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  • 蓝牙编程扫盲 基本概念


    An Introduction to Bluetooth Programming


    蓝牙编程和网络编程(socket)很像,网络通信需要知道主机名(ip地址)和端口,蓝牙通信需要知道蓝牙的MAC地址和端口(RFCOMM叫channel,L2CAP叫Service Multiplexers)。





    • RFCOMM:类似tcp,可靠的,但效率低下


    • L2CAP:类似udp,不可靠,但效率高

      使用protocol Service Multiplexers区分蓝牙设备里的具体service,一个有32767(1 - 32767)


    协议 术语 保留/ well-known 的端口 dynamically assigned ports
    TCP port 1-1024 1025-65535
    UDP port 1-1024 1025-65535
    RFCOMM channel none 1-30
    L2CAP PSM odd numbered 1-4095 odd numbered 4097 - 32765

    由于RFCOMM只有30个channel,不够用。蓝牙使用Service Discovery Protocol (SDP)来解决这个问题。


    Instead of agreeing upon a port to use at application design time, the Bluetooth approach is to assign ports at runtime and follow a publish-subscribe model. The host machine operates a server application, called the SDP server, that uses one of the few L2CAP reserved port numbers. Other server applications are dynamically assigned port numbers at runtime and register a description of themselves and the services they provide (along with the port numbers they are assigned) with the SDP server. Client applications will then query the SDP server (using the well defined port number) on a particular machine to obtain the information they need.

    This raises the question of how do clients know which description is the one they are looking for. The standard way of doing this in Bluetooth is to assign a 128-bit number, called the Universally Unique Identifier (UUID), at design time. Following a standard method [1] of choosing this number guarantees choosing a UUID unique from those chosen by anyone else following the same method. Thus, a client and server application both designed with the same UUID can provide this number to the SDP server as a search term.

    As with RFCOMM and L2CAP, only a small portion of SDP has been described here - those parts most relevant to a network programmer. Among the other ways SDP can be used are to describe which transport protocols a server is using, to give information such as a human-readable description of the service provided and who is providing it, and to search on fields other than the UUID such as the service name. Another point worth mentioning is that SDP is not even required to create a Bluetooth application. It is perfectly possible to revert to the TCP/IP way of assigning port numbers at design time and hoping to avoid port conflicts, and this might often be done to save some time. In controlled settings such as the computer science laboratory, this is quite reasonable. Ultimately, however, to create a portable application that will run in the greatest number of scenarios, the application should use dynamically assigned ports and SDP.


    蓝牙方法不是在应用程序设计时约定要使用的端口,而是在运行时分配端口并遵循发布-订阅模型。主机运行一个名为SDP server的服务器应用程序,它使用为数不多的L2CAP保留端口号之一。其他服务器应用程序在运行时动态分配端口号,并向SDP服务器注册它们自己和它们提供的服务的描述(以及它们被分配的端口号)。然后,客户机应用程序将查询特定计算机上的SDP服务器(使用定义良好的端口号),以获取所需的信息。



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