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  • html点击按钮 弹出 多选择窗口级联下拉复选



      1 <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
      2 <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
      3 <head>
      4 <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
      5 <title>原生js点击弹出多个城市选择框代码 - 站长素材</title>
      6 <style type="text/css">
      7 body{padding-top:50px;font-size:12px;}
      8 h2{margin:0px;padding:0px;font-size:12px;font-weight:bold;}
      9 .bton{border:1px solid #CCC;background:#DDD;}
     10 .cont{padding:10px;}
     11 #main{400px;margin:0px auto;}
     12 #selectItem{background:#FFF;position:absolute;top:0px;left:center;border:1px solid #000;overflow:hidden;margin-top:10px;400px;z-index:2;}
     13 #preview{margin:1px;border:1px solid #CCC;}
     14 #result{border:1px solid #CCC;margin-top:10px;}
     15 .tit{line-height:20px;height:20px;margin:1px;padding-left:10px;}
     16 .bgc_ccc{background:#CCC;}
     17 .bgc_eee{background:#eee;}
     18 .c_999{color:#999}
     19 .pointer{cursor:pointer;}
     20 .left{float:left;}
     21 .right{float:right;}
     22 .cls{clear:both;font-size:0px;height:0px;overflow:hidden;}
     23 #bg{background:#CCC;filter:alpha(opacity=70);opacity:0.7;100%;;position:absolute;left:0px;top:0px;display:none;z-index:1;}
     24 .hidden{display:none;}
     25 .move{cursor:move;}
     26 </style>
     27 </head>
     28 <body>
     30 <div id="main">
     31     <input name="button" type="button" class="bton pointer" value="请选择" onclick="openBg(1);openSelect(1)"/>
     32     <div id="result">
     33         <div class="tit bgc_eee">
     34             <h2>您已选择的城市汇总</h2>
     35         </div> 
     36         <div class="cont" id="makeSureItem"></div>
     37     </div>
     38 </div>
     40 <div id="bg"></div>
     42 <div id="selectItem" class="hidden">
     43     <div class="tit bgc_ccc move" onmousedown="drag(event,this)">
     44         <h2 class="left">请选择城市</h2>
     45         <span class="pointer right" onclick="openBg(0);openSelect(0);">[取消]</span>
     46         <span class="pointer right" onclick="makeSure();">[确定]</span>   
     47     </div>
     49     <div class="cls"></div>
     51     <div class="cont">
     52         <div id="selectSub">
     53             <select name="" onchange="showSelect(this.value)" style="margin-bottom:10px;">
     54                 <option value="0">第0层</option>
     55                 <option value="1">第1层</option>
     56                 <option value="2">第2层</option>
     57                 <option value="3">第3层</option>
     58             </select>
     59             <div id="c00">
     60                 <input type="checkbox" name="ck00" onclick="addPreItem()" value="北京"/>北京
     61                 <input type="checkbox" name="ck00" onclick="addPreItem()" value="福建"/>福建
     62                 <input type="checkbox" name="ck00" onclick="addPreItem()" value="四川"/>四川 
     63                 <input type="checkbox" name="ck00" onclick="addPreItem()" value="江苏"/>江苏
     64             </div>
     65             <div id="c01">
     66                 <input type="checkbox" name="ck01" onclick="addPreItem()" value="上海"/>上海
     67                 <input type="checkbox" name="ck01" onclick="addPreItem()" value="云南"/>云南
     68                 <input type="checkbox" name="ck01" onclick="addPreItem()" value="贵州"/>贵州
     69             </div>
     70             <div id="c02">
     71                 <input type="checkbox" name="ck01" onclick="addPreItem()" value="黑龙江"/>黑龙江
     72                 <input type="checkbox" name="ck01" onclick="addPreItem()" value="吉林"/>吉林
     73                 <input type="checkbox" name="ck01" onclick="addPreItem()" value="辽宁"/>辽宁
     74             </div>
     75             <div id="c03">
     76                 <input type="checkbox" name="ck01" onclick="addPreItem()" value="美国"/>美国
     77                 <input type="checkbox" name="ck01" onclick="addPreItem()" value="阿富汗"/>阿富汗
