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    select * into T1 from UserInfo

    select * from T1


    insert into info_one select * from info_two   【into】可以省略


    insert info_one(iName) select iName from info_two  【into】可以省略

     1 if exists(select * from sys.objects where name='info_one')
     2     drop table info_one
     3 go
     4 create table info_one
     5 (
     6     id int ,
     7     iName varchar(20)
     8 )
    10 if exists(select * from sys.objects where name='info_two')
    11     drop table info_two
    12 go
    13 create table info_two
    14 (
    15     id int ,
    16     iName varchar(20)
    17 )
    18 insert into info_one values(1,'张丹1')
    19 insert into info_one values(2,'张丹2')
    20 insert into info_one values(3,'张丹3')
    22 insert into info_two values(5,'张丹5')
    23 insert into info_two values(6,'张丹6')
    24 insert into info_two values(7,'张丹7')
    26 select * from info_one
    27 select * from info_two
    28 --将表info_two的数据全部添加到info_one中
    29 insert into info_one select * from info_two

    delete from info where id not in(select min(id) from info group by UserID,UserName)


    truncate table 表名



        update a set a.validate='10' from my_kaohe_chuqin a
        select * from my_kaohe_chuqin where system_id='1001001486' and individual_id='100100168827' and years='2016' and zhouqi='20'
          and c_text='14' and me_id='51701'  ------这是2条语句


        update a set a.validate='10' from my_kaohe_chuqin a
        (select * from my_kaohe_chuqin) where a.system_id='1001001486' and a.individual_id='100100168827' and a.years='2016' and a.zhouqi='20'
         and a.c_text='14' and a.me_id='51701'  ------去掉括号里面的





        select convert(int,'1234')+1   //1235

        select convert(varchar(20),getdate(),112)   //20160612 

        select convert(varchar(5),getdate(),112)    //20160 [varchar(5): 取值的前5位]

        select convert(varchar,getdate(),108)   //17:06:30 [varchar :不设置范围时取全值]

    2、replace(值,'a','b')   //如果值中存在a 则将'a'取代成'b',没有则不替换 


        select replace('112233','1','44')   //44442233

        select replace('12:30:55',':','')    //123055

        select replace('12:30:55','小马','')    //12:30:55

        select replace(convert(varchar,getdate(),108),':','')  //170308  [结合convert() 函数使用]

        select replace(convert(varchar(5),getdate(),108),':','')  //1703  [结合convert() 函数使用]

    3、cast(值 as 类型) //类型转换


        select cast('123' as int)
        select cast('123 1' as int) //在将 varchar 值 '123 1' 转换成数据类型 int 时失败
        select cast('123a' as int) //在将 varchar 值 '123a' 转换成数据类型 int 时失败



        select substring('123456',1,3) //123
        select substring('123666',4,2) //66
        select substring('123666',4,100) //666
        select substring('转换成数据类型',2,100)//换成数据类型       [一个中文为2字符]
        select substring('在将 varchar 值 "123a" 转换成数据类型 int 时失败',6,4) //rcha
        select substring('1 2 3 4',2,4) //2 3    [空格算一字符]



        select left('1234',3) //123 截取左边3位
        select right('1234',3) //234 截取右边3位

    6、isnull(值1,值2)  【值1为null,则取值2,不为null,则取值1】


        select isnull(1,100) //1
        select isnull(null,100) //100
        select isnull(null,null) //null
        select isnull(1,null) //1
        select isnull(null,'无') //无

    7、case when sex=1 then '男'

        when sex=2 then '女'

      else '其他' end


     1 if exists(select * from sys.objects where name='info_eleven')
     2         drop table info_eleven
     3         go
     4     create table info_eleven
     5     (
     6         id int primary key identity(1,1),
     7         iName varchar(20),
     8         sex char(2)
     9     )
    10     insert into info_eleven values('小明','')
    11     insert into info_eleven values('小白','')
    12     insert into info_eleven values('小张','')
    14     select 
    15     iName,case when sex='' then '1' 
    16          when sex='' then '2' 
    17     else '0' end  
    18     from info_eleven
    View Code

     8、datediff(day/year/month,时间段1,时间段2) 两个时间段相差的值


        select datediff(day,'2016-6-01 00:00:00','2016-6-02 00:00:00') --日 d/dd/day  --1 时分秒忽略不计
        select datediff(d,'2016-6-01 23:59:00','2016-6-02 00:00:00')   --日 d/dd/day  --1 时分秒忽略不计
        select datediff(year,'2016-6-01 00:00:00','2017-6-02 00:00:00') --年 yyyy/yy/year --1
        select datediff(yy,'2016-6-01 00:00:00','2017-6-02 00:00:00') --年 yyyy/yy/year --1
        select datediff(month,'2016-6-01 00:00:00','2017-7-02 00:00:00')  --月 m/mm/month --13
        select datediff(WK,'2016-6-01 00:00:00','2016-7-02 00:00:00') --周 ww/wk/week --4
        select datediff(WK,'2016-6-01 00:00:00','2016-8-01 00:00:00') --周 ww/wk/week --9
        select datediff(WK,'2016-6-01 00:00:00','2016-9-01 00:00:00') --周 ww/wk/week --13
        select datediff(WK,'2016-6-01 00:00:00','2016-10-01 00:00:00')--周 ww/wk/week --17
        select datediff(w,'2016-6-01 00:00:00','2016-7-01 00:00:00') --星期 dw/w --30
        select datediff(DW,'2016-6-01 00:00:00','2016-8-01 00:00:00') --星期 dw/w --61
        select datediff(DW,'2016-6-01 00:00:00','2016-9-01 00:00:00')--星期 dw/w --92
        select datediff(DW,'2016-6-01 00:00:00','2016-10-01 00:00:00')--星期 dw/w --122

