert : No
    Virtual Drive: 4 (Target Id: 4)
    Name                :
    RAID Level          : Primary-0, Secondary-0, RAID Level Qualifier-0
    Size                : 837.843 GB
    Sector Size         : 512
    Is VD emulated      : No
    Parity Size         : 0
    State               : Optimal
    Strip Size          : 256 KB
    Number Of Drives    : 1
    Span Depth          : 1
    Default Cache Policy: WriteThrough, ReadAhead, Direct, No Write Cache if Bad BBU
    Current Cache Policy: WriteThrough, ReadAhead, Direct, No Write Cache if Bad BBU
    Default Access Policy: Read/Write
    Current Access Policy: Read/Write
    Disk Cache Policy   : Disk's Default
    Encryption Type     : None
    PI type: No PI
    Is VD Cached: No
    Number of Spans: 1
    Span: 0 - Number of PDs: 1
    PD: 0 Information
    Enclosure Device ID: 252
    Slot Number: 4
    Drive's position: DiskGroup: 4, Span: 0, Arm: 0
    Enclosure position: N/A
    Device Id: 15
    WWN: 5000C500958D1EB8
    Sequence Number: 2
    Media Error Count: 0
    Other Error Count: 0
    Predictive Failure Count: 0
    Last Predictive Failure Event Seq Number: 0
    PD Type: SAS
    Raw Size: 838.362 GB [0x68cb9e30 Sectors]
    Non Coerced Size: 837.862 GB [0x68bb9e30 Sectors]
    Coerced Size: 837.843 GB [0x68bb0000 Sectors]
    Sector Size:  512
    Logical Sector Size:  512
    Physical Sector Size:  512
    Firmware state: Online, Spun Up
    Commissioned Spare : No
    Emergency Spare : No
    Device Firmware Level: L56Q
    Shield Counter: 0
    Successful diagnostics completion on :  N/A
    SAS Address(0): 0x5000c500958d1eb9
    SAS Address(1): 0x0
    Connected Port Number: 4(path0) 
    Inquiry Data: LENOVO-XST900MM0006     L56QS0N5129S0521B5C9    
    FDE Capable: Not Capable
    FDE Enable: Disable
    Secured: Unsecured
    Locked: Unlocked
    Needs EKM Attention: No
    Foreign State: None 
    Device Speed: 6.0Gb/s 
    Link Speed: 6.0Gb/s 
    Media Type: Hard Disk Device
    Drive:  Not Certified
    Drive Temperature :28C (82.40 F)
    PI Eligibility:  Yes 
    Number of bytes of user data in LBA: 512 
    Drive is formatted for PI information:  Yes 
    PI: PI with type 2
    Port-0 :
    Port status: Active
    Port's Linkspeed: 6.0Gb/s
    Port-1 :
    Port status: Active
    Port's Linkspeed: 6.0Gb/s 
    Drive has flagged a S.M.A.R.T alert : No
    Virtual Drive: 5 (Target Id: 5)
    Name                :
    RAID Level          : Primary-0, Secondary-0, RAID Level Qualifier-0
    Size                : 278.875 GB
    Sector Size         : 512
    Is VD emulated      : No
    Parity Size         : 0
    State               : Optimal
    Strip Size          : 256 KB
    Number Of Drives    : 1
    Span Depth          : 1
    Default Cache Policy: WriteBack, ReadAdaptive, Direct, No Write Cache if Bad BBU
    Current Cache Policy: WriteThrough, ReadAdaptive, Direct, No Write Cache if Bad BBU
    Default Access Policy: Read/Write
    Current Access Policy: Read/Write
    Disk Cache Policy   : Disk's Default
    Encryption Type     : None
    PI type: No PI
    Is VD Cached: No
