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  • canny算法实现

    关于canny算法的原理和实现       这篇博客有详细的介绍 http://blog.csdn.net/likezhaobin/article/details/6892629
    1.有高斯滤波 , cvcanny 无。
    2. 上下阈值自动设定,opencv手动设定。
    // createGuassFilter.cpp : 定义控制台应用程序的入口点。 

    #include "stdafx.h"
    #include <cv.h>
    #include <highgui.h>
    #include <cxcore.h>

    #ifdef DEBUG
    #pragma comment(lib,"cxcore200d.lib")
    #pragma comment(lib,"cv200d.lib")
    #pragma comment(lib,"highgui200d.lib")
    #pragma comment(lib,"cxcore200.lib")
    #pragma comment(lib,"cv200.lib")
    #pragma comment(lib,"highgui200.lib")

    void creatGuassFilter(float *GuassFilter, int nsize,float sigma=0);
    void calGradientAndAmplitue(IplImage * src , IplImage * gradientX,IplImage * gradientY ,IplImage * amplitue );
    void noMaxSuppress(IplImage * gradientX, IplImage *gradientY, IplImage *amplitue,IplImage * noMaxSupress );
    void EstimateThreshold(IplImage * noMaxSuppressImg , IplImage * amplitue , double &lowthreahold ,double &highthreahold);
    void hysteresis(IplImage * amplitue , IplImage * noMaxSuppressImg , float highthreshold , float lowthreshold);
    void trackEdge(int x , int y , int lowthreshold, IplImage * amplitue , IplImage * noMaxSuppressImg);
    void canny(IplImage * src, IplImage * dst ,float sigma , int size , float highthreshold, float lowthreshold);

    int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])

        IplImage * im = cvLoadImage("e.bmp",CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE);
        IplImage * im2 = cvCreateImage(cvSize(im->width/10,im->height/10),8,1);
        IplImage * dst = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(im2),8,1);



        return 0;

        函数名 : creatGuassFilter
        参数:mat_GuassFilter --- out 用于存储生成的高斯滤波模板
                  nsize ----- in 滤波窗口尺寸
                  sigma ----- in 高斯半径  

    void createGuassFilter(float *GuassFilter, int nsize,float sigma)
            float distX,distY; //到窗口中心的距离
            int ncenter = nsize/2; //窗口中心
            float sigmaA = 1.0 / (sqrt(2 * CV_PI) * sigma) ;
            float sum =0.0

            //如果sigma = 0 ,自动计算sigma值
            if (0 == sigma)
                sigma = (nsize /2 -1) *0.3 + 0.8;

            for (int i = 0 ; i < nsize ; ++i)
                for (int j = 0 ; j < nsize ; ++j)
                    distX = i - ncenter;
                    distY = j - ncenter;
                    *(GuassFilter + i * nsize + j ) = sigmaA * exp( -1.0 * ( distX * distX + distY * distY) / (2 * sigma * sigma)) ; 
                    sum +=*(GuassFilter + i * nsize + j ) ;

            for (int i = 0 ; i <nsize ; ++i)
                for (int j=0; j <nsize; ++j)
                    *(GuassFilter + i * nsize + j ) /=sum;


        功能:计算图像梯度方向 和幅度
        参数:src -- in 原图
                  gradientX Y -- out x,y方向梯度值 像素类型 int
                  amplitue -- out 幅度值 像素类型double

    void calGradientAndAmplitue(IplImage * src , IplImage * gradientX,IplImage * gradientY ,IplImage * amplitue )
        //计算 x ,y 方向梯度
        float filterx[3][3] = {
            -1 , 0 , 1 ,
            -2 , 0 , 2,
            -1 , 0 , 1

        float filtery[3][3] = {
            1 , 2 , 1,
            0 , 0 , 0,
            -1 ,-2, -1

        CvMat mat_filterx ; 
        CvMat mat_filtery;
        cvInitMatHeader(&mat_filterx , 3, 3,CV_32FC1 ,filterx);
        cvInitMatHeader(&mat_filtery , 3 ,3,CV_32FC1, filtery);

        int nwidth = src->width ; 
        int nheight = src->height;
        float Gx, Gy; //x y 方向梯度
        float * pGx , *pGy ,*pAmp;
        for (int i = 0 ; i < nheight ; ++ i)
            pGx = (float *)(gradientX->imageData + i* gradientX->widthStep );
            pGy = (float *)(gradientY->imageData + i* gradientX->widthStep );
            pAmp = (float *)(amplitue->imageData + i * amplitue->widthStep);
            for (int j = 0 ;j < nwidth ; ++j)
                Gx = *(pGx + j);
                Gy = *(pGy + j);
                *(pAmp + j) = sqrt(1.0 * Gx * Gx + 1.0 * Gy * Gy);



    void noMaxSuppress(IplImage * gradientX, IplImage *gradientY, IplImage *amplitue,IplImage * noMaxSupress )
        int nwidth = noMaxSupress->width ; 
        int nheight = noMaxSupress->height;