     78                 <input type="checkbox" name="ck01" onclick="addPreItem()" value="日本"/>日本
     79             </div>
     80         </div>
     81     </div>
     83     <div id="preview">
     84         <div class="tit bgc_eee c_999">
     85             <h2>您已选择的城市</h2>
     86         </div> 
     87         <div class="cont" id="previewItem"></div>
     88     </div>
     90 </div>
     92 <div style="height:500px;"></div>
     94 <script type="text/javascript">
     95 /* ------使用说明----- */
     96 /*
     97  添加城市方法:
     98      添加组:找到id 是 "selectSub"中select标签下,添加option标签 value属性递增,找到 id 是 "selectSub",按照原有格式添加div,其id属性递增
     99  添加二级傅选矿选项
    100   复制 id 是 "selectSub" 下任意input标签,粘贴在需要添加的位置。
    101 */
    102 var grow = $("selectSub").getElementsByTagName("option").length; //组数
    103 var showGrow = 0;//已打开组
    104 var selectCount = 0; //已选数量 
    105 showSelect(showGrow);
    106 var items = $("selectSub").getElementsByTagName("input");
    107 //alert(maxItem);
    108 //var lenMax = 2; 
    109 //alert(1);
    110 function $(o){ //获取对象
    111  if(typeof(o) == "string")
    112  return document.getElementById(o);
    113  return o;
    114 }
    115 function openBg(state){ //遮照打开关闭控制
    116  if(state == 1)
    117  {
    118   $("bg").style.display = "block";
    119   var h = document.body.offsetHeight > document.documentElement.offsetHeight ? document.body.offsetHeight : document.documentElement.offsetHeight;
    120  //alert(document.body.offsetHeight);
    121  //alert(document.documentElement.offsetHeight);
    122   $("bg").style.height = h + "px";
    123  }
    124  else
    125  {
    126   $("bg").style.display = "none";
    127  } 
    128 }
    129 function openSelect(state){ //选择城市层关闭打开控制
    130  if(state == 1) 
    131  {
    132   $("selectItem").style.display = "block";
    133   $("selectItem").style.left = ($("bg").offsetWidth - $("selectItem").offsetWidth)/2 + "px";
    134   $("selectItem").style.top = document.body.scrollTop + 100 + "px";  
    135  }
    136  else
    137  {
    138   $("selectItem").style.display = "none";
    139  }
    140 }
    141 function showSelect(id){
    142  for(var i = 0 ; i < grow ;i++)
    143  {
    144   $("c0" + i).style.display = "none";
    145  }
    146  $("c0" + id).style.display = "block";
    147  showGrow = id;
    148 }
    149 function open(id,state){ //显示隐藏控制
    150  if(state == 1)
    151  $(id).style.display = "block";
    152  $(id).style.diaplay = "none";
    153 }
    154 function addPreItem(){ 
    155  $("previewItem").innerHTML = "";
    156  var len = 0 ;
    157  for(var i = 0 ; i < items.length ; i++)
    158  {
    159   if(items[i].checked == true)
    160   {
    161    //len++;
    162    //if(len > lenMax)
    163    //{
    164    // alert("不能超过" + lenMax +"个选项!")
    165    // return false;
    166    //}
    167    var mes = "<input type='checkbox' checked='true' value='"+ items[i].value +"' onclick='copyItem("previewItem","previewItem");same(this);'>" + items[i].value;
    168    $("previewItem").innerHTML += mes;
    169    //alert(items[i].value);
    170   }
    171  }
    172 }
    173 function makeSure(){
    174  //alert(1);
    175  //$("makeSureItem").innerHTML = $("previewItem").innerHTML;
    176  openBg(0);
    177  openSelect(0);
    178  copyItem("previewItem","makeSureItem") 
    179 }
    180 function copyHTML(id1,id2){
    181  $(id2).innerHTML = $("id1").innerHTML;
    182 }
    183 function copyItem(id1,id2){
    185  var mes = "";
    186  var items2 = $(id1).getElementsByTagName("input");
    187  for(var i = 0 ; i < items2.length ; i++)
    188  {
    189   if(items2[i].checked == true)
    190   {
    191    mes += "<input type='checkbox' checked='true' value='"+ items2[i].value +"' onclick='copyItem("" + id2+ "",""+ id1 +"");same(this);'>" + items2[i].value;   
    192   }
    193  }
    194  $(id2).innerHTML = "";
    195  $(id2).innerHTML += mes;
    196  //alert($(id2).innerHTML);
