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  • 现代软件工程_第一周练习_第1题_更新版





     1 package ljf;
     3 public class Calculation {
     4     //判断是否为数字
     5     public static boolean isNumber(char ch){
     6         switch (ch) {
     7         case '+':return false;
     8         case '-':return false;
     9         case '*':return false;
    10         case '/':return false;
    11         default:
    12             return true;
    13         }
    14     }
    16     public static Fraction cal(String str){
    17         Stack<Fraction> stack=new Stack<Fraction>(20);
    18         FractionCalculation fc=new FractionCalculation();
    19         String[] array=MidToPosT.Change(str);
    20         int i=0;
    21         Fraction fa,fb;
    22         char op;
    23         while(!array[i].equals("#")){
    24             //是数字
    25             if(isNumber(array[i].charAt(0))){
    26                 //化成分数进栈
    27                 stack.push(new Fraction(Integer.parseInt(array[i++]), 1));
    28             }else{
    29                 fb=stack.pop();
    30                 fa=stack.pop();
    31                 op=array[i++].charAt(0);
    32                 fa=fc.fraccalculate(fa, op, fb);
    33                 stack.push(fa);
    34             }
    35         }
    36         fa=stack.getTop();
    37         return fa;
    38     }
    39 }


     1 package ljf;
     3 public class Fraction {
     4       public int numerator;
     5       public int denominator;
     6       public Fraction(int numerator, int denominator){
     7         this.numerator=numerator;
     8         this.denominator=denominator;
     9       }
    10       public double getRet(){
    11         return (double)numerator/denominator;
    12       }
    13       public String toString(){
    14         return numerator+"/"+denominator;
    15       }
    16       public int getint(){
    17           return numerator;
    18       }
    19 }


      1 package ljf;
      3 import java.util.Scanner;
      4 import java.math.*; 
      6 public class FractionCalculation {
      7     public char operate(){
      8         int i;
      9         char op = ' ';
     10         i=(int)(Math.random()*100)%4+1;
     11         switch(i){
     12         case 1:op='+';break;
     13         case 2:op='-';break;
     14         case 3:op='*';break;
     15         case 4:op='/';
     16         }
     17         return op;    
     18     }
     20     public int num(){
     21         int i;
     22         i=(int)(Math.random()*100);
     23         return i;
     24     }
     26     public void intmatch(){//整数出题
     27         int a=this.num();
     28         int b=this.num();
     29         char op=this.operate();
     30         //int answer;
     31         String myanswer;
     32         System.out.print("请做题:"+a+op+b+"=");
     33         String answer1=this.intcalculate(a, op, b);
     34         //System.out.print(answer1);
     35         Scanner in= new Scanner(System.in); 
     36         myanswer=in.next();
     37         if(myanswer.equals(answer1)){
     38             System.out.println("恭喜,答案正确。");
     39         }
     40         else{
     41             System.out.println("很抱歉,答案错误。正确答案为:"+answer1);
     42         }
     43     }
     45     public String intcalculate(int a,char op,int b){//整数之间的计算方法
     46         if(op=='+')
     47             return (a+b)+"";
     48         else if(op=='-')
     49             return (a-b)+"";
     50         else if(op=='*')
     51             return (a*b)+"";
     52         else{
     53             int max=this.maxyueshu(a, b);
     54             a=a/max;
     55             b=b/max;
     56             if(b==1){
     57                 return a+"";
     58             }
     59             else{
     60                 Fraction t=new Fraction(a,b);
     61                 String tt=t.toString();
     62                 return tt;
     63             }
     64         }           
     65     }
     69     public int maxyueshu( int a, int b ){
     70         return a%b==0?b:maxyueshu(b,a%b);     
     71     }
     73     public Fraction simple(Fraction a){
     74         int max=this.maxyueshu(a.denominator, a.numerator);
     75         a.denominator=a.denominator/max;
     76         a.numerator=a.numerator/max;
     77         return a;
     78     }
     81     public Fraction fraccalculate(Fraction a,char op,Fraction b){//分数之间的计算
     82         int fenzi,fenmu;
     84         if(op=='+'){
     85              fenzi=a.denominator*b.numerator+a.numerator*b.denominator;
     86              fenmu=a.denominator*b.denominator;
     87         }else if(op=='-'){
     88              fenzi=a.numerator*b.denominator-a.denominator*b.numerator;
     89              fenmu=a.denominator*b.denominator;
     90         }else if(op=='*'){
     91              fenzi=a.numerator*b.numerator;
     92              fenmu=a.denominator*b.denominator;
     93         }else{
     94              fenzi=a.numerator*b.denominator;
     95              fenmu=a.denominator*b.numerator;
     96         }
     97         if(fenzi*fenmu==0){
     98             return new Fraction(fenzi, fenmu);
     99         }else{
    100             return this.simple(new Fraction(fenzi,fenmu));
    101         }
    103     }
    106     public void frcmatch(){//分数形式b1/a1和b2/a2
    107         int a1=0,b1=0,a2=0,b2=0;
    108         char op=' ';
    109         String myanswer;
    110         while(b1>=a1){
    111             a1=this.num()+1;
    112             b1=this.num();
    113         }
    114         Fraction t1=this.simple(new Fraction(a1,b1));
    115         while(b2>=a2){
    116             a2=this.num()+1;
    117             b2=this.num();
    118         }
    119         Fraction t2=this.simple(new Fraction(a2,b2));
    120         op=this.operate();
    121         if(op=='/'&&t2.numerator==0){//判读第二个分数的分子是否等于0,此时的分数不能执行除法
    122             this.frcmatch();
    123         }else{
    124             System.out.print("请做题:("+t1.toString()+")"+op+"("+t2.toString()+")=");
    125         }
    126         Fraction answer=new Fraction(1,1);
    127         answer=this.fraccalculate(t1, op, t2);
    128         Scanner in= new Scanner(System.in); 
    129         myanswer=in.next();
    130         if(myanswer.equals(answer.toString())){
    131             System.out.println("恭喜,答案正确。");
    132         }
    133         else{
    134             System.out.println("很抱歉,答案错误。正确答案为:"+answer);
    135         }
    136     }
    138     public static void main(String[] args) {
    139         FractionCalculation a=new FractionCalculation();
    140         int num;
    141         for(num=1;num<=100;num++){
    142             int i=a.num();
    143             if(i>50)
    144                 a.intmatch();
    145             else
    146                 a.frcmatch();
    147         }
    148     }
    150 }