    Number of Spans: 1
    Span: 0 - Number of PDs: 1
    PD: 0 Information
    Enclosure Device ID: 252
    Slot Number: 5
    Drive's position: DiskGroup: 5, Span: 0, Arm: 0
    Enclosure position: N/A
    Device Id: 18
    WWN: 500003963820C429
    Sequence Number: 2
    Media Error Count: 0
    Other Error Count: 0
    Predictive Failure Count: 0
    Last Predictive Failure Event Seq Number: 0
    PD Type: SAS
    Raw Size: 279.396 GB [0x22ecb25c Sectors]
    Non Coerced Size: 278.896 GB [0x22dcb25c Sectors]
    Coerced Size: 278.875 GB [0x22dc0000 Sectors]
    Sector Size:  512
    Logical Sector Size:  512
    Physical Sector Size:  512
    Firmware state: Online, Spun Up
    Commissioned Spare : No
    Emergency Spare : No
    Device Firmware Level: 1004
    Shield Counter: 0
    Successful diagnostics completion on :  N/A
    SAS Address(0): 0x500003963820c42a
    SAS Address(1): 0x0
    Connected Port Number: 5(path0) 
    Inquiry Data: TOSHIBA AL13SEB300      100445O0A06TFWC9        
    FDE Capable: Not Capable
    FDE Enable: Disable
    Secured: Unsecured
    Locked: Unlocked
    Needs EKM Attention: No
    Foreign State: None 
    Device Speed: 6.0Gb/s 
    Link Speed: 6.0Gb/s 
    Media Type: Hard Disk Device
    Drive:  Not Certified
    Drive Temperature :24C (75.20 F)
    PI Eligibility:  No 
    Drive is formatted for PI information:  No
    PI: No PI
    Port-0 :
    Port status: Active
    Port's Linkspeed: 6.0Gb/s 
    Port-1 :
    Port status: Active
    Port's Linkspeed: 6.0Gb/s 
    Drive has flagged a S.M.A.R.T alert : No
    Virtual Drive: 6 (Target Id: 6)
    Name                :
    RAID Level          : Primary-0, Secondary-0, RAID Level Qualifier-0
    Size                : 278.875 GB
    Sector Size         : 512
    Is VD emulated      : No
    Parity Size         : 0
    State               : Optimal
    Strip Size          : 256 KB
    Number Of Drives    : 1
    Span Depth          : 1
    Default Cache Policy: WriteBack, ReadAdaptive, Direct, No Write Cache if Bad BBU
    Current Cache Policy: WriteThrough, ReadAdaptive, Direct, No Write Cache if Bad BBU
    Default Access Policy: Read/Write
    Current Access Policy: Read/Write
    Disk Cache Policy   : Disk's Default
    Encryption Type     : None
    PI type: No PI
    Is VD Cached: No
    Number of Spans: 1
    Span: 0 - Number of PDs: 1
    PD: 0 Information
    Enclosure Device ID: 252
    Slot Number: 6
    Drive's position: DiskGroup: 6, Span: 0, Arm: 0
    Enclosure position: N/A
    Device Id: 19
    WWN: 500003963820BFF1
    Sequence Number: 2
    Media Error Count: 0
    Other Error Count: 0
    Predictive Failure Count: 0
    Last Predictive Failure Event Seq Number: 0
    PD Type: SAS
    Raw Size: 279.396 GB [0x22ecb25c Sectors]
    Non Coerced Size: 278.896 GB [0x22dcb25c Sectors]
    Coerced Size: 278.875 GB [0x22dc0000 Sectors]
    Sector Size:  512
    Logical Sector Size:  512
    Physical Sector Size:  512
    Firmware state: Online, Spun Up
    Commissioned Spare : No
    Emergency Spare : No
    Device Firmware Level: 1004
    Shield Counter: 0
