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  • BufferedInputStream/BufferedOutputStream


    public synchronized int read() throws IOException
    int res=bis.read();


     public synchronized int read(byte b[], int off, int len) throws IOException
     byte[] buff=new byte[LEN];
     int res=bis.read(buff,0,LEN);
     System.out.println(new String(buff,0,res));

        调用一次 取LEN个值,并游标向前走LEN位,数据保存在字节数组中,返回值是数据个数

    public synchronized int available() throws IOException 

      返回目标文件大小, 底层实现​

     public synchronized void mark(int readlimit)  
     public synchronized void reset() throws IOException

      mark用来标记断点(下标)并传入一个readlimit (缓冲流最大限制)

          reset 将返回到断点重新读取数据


      public synchronized void mark(int readlimit) {
            marklimit = readlimit;
            markpos = pos;
        public synchronized void reset() throws IOException {
            getBufIfOpen(); // Cause exception if closed
            if (markpos < 0)
                throw new IOException("Resetting to invalid mark");
            pos = markpos;


     private void fill() throws IOException {
            byte[] buffer = getBufIfOpen();
            if (markpos < 0)
                pos = 0;            /* no mark: throw away the buffer */
            else if (pos >= buffer.length)  /* no room left in buffer */
                if (markpos > 0) {  /* can throw away early part of the buffer */
                    int sz = pos - markpos;
                    System.arraycopy(buffer, markpos, buffer, 0, sz);
                    pos = sz;
                    markpos = 0;
                } else if (buffer.length >= marklimit) {
                    markpos = -1;   /* buffer got too big, invalidate mark */
                    pos = 0;        /* drop buffer contents */
                } else if (buffer.length >= MAX_BUFFER_SIZE) {
                    throw new OutOfMemoryError("Required array size too large");
                } else {            /* grow buffer */
                    int nsz = (pos <= MAX_BUFFER_SIZE - pos) ?
                            pos * 2 : MAX_BUFFER_SIZE;
                    if (nsz > marklimit)
                        nsz = marklimit;
                    byte nbuf[] = new byte[nsz];
                    System.arraycopy(buffer, 0, nbuf, 0, pos);
                    if (!bufUpdater.compareAndSet(this, buffer, nbuf)) {
                        // Can't replace buf if there was an async close.
                        // Note: This would need to be changed if fill()
                        // is ever made accessible to multiple threads.
                        // But for now, the only way CAS can fail is via close.
                        // assert buf == null;
                        throw new IOException("Stream closed");
                    buffer = nbuf;
            count = pos;
            int n = getInIfOpen().read(buffer, pos, buffer.length - pos);
            if (n > 0)
                count = n + pos;


     1、调用mark 并传入int类型参数赋值给marklimit,同时将pos赋值给markpos;


       3、 在缓冲区中数据读取完后,会再次调用fill方法,使缓冲区扩大一倍,然后pos继续自增







     public synchronized void write(int b) throws IOException 
     public synchronized void write(byte b[], int off, int len) throws IOException  
     public synchronized void flush() throws IOException
     private void flushBuffer() throws IOException 


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/xiaotaoqi/p/6115991.html
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