      1 package ljf;
      3 public class GenerateFormula {
      5     // e := n | e1 + e2 | e1 − e2 | e1 × e2 | e1 ÷ e2 | (e) , 其中e,
      6     // e1和e2为表达式,n为自然数或真分数
      7     public static int n = 0;
      8     public static int nMax = 0;
      9     public static int s = 10;
     11     public static int maxyueshu(int a, int b) {
     12         return a % b == 0 ? b : maxyueshu(b, a % b);
     13     }
     15     public static String getTrueFraction() {
     16         int i, j;// i分子,j分母,分母要大于分子,要约粉
     17         while (true) {
     18             i = (int) (Math.random() * 100) % s + 1;
     19             j = (int) (Math.random() * 100) % s + 1;
     20             if ((j > i) && (j != 1)) {
     21                 int max = maxyueshu(j, i);
     22                 i /= max;
     23                 j /= max;
     24                 return i + "/" + j;
     25             }
     26         }
     27     }
     29     public static String fourRan(int pre) {
     30         // pre代表上一步的运算符,1+ 2- 3* 4/ 5() 6数
     31         n++;
     32         int i = (int) (Math.random() * 100) % 6 + 1;
     34         String str = "";
     35         if (n < nMax)
     36             ;
     37         else
     38             i = 6;
     39         switch (i) {
     40         case 1:
     41             str = fourRan(1) + "+" + fourRan(1);
     42             break;
     43         case 2:
     44             str = fourRan(2) + "-" + fourRan(2);
     45             break;
     46         case 3:
     47             str = fourRan(3) + "*" + fourRan(3);
     48             break;
     49         case 4:
     50             str = fourRan(4) + "/" + fourRan(4);
     51             break;
     52         case 5:
     53             if(pre==5){
     54                 str=fourRan(5);
     55             }else{
     56             str = "(" + fourRan(5) + ")";
     57             }
     58             break;
     59         case 6:
     60             int temp = (int) (Math.random() * 100) % 2 + 1;
     61             if (temp == 1) {
     62                 // 生成数字返回
     63                 if (pre == 4) {
     64                     return (int) (Math.random() * s) + 1 + "";
     65                 } else {
     66                     return (int) (Math.random() * s) + "";
     67                 }
     69             } else {
     70                 if(pre==5){
     71                     return  getTrueFraction() ;
     72                 }else
     73                 return "(" + getTrueFraction() + ")";
     75             }
     76         }
     78         return str;
     79     }
     81     public static String getFormula(int ni, int si) {
     82         n=0;
     83         nMax = ni;
     84         s = si;
     85         String str = "", result = "";
     86         int i;
     87         i = (int) (Math.random() * 100) % 4 + 1;
     88         switch (i) {
     89         case 1:
     90             str = fourRan(1) + "+" + fourRan(1);
     91             break;
     92         case 2:
     93             str = fourRan(2) + "-" + fourRan(2);
     94             break;
     95         case 3:
     96             str = fourRan(3) + "*" + fourRan(3);
     97             break;
     98         case 4:
     99             str = fourRan(4) + "/" + fourRan(4);
    100             break;
    102         }
    103 /*
    104         // 对生成的式子进行去除多余括号处理
    105         String[] postfix = MidToPosT.Change(str);
    106         String[] infix = PostToMid.getInfixByPostfix(postfix);
    107         for (int in = 0; !infix[in].equals("#"); in++) {
    108             result = result + infix[in];
    109         }
    110         return result;
    111         */
    112         return str;
    113     }
    115 }