    Successful diagnostics completion on :  N/A
    SAS Address(0): 0x500003963820bff2
    SAS Address(1): 0x0
    Connected Port Number: 6(path0) 
    Inquiry Data: TOSHIBA AL13SEB300      100445O0A05MFWC9        
    FDE Capable: Not Capable
    FDE Enable: Disable
    Secured: Unsecured
    Locked: Unlocked
    Needs EKM Attention: No
    Foreign State: None 
    Device Speed: 6.0Gb/s 
    Link Speed: 6.0Gb/s 
    Media Type: Hard Disk Device
    Drive:  Not Certified
    Drive Temperature :24C (75.20 F)
    PI Eligibility:  No 
    Drive is formatted for PI information:  No
    PI: No PI
    Port-0 :
    Port status: Active
    Port's Linkspeed: 6.0Gb/s 
    Port-1 :
    Port status: Active
    Port's Linkspeed: 6.0Gb/s 
    Drive has flagged a S.M.A.R.T alert : No
    Virtual Drive: 7 (Target Id: 7)
    Name                :
    RAID Level          : Primary-0, Secondary-0, RAID Level Qualifier-0
    Size                : 278.875 GB
    Sector Size         : 512
    Is VD emulated      : No
    Parity Size         : 0
    State               : Optimal
    Strip Size          : 256 KB
    Number Of Drives    : 1
    Span Depth          : 1
    Default Cache Policy: WriteBack, ReadAdaptive, Direct, No Write Cache if Bad BBU
    Current Cache Policy: WriteThrough, ReadAdaptive, Direct, No Write Cache if Bad BBU
    Default Access Policy: Read/Write
    Current Access Policy: Read/Write
    Disk Cache Policy   : Disk's Default
    Encryption Type     : None
    PI type: No PI
    Is VD Cached: No
    Number of Spans: 1
    Span: 0 - Number of PDs: 1
    PD: 0 Information
    Enclosure Device ID: 252
    Slot Number: 7
    Drive's position: DiskGroup: 7, Span: 0, Arm: 0
    Enclosure position: N/A
    Device Id: 20
    WWN: 500003963820C2D1
    Sequence Number: 2
    Media Error Count: 0
    Other Error Count: 0
    Predictive Failure Count: 0
    Last Predictive Failure Event Seq Number: 0
    PD Type: SAS
    Raw Size: 279.396 GB [0x22ecb25c Sectors]
    Non Coerced Size: 278.896 GB [0x22dcb25c Sectors]
    Coerced Size: 278.875 GB [0x22dc0000 Sectors]
    Sector Size:  512
    Logical Sector Size:  512
    Physical Sector Size:  512
    Firmware state: Online, Spun Up
    Commissioned Spare : No
    Emergency Spare : No
    Device Firmware Level: 1004
    Shield Counter: 0
    Successful diagnostics completion on :  N/A
    SAS Address(0): 0x500003963820c2d2
    SAS Address(1): 0x0
    Connected Port Number: 7(path0) 
    Inquiry Data: TOSHIBA AL13SEB300      100445O0A06HFWC9        
    FDE Capable: Not Capable
    FDE Enable: Disable
    Secured: Unsecured
    Locked: Unlocked
    Needs EKM Attention: No
    Foreign State: None 
    Device Speed: 6.0Gb/s 
    Link Speed: 6.0Gb/s 
    Media Type: Hard Disk Device
    Drive:  Not Certified
    Drive Temperature :24C (75.20 F)
    PI Eligibility:  No 
    Drive is formatted for PI information:  No
    PI: No PI
    Port-0 :
    Port status: Active
    Port's Linkspeed: 6.0Gb/s 
    Port-1 :
    Port status: Active
    Port's Linkspeed: 6.0Gb/s 
    Drive has flagged a S.M.A.R.T alert : No
    Exit Code: 0x00

