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  • Annovar 信息注释

    ANNOVAR 注释软件



    ANNOVAR能够利用最新的数据来分析各种基因组中的遗传变异。主要包含三种不同的注释方法,Gene-based Annotation(基于基因的注释)、Region-based Annotation(基于区域的注释)、Filter-based Annotation(基于筛选的注释)。





    │  annotate_variation.pl #主程序,功能包括下载数据库,三种不同的注释
    │  coding_change.pl #可用来推断蛋白质序列
    │  convert2annovar.pl #将多种格式转为.avinput的程序
    │  retrieve_seq_from_fasta.pl #用于自行建立其他物种的转录本
    │  table_annovar.pl #注释程序,可一次性完成三种类型的注释
    │  variants_reduction.pl #可用来更灵活地定制过滤注释流程
    ├─example #存放示例文件
    └─humandb #人类注释数据库



    [kaiwang@biocluster ~/]$ Perl annotate_variation.pl -buildver hg19 -downdb -webfrom annovar refGene humandb/
    # -buildver 表示version
    # -downdb 下载数据库的指令
    # -webfrom annovar 从annovar提供的镜像下载,不加此参数将寻找数据库本身的源
    # humandb/ 存放于humandb/目录下

    ANNOVAR的官方文档列出了可供下载的数据库及版本、更新日期等信息,可用-downdb avdblist参数查看。



    [kaiwang@biocluster ~/]$ cat example/ex1.avinput
    1 948921 948921 T C comments: rs15842, a SNP in 5' UTR of ISG15
    1 1404001 1404001 G T comments: rs149123833, a SNP in 3' UTR of ATAD3C
    1 5935162 5935162 A T comments: rs1287637, a splice site variant in NPHP4
    1 162736463 162736463 C T comments: rs1000050, a SNP in Illumina SNP arrays
    1 84875173 84875173 C T comments: rs6576700 or SNP_A-1780419, a SNP in Affymetrix SNP arrays
    1 13211293 13211294 TC - comments: rs59770105, a 2-bp deletion
    1 11403596 11403596 - AT comments: rs35561142, a 2-bp insertion
    1 105492231 105492231 A ATAAA comments: rs10552169, a block substitution
    1 67705958 67705958 G A comments: rs11209026 (R381Q), a SNP in IL23R associated with Crohn's disease
    2 234183368 234183368 A G comments: rs2241880 (T300A), a SNP in the ATG16L1 associated with Crohn's disease
    16 50745926 50745926 C T comments: rs2066844 (R702W), a non-synonymous SNP in NOD2
    16 50756540 50756540 G C comments: rs2066845 (G908R), a non-synonymous SNP in NOD2
    16 50763778 50763778 - C comments: rs2066847 (c.3016_3017insC), a frameshift SNP in NOD2
    13 20763686 20763686 G - comments: rs1801002 (del35G), a frameshift mutation in GJB2, associated with hearing loss
    13 20797176 21105944 0 - comments: a 342kb deletion encompassing GJB6, associated with hearing loss


    1. 染色体(Chromosome)
    2. 起始位置(Start)
    3. 结束位置(End)
    4. 参考等位基因(Reference Allele)
    5. 替代等位基因(Alternative Allele)
    6. 剩下为注释部分(可选)。




    $ convert2annovar.pl -format vcf4 example/ex2.vcf > ex2.avinput
    # -format vcf4 指定格式为vcf



    • SAMtools pileup format
    • Complete Genomics format
    • GFF3-SOLiD calling format
    • SOAPsnp calling format
    • MAQ calling format
    • CASAVA calling format




    [kaiwang@biocluster ~/]$ table_annovar.pl example/ex1.avinput humandb/ -buildver hg19 -out myanno -remove -protocol refGene,cytoBand,genomicSuperDups,esp6500siv2_all,1000g2014oct_all,1000g2014oct_afr,1000g2014oct_eas,1000g2014oct_eur,snp138,ljb26_all -operation g,r,r,f,f,f,f,f,f,f -nastring . -csvout
    # -buildver hg19 表示使用hg19版本
    # -out myanno 表示输出文件的前缀为myanno
    # -remove 表示删除注释过程中的临时文件
    # -protocol 表示注释使用的数据库,用逗号隔开,且要注意顺序
    # -operation 表示对应顺序的数据库的类型(g代表gene-based、r代表region-based、f代表filter-based),用逗号隔开,注意顺序
    # -nastring . 表示用点号替代缺省的值
    # -csvout 表示最后输出.csv文件


    Gene-based Annotation(基于基因的注释)

    基于基因的注释(gene-based annotation)揭示variant与已知基因直接的关系以及对其产生的功能性影响,需要使用for gene-based的数据库。


    [kaiwang@biocluster ~/]$ annotate_variation.pl -geneanno -dbtype refGene -out ex1 -build hg19 example/ex1.avinput humandb/
    # -geneanno  表示使用基于基因的注释
    # -dbtype refGene  表示使用"refGene"数据库
    # -out ex1  表示输出文件以ex1为前缀