      1 package ljf;
      3 public class MidToPosT {
      5     // 定义符号的优先级
      6     public static int Precedence(char sign) {
      7         switch (sign) {
      8         // +、-都为1
      9         case '+':
     10         case '-':
     11             return 1;
     12             // *、/为2
     13         case '*':
     14         case '/':
     15             return 2;
     16         case '(':
     17         case ')':
     18         default:
     19             return 0;
     20         }
     21     }
     23     /**************** 中缀表达式转换成后缀表达式 ********************/
     24     public static String[] Change(String str) {
     25         String[] s2 = new String[Test.MAX_RANGE];
     26         // #为结束符
     27         String s1 = str + "#";
     28         // 定义大小为20的String类型的栈
     29         Stack<Character> T = new Stack<Character>(Test.MAX_RANGE);
     30         int i = 0, j = 0;
     31         char ch;
     32         String temp = " ";
     33         T.push('@');
     34         ch = s1.charAt(i);
     35         while (ch != '#') {
     36             // 遇到'('就进栈
     37             if (ch == '(') {
     38                 T.push(ch);
     39                 ch = s1.charAt(++i);
     40             } else if (ch == ')') {
     41                 // 遇到')'就把栈中'('后的符号全部出栈
     42                 while (T.getTop() != '(')
     43                     s2[j++] = String.valueOf(T.pop());
     44                 T.pop();
     45                 ch = s1.charAt(++i);
     46             } else if (ch == '+' || ch == '-' || ch == '*' || ch == '/') {
     47                 char w = T.getTop();
     48                 while (Precedence(w) >= Precedence(ch)) {
     49                     s2[j++] = String.valueOf(w);
     50                     T.pop();
     51                     w = T.getTop();
     52                 }
     53                 T.push(ch);
     54                 ch = s1.charAt(++i);
     55             } else {
     56                 if ((ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') || ch == '.') {
     57                     int k = i;
     58                     int flag = 1;
     59                     int arr = 0;
     60                     int q = 0;// 记录到下一个位置
     61                     for (; s1.charAt(i) >= '0' && s1.charAt(i) <= '9'; i++) {
     62                         if (i == s1.length() - 1) {
     63                             flag = 0;
     64                             break;
     65                         }
     66                     }
     67                     if (flag == 1) {
     68                         q = i;
     69                         i--;
     70                         for (int t = k; t <= i; t++) {
     71                             int single = Integer.parseInt(String.valueOf(s1
     72                                     .charAt(t)));
     73                             for (int p = t; p < i; p++) {
     74                                 single = single * 10;
     75                             }
     76                             arr = arr + single;
     77                         }
     78                         i = q;
     79                     } else {
     80                         q = i;
     81                         q++;
     82                         for (int p = k; p <= i; p++) {
     83                             int single = Integer.parseInt(String.valueOf(s1
     84                                     .charAt(p)));
     85                             for (int t = p; t < i; t++) {
     86                                 single = single * 10;
     87                             }
     88                             arr = arr + single;
     89                         }
     90                         i = q;
     91                     }
     93                     s2[j++] = String.valueOf(arr);
     94                     ch = s1.charAt(i);
     95                 }
     96             }
     97         }
     98         ch = T.pop();
     99         while (ch != '@') {
    100             s2[j++] = String.valueOf(ch);
    101             ch = T.pop();
    102         }
    103         s2[j++] = "#";
    104         return s2;
    105     }
    108 }