    Slot Number是物理驱动器连接的插槽号,也就是对应物理驱动器id

    获取Virtual drives信息

    /opt/MegaRAID/MegaCli/MegaCli64  -LDInfo -Lall -a0


    Adapter 0 -- Virtual Drive Information:
    Virtual Drive: 0 (Target Id: 0)
    Name                :
    RAID Level          : Primary-0, Secondary-0, RAID Level Qualifier-0
    Size                : 185.781 GB
    Sector Size         : 512
    Is VD emulated      : Yes
    Parity Size         : 0
    State               : Optimal
    Strip Size          : 256 KB
    Number Of Drives    : 1
    Span Depth          : 1
    Default Cache Policy: WriteThrough, ReadAhead, Direct, No Write Cache if Bad BBU
    Current Cache Policy: WriteThrough, ReadAhead, Direct, No Write Cache if Bad BBU
    Default Access Policy: Read/Write
    Current Access Policy: Read/Write
    Disk Cache Policy   : Enabled
    Encryption Type     : None
    PI type: No PI
    Is VD Cached: No
    Virtual Drive: 1 (Target Id: 1)
    Name                :
    RAID Level          : Primary-0, Secondary-0, RAID Level Qualifier-0
    Size                : 278.875 GB
    Sector Size         : 512
    Is VD emulated      : No
    Parity Size         : 0
    State               : Optimal
    Strip Size          : 256 KB
    Number Of Drives    : 1
    Span Depth          : 1
    Default Cache Policy: WriteThrough, ReadAhead, Direct, No Write Cache if Bad BBU
    Current Cache Policy: WriteThrough, ReadAhead, Direct, No Write Cache if Bad BBU
    Default Access Policy: Read/Write
    Current Access Policy: Read/Write
    Disk Cache Policy   : Disk's Default
    Encryption Type     : None
    PI type: No PI
    Is VD Cached: No
    Virtual Drive: 2 (Target Id: 2)
    Name                :
    RAID Level          : Primary-0, Secondary-0, RAID Level Qualifier-0
    Size                : 278.875 GB
    Sector Size         : 512
    Is VD emulated      : No
    Parity Size         : 0
    State               : Optimal
    Strip Size          : 256 KB
    Number Of Drives    : 1
    Span Depth          : 1
    Default Cache Policy: WriteThrough, ReadAhead, Direct, No Write Cache if Bad BBU
    Current Cache Policy: WriteThrough, ReadAhead, Direct, No Write Cache if Bad BBU
    Default Access Policy: Read/Write
    Current Access Policy: Read/Write
    Disk Cache Policy   : Disk's Default
    Encryption Type     : None
    PI type: No PI
    Is VD Cached: No
    Virtual Drive: 3 (Target Id: 3)
    Name                :
    RAID Level          : Primary-0, Secondary-0, RAID Level Qualifier-0
    Size                : 278.875 GB
    Sector Size         : 512
    Is VD emulated      : No
    Parity Size         : 0
    State               : Optimal
    Strip Size          : 256 KB
    Number Of Drives    : 1
    Span Depth          : 1
    Default Cache Policy: WriteThrough, ReadAhead, Direct, No Write Cache if Bad BBU
    Current Cache Policy: WriteThrough, ReadAhead, Direct, No Write Cache if Bad BBU
    Default Access Policy: Read/Write
    Current Access Policy: Read/Write
    Disk Cache Policy   : Disk's Default
    Encryption Type     : None
    PI type: No PI
    Is VD Cached: No
    Virtual Drive: 4 (Target Id: 4)
    Name                :
    RAID Level          : Primary-0, Secondary-0, RAID Level Qualifier-0
    Size                : 837.843 GB
    Sector Size         : 512
    Is VD emulated      : No
    Parity Size         : 0
    State               : Optimal
    Strip Size          : 256 KB
    Number Of Drives    : 1
    Span Depth          : 1
    Default Cache Policy: WriteThrough, ReadAhead, Direct, No Write Cache if Bad BBU
    Current Cache Policy: WriteThrough, ReadAhead, Direct, No Write Cache if Bad BBU
    Default Access Policy: Read/Write
    Current Access Policy: Read/Write
    Disk Cache Policy   : Disk's Default
    Encryption Type     : None
    PI type: No PI
    Is VD Cached: No
    Virtual Drive: 5 (Target Id: 5)
    Name                :
    RAID Level          : Primary-0, Secondary-0, RAID Level Qualifier-0
    Size                : 278.875 GB
    Sector Size         : 512
    Is VD emulated      : No
    Parity Size         : 0
    State               : Optimal
    Strip Size          : 256 KB
    Number Of Drives    : 1
    Span Depth          : 1
    Default Cache Policy: WriteBack, ReadAdaptive, Direct, No Write Cache if Bad BBU
    Current Cache Policy: WriteThrough, ReadAdaptive, Direct, No Write Cache if Bad BBU
    Default Access Policy: Read/Write
    Current Access Policy: Read/Write
    Disk Cache Policy   : Disk's Default
    Encryption Type     : None
    PI type: No PI
    Is VD Cached: No
    Virtual Drive: 6 (Target Id: 6)
    Name                :
    RAID Level          : Primary-0, Secondary-0, RAID Level Qualifier-0
    Size                : 278.875 GB
    Sector Size         : 512
    Is VD emulated      : No
    Parity Size         : 0
    State               : Optimal
    Strip Size          : 256 KB
    Number Of Drives    : 1
    Span Depth          : 1
    Default Cache Policy: WriteBack, ReadAdaptive, Direct, No Write Cache if Bad BBU
    Current Cache Policy: WriteThrough, ReadAdaptive, Direct, No Write Cache if Bad BBU
    Default Access Policy: Read/Write
    Current Access Policy: Read/Write
    Disk Cache Policy   : Disk's Default
    Encryption Type     : None
    PI type: No PI
    Is VD Cached: No
    Virtual Drive: 7 (Target Id: 7)
    Name                :
    RAID Level          : Primary-0, Secondary-0, RAID Level Qualifier-0
    Size                : 278.875 GB
    Sector Size         : 512
    Is VD emulated      : No
    Parity Size         : 0
    State               : Optimal
    Strip Size          : 256 KB
    Number Of Drives    : 1
    Span Depth          : 1
    Default Cache Policy: WriteBack, ReadAdaptive, Direct, No Write Cache if Bad BBU
    Current Cache Policy: WriteThrough, ReadAdaptive, Direct, No Write Cache if Bad BBU
    Default Access Policy: Read/Write
    Current Access Policy: Read/Write
    Disk Cache Policy   : Disk's Default
    Encryption Type     : None
    PI type: No PI
    Is VD Cached: No
    Exit Code: 0x00
    Target ID表RAID创建过程中 创建的虚拟驱动器
    Size RAID设备的大小,这个大小是实际可分配的大小