    197 }
    198 function same(ck){
    199  for(var i = 0 ; i < items.length ; i++)
    200  {
    201   if(ck.value == items[i].value)
    202   {
    203    items[i].checked = ck.checked;
    204   }
    205  }
    206 } 
    207 /* 鼠标拖动 */
    208 var oDrag = "";
    209 var ox,oy,nx,ny,dy,dx;
    210 function drag(e,o){
    211  var e = e ? e : event;
    212  var mouseD = document.all ? 1 : 0;
    213  if(e.button == mouseD)
    214  {
    215   oDrag = o.parentNode;
    216   //alert(oDrag.id);
    217   ox = e.clientX;
    218   oy = e.clientY;  
    219  }
    220 }
    221 function dragPro(e){
    222  if(oDrag != "")
    223  { 
    224   var e = e ? e : event;
    225   //$(oDrag).style.left = $(oDrag).offsetLeft + "px";
    226   //$(oDrag).style.top = $(oDrag).offsetTop + "px";
    227   dx = parseInt($(oDrag).style.left);
    228   dy = parseInt($(oDrag).style.top);
    229   //dx = $(oDrag).offsetLeft;
    230   //dy = $(oDrag).offsetTop;
    231   nx = e.clientX;
    232   ny = e.clientY;
    233   $(oDrag).style.left = (dx + ( nx - ox )) + "px";
    234   $(oDrag).style.top = (dy + ( ny - oy )) + "px";
    235   ox = nx;
    236   oy = ny;
    237  }
    238 }
    239 document.onmouseup = function(){oDrag = "";}
    240 document.onmousemove = function(event){dragPro(event);}
    241 </script>
    243 <div style="text-align:center;margin:0px 0; font:normal 14px/24px 'MicroSoft YaHei';">
    244 <p>适用浏览器:IE8、360、FireFox、Chrome、Safari、Opera、傲游、搜狗、世界之窗. </p>
    245 <p>来源:<a href="http://sc.chinaz.com/" target="_blank">站长素材</a></p>
    246 </div>
    248 </body>
    249 </html>
    View Code





     1 <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
     2 <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
     3 <head>
     4 <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
     5 <title>下拉框</title>
     6 <style type="text/css">
     7   .tab{width:500px;height:300px;border:1px solid #CCF ;}
     8   .menu{width:480px;padding-top:50px;padding-left:50px;}
     9   select{width:200px;height:50px;}
    10    ul{padding:0;margin:0;}
    11   .list{width:320px;height:80px;;border:1px solid #CCC;margin:5px 0 0 138px;padding:10px 20px 10px 10px;display:none;}
    12    li{list-style:none;}
    13    .list ul li a{height:30px;float:left;width:80px;text-decoration: none;color:gray;}
    14 </style>
    15 <script>
    16   window.onload = function(){
    17        var oSelect = document.getElementsByTagName('select')[0];
    18        var oDiv = document.getElementById('list');
    19        oSelect.onclick = function(){
    20            if(this.value=="卡牌游戏"){
    21                 oDiv.style.display="block"; 
    22                }else{
    23                  oDiv.style.display="none"; 
    24                  }
    25            };
    26       };
    27 </script>
    28 </head>
    30 <body>
    31    <div class="tab">
    32    <div class="menu">
    33     <span>游戏类型:</span>
    34      <select>
    35        <option>手机游戏</option>
    36        <option>梦幻西游</option>
    37         <option>卡牌游戏</option>
    38      </select>
    39     </div> 
    40      <div class="list" id="list">
    41        <ul>
    42           <li><a href="javascript:;">动作游戏</a></li>
    43           <li><a href="javascript:;">动作游戏</a></li>
    44           <li><a href="javascript:;">动作游戏</a></li>
    45           <li><a href="javascript:;">动作游戏</a></li>
    46           <li><a href="javascript:;">动作游戏</a></li>
    47            <li><a href="javascript:;">动作游戏</a></li>
    48           <li><a href="javascript:;">动作游戏</a></li>
    49           <li><a href="javascript:;">动作游戏</a></li>
    50           <li><a href="javascript:;">动作游戏</a></li>
    51           <li><a href="javascript:;">动作游戏</a></li>
    53        </ul>
    54      </div>
    55    </div>
    56 </body>
    57 </html>
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/xiaoliu66007/p/4858420.html
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