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  • redis状态与性能监控


    redis-benchmark -h localhost -p 6379 -c 100 -n 100000 
    100个并发连接,100000个请求,检测host为localhost 端口为6379的redis服务器性能 

    1. [root@Architect redis-1.2.6]# redis-benchmark -h localhost -p 6379 -c 100 -n 100000  
    2. ====== PING ======  
    3.   10001 requests completed in 0.41 seconds  
    4.   50 parallel clients  
    5.   3 bytes payload  
    6.   keep alive: 1  
    8. 0.01% <= 0 milliseconds  
    9. 23.09% <= 1 milliseconds  
    10. 85.82% <= 2 milliseconds  
    11. 95.60% <= 3 milliseconds  
    12. 97.20% <= 4 milliseconds  
    13. 97.96% <= 5 milliseconds  
    14. 98.83% <= 6 milliseconds  
    15. 99.41% <= 7 milliseconds  
    16. 99.70% <= 8 milliseconds  
    17. 99.99% <= 9 milliseconds  
    18. 100.00% <= 12 milliseconds  
    19. 24274.27 requests per second  


    redis-cli -h localhost -p 6380 monitor 
    Dump all the received requests in real time; 

    1. [root@Architect redis-1.2.6]# redis-cli -h localhost -p 6380 monitor  
    2. +OK  
    3. +1289800615.808225 "monitor"  
    4. +1289800615.839079 "GET" "name"  
    5. +1289800615.853694 "PING"  
    6. +1289800615.853783 "PING"  
    7. +1289800615.854646 "PING"  
    8. +1289800615.854974 "PING"  
    9. +1289800615.857693 "PING"  
    10. +1289800615.866862 "PING"  
    11. +1289800615.871944 "PING"  

    redis-cli -h localhost -p 6380 info 
    Provide information and statistics about the server ; 

    1. [root@Architect redis-1.2.6]# redis-cli -h localhost -p 6380 info  
    2. redis_version:2.0.4  
    3. redis_git_sha1:00000000  
    4. redis_git_dirty:0  
    5. arch_bits:32  
    6. multiplexing_api:epoll  
    7. process_id:21990  
    8. uptime_in_seconds:490580  
    9. uptime_in_days:5  
    10. connected_clients:103  
    11. connected_slaves:0  
    12. blocked_clients:0  
    13. used_memory:4453240  
    14. used_memory_human:4.25M  
    15. changes_since_last_save:200  
    16. bgsave_in_progress:0  
    17. last_save_time:1290394640  
    18. bgrewriteaof_in_progress:0  
    19. total_connections_received:809  
    20. total_commands_processed:44094018  
    21. expired_keys:0  
    22. hash_max_zipmap_entries:64  
    23. hash_max_zipmap_value:512  
    24. pubsub_channels:0  
    25. pubsub_patterns:0  
    26. vm_enabled:0  
    27. role:slave  
    28. master_host:localhost  
    29. master_port:6379  
    30. master_link_status:up  
    31. master_last_io_seconds_ago:18  
    32. db0:keys=1319,expires=0  


    redis-stat host localhost port 6380 overview 
    Print general information about a Redis instance; 

    1. [root@Architect redis-1.2.6]# redis-stat port 6380 overview  
    2.  ------- data ------ ------------ load ----------------------------- - childs -  
    3.  keys      used-mem  clients   requests            connections  
    4.  1319      5.37M     103       44108021 (+44108021) 810                 
    5.  1319      5.38M     103       44108124 (+103)     810                 
    6.  1319      5.38M     103       44108225 (+101)     810                 
    7.  1319      5.39M     103       44108326 (+101)     810                 
    8.  1319      5.40M     103       44108427 (+101)     810                 
    9.  1319      5.41M     103       44108528 (+101)     810                 

    redis-stat host localhost port 6380 overview 
    Measure Redis server latency; 

      1. [root@Architect redis-1.2.6]# redis-stat port 6380 latency  
      2. 1: 0.16 ms  
      3. 2: 0.11 ms  
      4. 3: 0.15 ms  
      5. 4: 0.11 ms  
      6. 5: 0.18 ms  
      7. 6: 0.14 ms   
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/xiaoleiel/p/8300891.html
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