    获取Virtual drives内的物理驱动器信息

    这就有点难了, 其实没什么卵用,记下来留着以后copy

    /opt/MegaRAID/MegaCli/MegaCli64  -LdPdInfo -a0 | grep -E "Virtual Drive:|Slot Number:" | xargs | sed -r 's/(Slot Number:)(s[0-9]+)/2,/g' | sed 's/(Target Id: .)/Physical Drives ids:/g' | sed 's/Virtual Drive:/
    Virtual Drive:/g'


    Virtual Drive: 0 Physical Drives ids:  0, 
    Virtual Drive: 1 Physical Drives ids:  1, 
    Virtual Drive: 2 Physical Drives ids:  3, 
    Virtual Drive: 3 Physical Drives ids:  2, 
    Virtual Drive: 4 Physical Drives ids:  4, 
    Virtual Drive: 5 Physical Drives ids:  5, 
    Virtual Drive: 6 Physical Drives ids:  6, 
    Virtual Drive: 7 Physical Drives ids:  7,

    或者使用这个工具 "megasasctl"

    创建RAID设备(Virtual drives)



    Adpater id: 0
    Enclosure id: 252
    Physical Drive ids: 3
    Raid Level: 0


    /opt/MegaRAID/MegaCli/MegaCli64 -CfgLdAdd -rX[enclosure_id:physical_id,enclosure_id:physical_id] -aN

    X 是 RAID级别

    N 是 adapter ID


    /opt/MegaRAID/MegaCli/MegaCli64  -CfgLdAdd -r0[252:3,252:4] -a0



    /opt/MegaRAID/MegaCli/MegaCli64 -CfgSpanAdd -r10 -Array0 [252:2,252:3] -Array1 [252:4,252:5] -a0