        float Gx ,Gy ; // x,y梯度值
        float temp1,temp2,temp3,temp4; //用于计算插值得到梯度方向邻域幅度值的中间变量
        float amp , amp1 ,amp2; // 该点幅度值 该点梯度方向上的幅度值
        float angle = 0.0; //梯度方向
        float rate = 0.0; // 线插比例
        float *pAmp , *pnoMaxSuppress,*pgradientX,*pgradientY;
        pAmp = (float *)amplitue->imageData;
        pnoMaxSuppress = (float *)noMaxSupress->imageData;
        pgradientX = (float *)gradientX->imageData;
        pgradientY = (float *)gradientY->imageData;

        for ( int i = 1 ; i <nheight -1 ; ++i)
            for (int j = 1 ; j < nwidth -1 ; ++j)
                amp =*( pAmp+ i *nwidth + j);
                //如果幅度值为0 则为非边缘点
                if (amp ==0)
                    *(pnoMaxSuppress + i * nwidth + j) = 0 ;

                Gx = *(pgradientX + i * nwidth + j);
                Gy = *(pgradientY + i *nwidth + j);

                angle = atan(1.0 * Gy / Gx);

                //                    temp1               
                //temp3 amp temp2
                if ( (angle >=0 && angle < CV_PI/4) /* || (angle >=CV_PI && angle < 5.0/4 *CV_PI)*/ )
                    temp1 = *(pAmp + (i-1)*nwidth + j+1);
                    temp2 = *(pAmp + i *nwidth + j+1);
                    temp4 = *(pAmp + i *nwidth + j-1);
                    temp4 = *(pAmp + (i +1) * nwidth + j-1);
                    rate = fabs(1.0 *Gy)/fabs(1.0*Gx);
                    amp1 = temp1 * rate + temp2 * (1 -rate);
                    amp2 = temp3 * rate + temp4 * (1 -rate);
                // temp1 temp2
                // amp
                // temp3 temp4
                else if ( ( angle >=CV_PI/4 && angle <= CV_PI/2)/* || (angle >=5.0/4 * CV_PI && angle <3.0/2 * CV_PI )*/
                    temp1 = *(pAmp + (i-1) * nwidth + j );
                    temp2 =*(pAmp + (i-1) * nwidth + j +1);
                    temp3 = *(pAmp + (i +1)*nwidth + j -1);
                    temp4 = *(pAmp + (i +1) * nwidth + j);
                    rate = fabs(1.0*Gx)/fabs(1.0*Gy);
                    amp1 = temp2 * rate + temp1 *(1- rate);
                    amp2 = temp3 * rate + temp4 *(1-rate);
                // temp1 temp2
                // amp
                // temp3 temp4
                else if( ( angle >= -1.0 * CV_PI/2 && angle < -1.0 *CV_PI /4))
                    temp1 = *(pAmp + (i-1)*nwidth + j-1);
                    temp2 = *(pAmp + (i-1)*nwidth + j);
                    temp3 =*(pAmp + (i+1)*nwidth + j);
                    temp4 = *(pAmp + (i +1)*nwidth +j+1);
                    rate = fabs(1.0*Gx) / fabs(1.0*Gy);
                    amp1 = temp1 * rate + temp2 *(1 - rate);
                    amp2 = temp4 * rate + temp3 * (1- rate);
                // temp1     
                // temp2 amp temp3
                // temp4
                else /*if ( angle >= -1.0 * CV_PI /4 && angle <0)*/
                    temp1 = *(pAmp + (i-1)*nwidth + j-1);
                    temp2 = *(pAmp + i * nwidth + j-1);
                    temp3 = *(pAmp + i * nwidth + j +1);
                    temp4 =*(pAmp + (i+1)*nwidth + j +1);
                    rate = fabs(1.0*Gy)/fabs(1.0*Gx);
                    amp1 = temp1 * rate + temp2 *( 1- rate);
                    amp2 = temp4 * rate + temp3* (1- rate);

                //局部最大值判断 如果为最大值 128 否则0
                if( amp >=amp1 && amp >= amp2)
                    *(pnoMaxSuppress + i * nwidth + j)=128;
                     *(pnoMaxSuppress + i * nwidth + j)=0;


        函数: EstimateThreshold
        参数:noMaxSuppress -- in 非极大值抑制处理结果 疑似边缘点图
                  amplitue -- in 幅度图
                  lowthreashold -- out 低阈值
                  highthreshold --out 高阈值

    void EstimateThreshold(IplImage * noMaxSuppressImg , IplImage * amplitue , float &lowthreahold ,float &highthreahold)
        int hist[1024]; // 幅度值最大不超过 sqrt (255^2 + 255^2)

        for (int i = 0 ; i < 1024 ; ++i)
            hist[i] = 0 ;

        int nwidth = amplitue->width;
        int nheight = amplitue->height;
        float * pnoMaxSuppress ,*pAmp;

        pnoMaxSuppress = (float *)noMaxSuppressImg->imageData ;
        pAmp = (float *)amplitue->imageData;
        //直方图统计 x轴幅度值 y 在该幅度值的点数

        for (int i = 0 ; i <nheight ; ++i)
            for (int j = 0 ; j <nwidth ; ++j)
                if(*(pnoMaxSuppress + i * nwidth + j)==128)
                    hist[(int)*(pAmp +i*nwidth + j)]++;

        int nEdgeNum = 0 ;
        int nmaxAmp = 0 ;
        for (int i = 0 ; i< 512 ; ++i)
            if (hist[i]!=0)
                nmaxAmp = i ;
                nEdgeNum += hist[i];