     1 年     yy, yyyy
     2 季度     qq, q
     3 月     mm, m
     4 年中的日     dy, y
     5 日     dd, d
     6 周     wk, ww
     7 星期     dw, w
     8 小时     hh
     9 分钟     mi, n
    10 秒     ss, s
    11 毫秒     ms
    12 微妙     mcs
    13 纳秒     ns

     9、rtrim(str) 返回字符串str与尾部的空格字符去掉


        select rtrim('1     1     ')+'w'         //1     1w
        select 'a'+rtrim('右边空   ')+'b'      //a右边空b
        select 'a'+rtrim('   左边空')+'b'      //a   左边空b
        select 'a'+rtrim('   两边空   ')+'b'   //a   两边空b

    10、charindex('a',id)  id字段中含有"a"或者"b"的记录 【返回的值为0或1】


          select * from table_a where charindex('a',id)>0 or charindex('b',id)>0
          table_a 表中 id字段中含有"a"或者"b"的记录.

          select charindex('1',12) //1
          select charindex('1',22) //0

          select charindex('-',CAST(-100 as varchar(20))) //1
          select case when 1=charindex('1','12') then '有值' end //有值

    11、isnumeric(值) 判断值是否为‘数字’ 是为:‘1’     否为:‘0’


          select isnumeric('') //0
          select isnumeric(null) //0
          select isnumeric(23432423)  //1
          select isnumeric(0)  //1
          select isnumeric(-23432423) //1
          select isnumeric('dsfdfds')  //0
          select ISNUMERIC(GETDATE()) //0

     12、union or union all :合并两个或多个 SELECT 语句的结果集

        请注意,UNION 内部的 SELECT 语句必须拥有相同数量的列。列也必须拥有相似的数据类型。同时,每条 SELECT 语句中的列的顺序必须相同。


     1 create table info_eight
     2 (
     3     id int,
     4     iname varchar(20)
     5 )
     6 insert into info_eight values(1,'小明')
     7 insert into info_eight values(1,'小红')
     8 insert into info_eight values(1,'小蓝')
     9 create table info_twelve
    10 (
    11     id int,
    12     iname varchar(20)
    13 )
    14 insert into info_twelve values(1,'小明1')
    15 insert into info_twelve values(1,'小红')
    16 insert into info_twelve values(1,'小蓝1')
    18 --5条数据,重复的被去掉
    19 select * from info_eight
    20 union
    21 select * from info_twelve
    22 --6条数据,重复的还在
    23 select * from info_eight
    24 union all
    25 select * from info_twelve
    View Code

     13、dateadd(yy/mm/dd,-1,'年-月-日 00:00:00')  修改年月日


        select CONVERT(varchar(20),DATEADD(dd,-1,'2016-02-02 00:00:00'),20)   //2015-02-02 00:00:00

        select CONVERT(varchar(20),DATEADD(MM,-1,'2016-02-02 00:00:00'),20)  //2016-01-02 00:00:00

        select CONVERT(varchar(20),DATEADD(DD,-1,'2016-02-02 00:00:00'),20)  //2016-02-01 00:00:00


     14、ident_current('表名') 查询出字段中带有约束‘indentity(1,1)’ 的最后一个‘值’

      select ident_current('dbo.info_two') //null 【不含约束‘indentity’的表】

      select ident_current('dbo.info_three') //3 

      select ident_current('dbo.info_four') //98


     1 if exists(select * from sys.objects where name='info_two')
     2     drop table info_two
     3 go
     4 create table info_two
     5 (
     6     t_name varchar(30),
     7     id int
     8 )
     9 insert into info_two values('',1)
    10 insert into info_two values('',2)
    11 insert into info_two values('绿',3)
    12 select * from info_two
    14 select ident_current('dbo.info_two') //null
    15 if exists(select * from sys.objects where name='info_three')
    16     drop table info_three
    17 go
    18 create table info_three
    19 (
    20     id int identity(1,1),
    21     t_name varchar(30)
    22 )
    23 insert into info_three values('红_three')
    24 insert into info_three values('黄_three')
    25 insert into info_three values('绿_three')
    26 select * from info_three
    28 select IDENT_CURRENT('info_three') //3
    29 if exists(select * from sys.objects where name='info_four')
    30     drop table info_four
    31 go
    32 create table info_four
    33 (
    34     id int identity(100,-1),
    35     t_name varchar(30)
    36 )
    37 insert into info_four values('红_four')
    38 insert into info_four values('黄_four')
    39 insert into info_four values('绿_four')
    40 select * from info_four
    42 select IDENT_CURRENT('info_four') //98
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/xiaoma-qi/p/5578071.html
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