1)Transport all relation BW Object in R/3 system;
2)Transport BW Object in BI system;
1)first you have to transport R/3 objects to QA;
2)THen transport BW objects to QA;
1: Using transaction RSA6, all DataSources in your Source System are displayed
2: Select the DataSource that you wish to save (transport) and click on the transport icon.
3: Repeat for all DataSources
4: SE10 to release the transport
5: go to R/3 QA system and use STMS to import request.
IN QA System
1: To transport source-system-specific BI objects, you have to maintain the mapping table (RSLOGSYSMAP) in the BI target system. These BI objects are converted during the transport using mapping tables.
a) RSA1
b) Click on the “Transport Connection” Tab
c) Choose "Conversion" Button with quick info Conversion of Log. System Name. On the Data Warehousing Workbench: Modeling screen, choose Tools ® Conversion of the Logical System Names. The View: Conversion of Source System Names after the Transport screen appears.
2: The DataSource metadata from the original source system has to be transported into the specified target source system and is replicated in the postprocessing of the assigned BI objects. Make sure that the DataSource exists in the target source systems before you import DataSource-dependent BI objects.
IN DEV System
3: You first need to decide
– Which objects you want to collect
– How you want to collect them
4: RSA1
5: Click on the “Transport Connection” Tab
6: Click on the “Source System” button to Select the Source System(s) that you wish to save dependent objects for
7: Select the BW objects
8: Select the Grouping option(necessary/before/after/before and after)
9: Click on the "Excute" button to gather dependent objects.
10: Click on the "Transport" Button to add all object to request
11: SE09 - display request - req is modifiable in tree - select request - release task - release parent as well - get screen with status ;
IN QA System
12: STMS - click bus - choose bp2 - opens all transports - shows my req - click import icon ONLY my request - import done - ready message.
13: Check in RSA1 in production