    因为annotate_variation.pl默认使用gene-based注释类型以及refGene数据库,所以上面的命令可以缺省-geneanno -dbtype refGene


    1. ex1.variant_function 注释所有变异所在基因及位置
    2. ex1.exonic_variant_function 详细注释外显子区域的变异功能、类型、氨基酸改变等
    3. ex1.ann.log log文件,包含运行的命令行及运行提示,所用数据库文件



    [kaiwang@biocluster ~/]$ cat ex1.variant_function 
    UTR5 ISG15(NM_005101:c.-33T>C) 1 948921 948921 T C comments: rs15842, a SNP in 5' UTR of ISG15
    UTR3 ATAD3C(NM_001039211:c.*91G>T) 1 1404001 1404001 G T comments: rs149123833, a SNP in 3' UTR of ATAD3C
    splicing NPHP4(NM_001291593:exon19:c.1279-2T>A,NM_001291594:exon18:c.1282-2T>A,NM_015102:exon22:c.2818-2T>A) 1 5935162 5935162 A T comments: rs1287637, a splice site variant in NPHP4
    intronic DDR2 1 162736463 162736463 C T comments: rs1000050, a SNP in Illumina SNP arrays
    intronic DNASE2B 1 84875173 84875173 C T comments: rs6576700 or SNP_A-1780419, a SNP in Affymetrix SNP arrays
    intergenic LOC645354(dist=11566),LOC391003(dist=116902) 1 13211293 13211294 TC - comments: rs59770105, a 2-bp deletion
    intergenic UBIAD1(dist=55105),PTCHD2(dist=135699) 1 11403596 11403596 - AT comments: rs35561142, a 2-bp insertion
    intergenic LOC100129138(dist=872538),NONE(dist=NONE) 1 105492231 105492231 A ATAAA comments: rs10552169, a block substitution
    exonic IL23R 1 67705958 67705958 G A comments: rs11209026 (R381Q), a SNP in IL23R associated with Crohn's disease
    exonic ATG16L1 2 234183368 234183368 A G comments: rs2241880 (T300A), a SNP in the ATG16L1 associated with Crohn's disease
    exonic NOD2 16 50745926 50745926 C T comments: rs2066844 (R702W), a non-synonymous SNP in NOD2
    exonic NOD2 16 50756540 50756540 G C comments: rs2066845 (G908R), a non-synonymous SNP in NOD2
    exonic NOD2 16 50763778 50763778 - C comments: rs2066847 (c.3016_3017insC), a frameshift SNP in NOD2
    exonic GJB2 13 20763686 20763686 G - comments: rs1801002 (del35G), a frameshift mutation in GJB2, associated with hearing loss
    exonic CRYL1,GJB6 13 20797176 21105944 0 - comments: a 342kb deletion encompassing GJB6, associated with hearing loss




    需要注意的是,如果该变异找到多种注释,ANNOVAR将会对它进行比较,以exonic = splicing > ncRNA > UTR5/UTR3 > intron > upstream/downstream > intergenic 的优先权重,取最优的表示,如果你想ANNOVAR列出该变异所有注释,可以使用--separate参数。



    [kaiwang@biocluster ~/]$ cat ex1.exonic_variant_function 
    line9 nonsynonymous SNV IL23R:NM_144701:exon9:c.G1142A:p.R381Q, 1 67705958 67705958 G A comments: rs11209026 (R381Q), a SNP in IL23R associated with Crohn's disease
    line10 nonsynonymous SNV ATG16L1:NM_001190267:exon9:c.A550G:p.T184A,ATG16L1:NM_017974:exon8:c.A841G:p.T281A,ATG16L1:NM_001190266:exon9:c.A646G:p.T216A,ATG16L1:NM_030803:exon9:c.A898G:p.T300A,ATG16L1:NM_198890:exon5:c.A409G:p.T137A, 2 234183368 234183368 A G comments: rs2241880 (T300A), a SNP in the ATG16L1 associated with Crohn's disease
    line11 nonsynonymous SNV NOD2:NM_022162:exon4:c.C2104T:p.R702W,NOD2:NM_001293557:exon3:c.C2023T:p.R675W, 16 50745926 50745926 C comments: rs2066844 (R702W), a non-synonymous SNP in NOD2
    line12 nonsynonymous SNV NOD2:NM_022162:exon8:c.G2722C:p.G908R,NOD2:NM_001293557:exon7:c.G2641C:p.G881R, 16 50756540 50756540 G comments: rs2066845 (G908R), a non-synonymous SNP in NOD2
    line13 frameshift insertion NOD2:NM_022162:exon11:c.3017dupC:p.A1006fs,NOD2:NM_001293557:exon10:c.2936dupC:p.A979fs, 16 50763778 5076377comments: rs2066847 (c.3016_3017insC), a frameshift SNP in NOD2
    line14 frameshift deletion GJB2:NM_004004:exon2:c.35delG:p.G12fs, 13 20763686 20763686 G - comments: rs1801002 (del35G), a frameshift mutation in GJB2, associated with hearing loss
    line15 frameshift deletion GJB6:NM_001110221:wholegene,GJB6:NM_001110220:wholegene,GJB6:NM_001110219:wholegene,CRYL1:NM_015974:wholegene,GJB6:NM_006783:wholegene, 13 20797176 21105944 0 - comments: a 342kb deletion encompassing GJB6, associated with hearing loss