     1 package ljf;
     3 public class Stack<T> {
     4     private int top;
     5     private T[] stackArray;
     6     private int maxSize;
     8     //
     9     public Stack(int maxSize) {
    10         this.maxSize = maxSize;
    11         this.top = -1;
    12         stackArray = (T[])new Object[this.maxSize];
    13     }
    15     //进栈
    16     public void push(T push) {
    17         stackArray[++top] =push;
    18     }
    20     // 出栈
    21     public T pop() {
    22         return stackArray[top--];
    23     }
    25     // 得到栈顶元素
    26     public T getTop() {
    27         return stackArray[top];
    28     }
    30     // peek the character at index n
    31     public T peekN(int index) {
    32         return stackArray[index];
    33     }
    35     //判断是否为空
    36     public boolean isEmpty() {
    37         return (top == -1);
    38     }
    40     // return stack size
    41     public int size() {
    42         return top + 1;
    43     }
    45 }


     1 package ljf;
     3 import java.util.Scanner;
     5 public class Test {
     7     public static int MAX_RANGE = 40;
     9     public static void main(String[] args) {
    10         // TODO Auto-generated method stub
    12         FractionCalculation fCal = new FractionCalculation();
    13         Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in);
    14         System.out.print("输入最多能接受的操作符总数:");
    15         int n = sc.nextInt();
    16         System.out.print("输入能接受的最大操作数:");
    17         int s = sc.nextInt();
    18         int sum = 0, trueSum = 0;
    19         char flag = 'y';
    20         while (flag == 'y') {
    21             sum++;// 记录做题总数
    22             String str = GenerateFormula.getFormula(n, s);
    23             System.out.print(str + "=");
    24             String userAnswer = sc.next().trim();
    25             // 判断是否为大于1的真分数
    26             if (userAnswer.indexOf("'") > 0) {
    27                 String[] array = userAnswer.split("'");
    28                 // 判断是否是负数的输入
    29                 if (array[0].indexOf("-") >= 0) {
    30                     Fraction a = new Fraction(Integer.parseInt(array[0]
    31                             .split("-")[1]), 1);
    32                     Fraction b = new Fraction(Integer.parseInt(array[1]
    33                             .split("/")[0]), Integer.parseInt(array[1]
    34                             .split("/")[1]));
    35                     userAnswer = "-" + fCal.fraccalculate(a, '+', b).numerator
    36                             + "/" + fCal.fraccalculate(a, '+', b).denominator;
    37                 } else {
    38                     Fraction a = new Fraction(Integer.parseInt(array[0]), 1);
    39                     Fraction b = new Fraction(Integer.parseInt(array[1]
    40                             .split("/")[0]), Integer.parseInt(array[1]
    41                             .split("/")[1]));
    42                     userAnswer = fCal.fraccalculate(a, '+', b).numerator + "/"
    43                             + fCal.fraccalculate(a, '+', b).denominator;
    44                 }
    45             }
    46             // 化简用户输入的结果
    47             if (userAnswer.indexOf("/") > 0) {
    48                 if (userAnswer.split("/")[1].equals("1")) {
    49                     userAnswer = userAnswer.split("/")[0];
    50                 }
    51             }
    52             // 计算真正的结果并化简
    53             Fraction fa = Calculation.cal(str.trim());
    54             if (fa.numerator * fa.denominator < 0) {
    55                 fa.numerator = fa.numerator > 0 ? -fa.numerator : fa.numerator;
    56                 fa.denominator = fa.denominator > 0 ? fa.denominator
    57                         : -fa.denominator;
    58             }
    59             String trueAnswer;
    60             if (fa.denominator == 1) {
    61                 trueAnswer = fa.numerator + "";
    62             } else {
    63                 if (fa.numerator == 0) {
    64                     trueAnswer = "0";
    65                 } else {
    66                     trueAnswer = fa.numerator + "/" + fa.denominator;
    67                 }
    68             }
    70             if (trueAnswer.equals(userAnswer)) {
    71                 System.out.println("√");
    72                 trueSum++;
    73             }
    74             else {
    75                 System.out.println("×   正确答案是:" + trueAnswer);
    76             }
    78             System.out.println();
    79             System.out.print("是否继续(继续y , 退出n):");
    80             flag = sc.next().charAt(0);
    81         }
    82         System.out.println("退出成功!  共做 "+sum+" 道题,做对 "+trueSum+" 道题,做错 "+(sum-trueSum)+" 道题。");
    83     }
    85 }
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