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  • C#6.0 新特性

    关注一下其他语言的发展。其中5Java中是有的,import static1~4都挺有用的。


    New featuresin C# 6.0

    We can discussabout each of the new feature but first list of few features in C# 6.0

    1.      Auto Property Initializer

    2.      Primary Consturctors

    3.      Dictionary Initializer

    4.      Declaration Expressions

    5.      Static Using

    6.      await inside catch block

    7.      Exception Filters

    8.      Conditional Access Operator to check NULL Values

    1. Auto Property initialzier


    The only way toinitialize an Auto Property is to implement an explicit constructor and setproperty values inside it.

    public class AutoPropertyBeforeCsharp6


       private string _postTitle = string.Empty;

       public AutoPropertyBeforeCsharp6()


            //assign initialvalues

           PostID = 1;

           PostName = "Post 1";



       public long PostID { get; set; }


       public string PostName { get; set; }


       public string PostTitle


            get { return _postTitle; }

            protected set


               _postTitle = value;





    In C# 6 autoimplemented property with initial value can be initialized without having to write the constructor. We can simplify the above exampleto the following

    public class AutoPropertyInCsharp6


       public long PostID { get;  } = 1;


       public string PostName { get; } = "Post 1";


       public string PostTitle { get; protected set; } = string.Empty;


    2. PrimaryConstructors

    We mainly useconstructor to initialize the values inside it.(Acceptparameter values and assign those parameters to instance properties).


    public class PrimaryConstructorsBeforeCSharp6


       public PrimaryConstructorsBeforeCSharp6(long postId, string postName, string postTitle)


           PostID = postId;

           PostName = postName;

           PostTitle = postTitle;



       public long PostID { get; set; }

       public string PostName { get; set; }

       public string PostTitle { get; set; }



    public class PrimaryConstructorsInCSharp6(long postId, string postName, string postTitle)


       public long PostID { get;  } = postId;

       public string PostName { get; } = postName;

       public string PostTitle { get;  } = postTitle;


    In C# 6, primaryconstructor gives us a shortcut syntax for defining constructor withparameters. Only one primary constructor per class is allowed.

    If you closelyat the above example we moved the parameters initialization beside the classname.

    You may get thefollowing error “Feature ‘primary constructor’ is only available in‘experimental’ language version.” To solve this we need to editthe SolutionName.csproj file to get ridof this error. What you have to do is we need to add additional settingafter WarningTag


    Feature ‘primary constructor’ is only available in ‘experimental’ languageversion

    3. Dictionary Initializer


    The old waywriting an dictionary initializer is as follows

    public class DictionaryInitializerBeforeCSharp6


       public Dictionary<string, string> _users = new Dictionary<string, string>()


            {"users", "Venkat BagguBlog" },

            {"Features", "Whats new inC# 6" }




    We can definedictionary initializer like an array using square brackets

    public class DictionaryInitializerInCSharp6


       public Dictionary<string, string> _users { get; } = new Dictionary<string, string>()


            ["users"]  = "Venkat Baggu Blog",

            ["Features"] =  "Whats new in C# 6"



    4. Declaration Expressions


    public class DeclarationExpressionsBeforeCShapr6()


       public static int CheckUserExist(string userId)


            //Example 1

            int id;

            if(!int.TryParse(userId, out id))


               return id;


            return id;



       public static string GetUserRole(long userId)


            ////Example 2

            var user =_userRepository.Users.FindById(x => x.UserID == userId);

            if (user!=null)


               // work with address ...


               return user.City;





    In C# 6 you candeclare an local variable in middle of the expression.With declaration expressions we can also declare variables inside if statementsand various loop statements

    public class DeclarationExpressionsInCShapr6()


       public static int CheckUserExist(string userId)


            if(!int.TryParse(userId, out var id))


               return id;


            return 0;



       public static string GetUserRole(long userId)


            ////Example 2

            if ((var user =_userRepository.Users.FindById(x => x.UserID == userId) != null)


               // work with address ...


               return user.City;




    5. Using Statics


    To you staticmembers you don’t need an instance of object to invoke a method. You use syntaxas follows


    public class StaticUsingBeforeCSharp6


       public void TestMethod()


           Console.WriteLine("Static Using Before C# 6");




    In C# 6 you havethe ability to use the Static Members without using the type name. You can import the static classes in thenamespaces.

    If you look atthe below example we moved the Static Console class to the namespace

    using System.Console;

    namespace newfeatureincsharp6


       public class StaticUsingInCSharp6


            public void TestMethod()


               WriteLine("Static Using Before C# 6");




    6. await inside catch block

    Before C#6 await keyword is not available inside the catch and finallyblock. In C# 6 we can finally use the await keyword inside catch and finallyblocks.



             //Do something


    catch (Exception)


             await Logger.Error("exceptionlogging")


    7. Exception Filters

    Exceptionfilters allow you a feature to check an if conditionbefore the catch block excutes.

    Consider anexample that an exception occurred now we want to check if the InnerException null then it will executes catch block

    //Example 1



       //Some code


    catch (Exception ex) if (ex.InnerException == null)


       //Do work




    //Before C# 6 we write the above code as follows


    //Example 1



       //Some code


    catch (Exception ex)


       if(ex.InnerException != null)


            //Do work;



    8. Conditional Access Operator to check NULL Values ?.

    Consider anexample that we want to retrieve an UserRanking based on the UserIDonly if UserID is not null.


    var userRank = "No Rank";

    if(UserID != null)


       userRank = Rank;





    var userRank = UserID != null ? Rank : "No Rank"


    var userRank = UserID?.Rank ?? "No Rank";

    The post Newfeatures in C# 6.0 appeared first on Venkat Baggu Blog




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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/xiaomaohai/p/6157646.html
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