    删Virtual drives2

    /opt/MegaRAID/MegaCli/MegaCli64 -CfgLdDel -L2 -a0


    查看机器型号    # dmidecode | grep "Product" 
    查看厂商    # dmidecode| grep  "Manufacturer" 
    查看序列号    # dmidecode | grep  "Serial Number" 
    查看CPU信息    # dmidecode | grep  "CPU" 
    查看CPU个数    # dmidecode | grep  "Socket Designation: CPU" |wc –l 
    查看出厂日期    # dmidecode | grep "Date" 
    查看充电状态    # MegaCli -AdpBbuCmd -GetBbuStatus -aALL |grep "Charger Status" 
    显示BBU状态信息    # MegaCli -AdpBbuCmd -GetBbuStatus –aALL 
    显示BBU容量信息    # MegaCli -AdpBbuCmd -GetBbuCapacityInfo –aALL 
    显示BBU设计参数    # MegaCli -AdpBbuCmd -GetBbuDesignInfo –aALL 
    显示当前BBU属性    # MegaCli -AdpBbuCmd -GetBbuProperties –aALL 
    查看充电进度百分比    # MegaCli -AdpBbuCmd -GetBbuStatus -aALL |grep "Relative State of Charge" 
    查询Raid阵列数    # MegaCli -cfgdsply -aALL |grep "Number of DISK GROUPS:" 
    显示Raid卡型号,Raid设置,Disk相关信息      # MegaCli -cfgdsply –aALL 
    显示所有物理信息    # MegaCli -PDList -aALL 
    显示所有逻辑磁盘组信息    # MegaCli -LDInfo -LALL –aAll 
    查看物理磁盘重建进度(重要)    # MegaCli -PDRbld -ShowProg -PhysDrv [1:5] -a0 
    查看适配器个数    #MegaCli –adpCount 
    查看适配器时间    #MegaCli -AdpGetTime –aALL 
    显示所有适配器信息    #MegaCli -AdpAllInfo –aAll 
    查看Cache 策略设置    # MegaCli -cfgdsply -aALL |grep Polic
    MegaCli -PDList -aALL
    MegaCli -LDGetProp -Cache -L0 -a0
    MegaCli -LDGetProp -Cache -L1 -a0
    MegaCli -LDGetProp -Cache -LALL -a0
    MegaCli -LDGetProp -Cache -LALL -aALL
    MegaCli -LDGetProp -DskCache -LALL -aALL
    WT    (Write through 
    WB    (Write back) 
    NORA  (No read ahead) 
    RA    (Read ahead) 
    ADRA  (Adaptive read ahead) 
    MegaCli -LDSetProp WT|WB|NORA|RA|ADRA -L0 -a0 
    MegaCli -LDSetProp -Cached|-Direct -L0 -a0 
    enable / disable disk cache 
    MegaCli -LDSetProp -EnDskCache|-DisDskCache -L0 -a0 
    4、创建/删除 阵列 
        4.1 创建一个 raid5 阵列,由物理盘 2,3,4 构成,该阵列的热备盘是物理盘 5 
    MegaCli -CfgLdAdd -r5 [1:2,1:3,1:4] WB Direct -Hsp[1:5] –a0 
        4.2 创建阵列,不指定热备 
    MegaCli -CfgLdAdd -r5 [1:2,1:3,1:4] WB Direct –a0 
        4.3 删除阵列 
    MegaCli -CfgLdDel -L1 –a0 
        4.4 在线添加磁盘 
    MegaCli -LDRecon -Start -r5 -Add -PhysDrv[1:4] -L1 -a0 
    意思是,重建逻辑磁盘组1,raid级别是5,添加物理磁盘号:1:4。重建完后,新添加的物理磁盘会自动处于重建(同步)状态,这个 时候 fdisk -l是看不到阵列的空间变大的,只有在系统重启后才能看见。 
        5.1 阵列创建完后,会有一个初始化同步块的过程,可以看看其进度。 
    MegaCli -LDInit -ShowProg -LALL -aALL 
    MegaCli -LDInit -ProgDsply -LALL –aALL 
        5.2 查看阵列后台初始化进度 
    MegaCli -LDBI -ShowProg -LALL -aALL 
    MegaCli -LDBI -ProgDsply -LALL -aALL 
    指定第 5 块盘作为全局热备 
    MegaCli -PDHSP -Set [-EnclAffinity] [-nonRevertible] -PhysDrv[1:5] -a0 
    MegaCli -PDHSP -Set [-Dedicated [-Array1]] [-EnclAffinity] [-nonRevertible] -PhysDrv[1:5] -a0 
    MegaCli -PDHSP -Rmv -PhysDrv[1:5] -a0 
    MegaCli -PDOffline -PhysDrv [1:4] -a0 
    MegaCli -PDOnline -PhysDrv [1:4] -a0 
    MegaCli -PDRbld -ShowProg -PhysDrv [1:5] -a0

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/xiaodoujiaohome/p/11731444.html
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