        //将疑似边缘点的幅度值排序,79%处为高阈值,显然 hist直方图是按从小到大存储的,所以省略了排序步骤
        int highcount = 0.79 * nEdgeNum + 0.5 ;
        int nEdgeCount = 0 ; //计数
        for (int i = 0 ; i <=nmaxAmp ; ++i)
            nEdgeCount += hist[i] ; 
            if (nEdgeCount >= highcount)
                highthreahold = i ;
                lowthreahold = 0.5 * highthreahold + 0.5;


        参数:amplitue -- in 幅度图
                  nomaxsuppress -- in 疑似边缘图
                  highthreshold -- in 高阈值
                  lowthreshold -- in 低阈值

    void hysteresis(IplImage * amplitue , IplImage * noMaxSuppressImg , float highthreshold , float lowthreshold)
        int nwidth = noMaxSuppressImg->width ; 
        int nheight = noMaxSuppressImg->height ;
        float * pnoMaxSuppress , *pAmp;
        pnoMaxSuppress = (float *)noMaxSuppressImg->imageData;
        pAmp = (float *)amplitue->imageData ;
        for (int i = 0 ; i<nheight ; ++i)
            for (int j = 0 ; j <nwidth ; ++j)
                if ( *(pAmp + i * nwidth + j)>=highthreshold && *(pnoMaxSuppress + i * nwidth + j)==128)
                    *(pnoMaxSuppress + i * nwidth + j) =255;
                    trackEdge( j , i , lowthreshold , amplitue ,noMaxSuppressImg);

        for (int i = 0 ; i <nheight ; ++i)
            for (int j = 0 ; j < nwidth ;++j)
                if (*(pnoMaxSuppress + i * nwidth + j)!=255)
                    *(pnoMaxSuppress + i * nwidth + j) = 0 ;


        参数:x ,y -- in 中心点
                 lowthreshold -- in 低阈值
                 amplitue -- 幅度图
                 momaxsuppress -- 疑似边缘图

    void trackEdge(int x , int y , int lowthreshold, IplImage * amplitue , IplImage * noMaxSuppressImg)
        int xnum[8] = {-1 , 0 , 1 , -1 , 1, -1 ,0 , 1};
        int ynum[8] = {-1, -1 ,-1 ,0 ,0 , 1, 1, 1};
        int nwidth = noMaxSuppressImg->width;
        int nheight = noMaxSuppressImg->height;

        float * pAmp , * pnoMaxSuppress;
        pAmp = (float *)amplitue->imageData ; 
        pnoMaxSuppress = (float *)noMaxSuppressImg->imageData ;
        for ( int i = 0 ; i < 8 ; ++i)
            if ( *(pAmp + (y + ynum[i]) * nwidth + x + xnum[i]) >=lowthreshold &&
                *(pnoMaxSuppress + (y + ynum[i]) * nwidth + x + xnum[i])==128)
                *(pnoMaxSuppress + (y + ynum[i]) * nwidth + x + xnum[i])=255;
                trackEdge(x+xnum[i] , y +ynum[i] , lowthreshold,amplitue , noMaxSuppressImg);


        参数:src -- in 原图
                 dst -- in 边缘图
                sigma -- in 高斯核半径
                size -- in 高斯核大小
                highthreshold --- 高阈值  拓展用 任意值
                lowthreshold -- 低阈值    拓展用 任意值

    void canny(IplImage * src, IplImage * dst ,float sigma , int size , float highthreshold, float lowthreshold)
        float *guassfilter = (float * )malloc( size * size * sizeof(float));

        CvMat mat_filter;
        cvInitMatHeader(&mat_filter,size,size,CV_32FC1 , (float *)guassfilter);
        IplImage * filterimg = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(src),IPL_DEPTH_32F,1);

        IplImage * gradientx = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(src),IPL_DEPTH_32F,1);
        IplImage * gradienty = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(src),IPL_DEPTH_32F,1);
        IplImage * amplitue = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(src),IPL_DEPTH_32F,1);
        calGradientAndAmplitue(filterimg , gradientx,gradienty ,amplitue);

        IplImage * noMaxSuppressImg = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(src),IPL_DEPTH_32F,1);

        float high , low;


        IplImage * canny = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(src),8,1);

        memcpy(dst->imageData , noMaxSuppressImg->imageData,dst->imageSize);



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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/xiaomaLV2/p/2314850.html
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