    Region-based Annotation(基于区域的注释)


    基于区域的注释(region-based annotation)揭示variant与不同基因组特定段的关系,例如:它是否落在已知的保守基因组区域。基于区域的注释的数据库一般由UCSC提供。


    [kaiwang@biocluster ~/]$ annotate_variation.pl -regionanno -build hg19 -out ex1 -dbtype phastConsElements46way example/ex1.avinput humandb/
    # -regionanno 表示使用基于区域的注释
    # -dbtype phastConsElements46way 表示使用"phastConsElements46way"数据库,注意需要使用Region-based的数据库

    输出文件是ex1.hg19_phastConsElements46way,可以看到,Region-based 注释将会生成以注释数据库为后缀的注释文件。该文件主要内容有

    [kaiwang@biocluster ~/]$ cat ex1.hg19_phastConsElements46way
    phastConsElements46way Score=387;Name=lod=50 1 67705958 67705958 G A comments: rs11209026 (R381Q), a SNP in IL23R associated with Crohn's disease
    phastConsElements46way Score=420;Name=lod=68 16 50756540 50756540 G C comments: rs2066845 (G908R), a non-synonymous SNP in NOD2
    phastConsElements46way Score=385;Name=lod=49 16 50763778 50763778 - C comments: rs2066847 (c.3016_3017insC), a frameshift SNP in NOD2
    phastConsElements46way Score=395;Name=lod=54 13 20763686 20763686 G - comments: rs1801002 (del35G), a frameshift mutation in GJB2, associated with hearing loss
    phastConsElements46way Score=545;Name=lod=218 13 20797176 21105944 0 - comments: a 342kb deletion encompassing GJB6, associated with hearing loss

    输出的注释文件第1列为“phastConsElements46way”,对应注释的类型,这里的phastCons 46-way alignments属于保守的基因组区域的注释;第二列包含评分和名称,评分来自UCSC,可以使用--score_threshold--normscore_threshold来过滤评分低的变异,“Name=lod=x”名称表示该区域的名称;剩余的部分为输入文件的内容。

    Filter-based Annotation(基于过滤的注释)




    [kaiwang@biocluster ~/]$ annotate_variation.pl -filter -dbtype 1000g2012apr_eur -buildver hg19 -out ex1 example/ex1.avinput humandb/
    # -filter 使用基于过滤的注释
    # -dbtype 1000g2012apr_eur 使用"1000g2012apr_eur"数据库


    [kaiwang@biocluster ~/]$ cat ex1.hg19_EUR.sites.2012_04_dropped
    1000g2012apr_eur 0.04 1 1404001 1404001 G T comments: rs149123833, a SNP in 3' UTR of ATAD3C
    1000g2012apr_eur 0.87 1 162736463 162736463 C T comments: rs1000050, a SNP in Illumina SNP arrays
    1000g2012apr_eur 0.81 1 5935162 5935162 A T comments: rs1287637, a splice site variant in NPHP4
    1000g2012apr_eur 0.06 1 67705958 67705958 G A comments: rs11209026 (R381Q), a SNP in IL23R associated with Crohn's disease
    1000g2012apr_eur 0.54 1 84875173 84875173 C T comments: rs6576700 or SNP_A-1780419, a SNP in Affymetrix SNP arrays
    1000g2012apr_eur 0.96 1 948921 948921 T C comments: rs15842, a SNP in 5' UTR of ISG15
    1000g2012apr_eur 0.05 16 50745926 50745926 C T comments: rs2066844 (R702W), a non-synonymous SNP in NOD2
    1000g2012apr_eur 0.01 16 50756540 50756540 G C comments: rs2066845 (G908R), a non-synonymous SNP in NOD2
    1000g2012apr_eur 0.01 16 50763778 50763778 - C comments: rs2066847 (c.3016_3017insC), a frameshift SNP in NOD2
    1000g2012apr_eur 0.53 2 234183368 234183368 A G comments: rs2241880 (T300A), a SNP in the ATG16L1 associated with Crohn's disease

    *dropped文件第1列如region-based注释的结果一样以数据库命名;第二列为等位基因频率,我们可以用-maf 0.05参数来过滤掉低于0.05的变异,;第三列开始同样是输入文件的内容。

    需要注意的是,我们也可以使用-maf 0.05 -reverse过滤掉高于0.05的变异;但是过滤ALT等位基因的频率,我们更提倡使用-score_threshold参数。



    • Variants_Reduction: prioritizing causal variants
    • Coding_Change: Infer mutated protein sequence
    • Retrieve_Seq_from_FASTA: Retrieve nucleotide/protein sequences

    三个程序没有介绍,可以参考官方文档的Accessory Programs自行了解。


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/xiaofeiIDO/p/8145039.html
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