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  • Codeforces Round #440 (Div. 2, based on Technocup 2018 Elimination Round 2)

    A. Search for Pretty Integers





     1 //Author: xiaowuga
     2 #include <bits/stdc++.h>
     3 using namespace std;
     4 #define inf 0x3f3f3f3f
     5 #define MAX INT_MAX
     6 #define mem(s,ch) memset(s,ch,sizeof(s))
     7 const long long N=100000; 
     8 const long long mod=1e9+7; 
     9 typedef long long LL;
    10 typedef int II;
    11 typedef unsigned long long ull;
    12 #define nc cout<<"nc"<<endl
    13 #define endl "
    14 int main() {
    15     ios::sync_with_stdio(false);cin.tie(0);
    16     int a=20,b=20;
    17     int n,m;
    18     int aa[10]={0},bb[10]={0};
    19     cin>>n>>m; 
    20     for(int i=0;i<n;i++){
    21         int t;
    22         cin>>t;
    23         a=min(a,t);
    24         aa[t]=1;
    25     } 
    26     for(int i=0;i<m;i++){
    27         int t;
    28         cin>>t;
    29         b=min(b,t);
    30         bb[t]=1;
    31     } 
    32     for(int i=1;i<=9;i++){
    33         if(aa[i]&&bb[i]){
    34             cout<<i<<endl;
    35             return 0;
    36         }
    37     } 
    38     if(a>b) swap(a,b);
    39     cout<<(a*10)+b<<endl;
    40     return 0;
    41 }
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    B. Maximum of Maximums of Minimums





     1 //Author: xiaowuga
     2 #include <bits/stdc++.h>
     3 using namespace std;
     4 #define inf 0x3f3f3f3f
     5 #define MAX INT_MAX
     6 #define mem(s,ch) memset(s,ch,sizeof(s))
     7 const long long N=100000; 
     8 const long long mod=1e9+7; 
     9 typedef long long LL;
    10 typedef int II;
    11 typedef unsigned long long ull;
    12 #define nc cout<<"nc"<<endl
    13 #define endl "
    14 int main() {
    15     ios::sync_with_stdio(false);cin.tie(0);
    16     long long a[100000+10];
    17     int n,k;
    18     cin>>n>>k;
    19     long long mi=inf,ma=-inf;
    20     for(int i=0;i<n;i++){
    21         cin>>a[i];
    22         mi=min(mi,a[i]);
    23         ma=max(ma,a[i]);
    24     }
    25     if(k==1) cout<<mi<<endl;
    26     else if(k>2) cout<<ma<<endl;
    27     else {
    28         cout<<max(a[0],a[n-1])<<endl;
    29     }
    30     return 0;
    31 }
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    C. Maximum splitting




     1 //Author: xiaowuga
     2 #include <bits/stdc++.h>
     3 using namespace std;
     4 #define inf 0x3f3f3f3f
     5 #define MAX INT_MAX
     6 #define mem(s,ch) memset(s,ch,sizeof(s))
     7 const long long N=100000; 
     8 const long long mod=1e9+7; 
     9 typedef long long LL;
    10 typedef int II;
    11 typedef unsigned long long ull;
    12 #define nc cout<<"nc"<<endl
    13 #define endl "
    14 int main() {
    15     ios::sync_with_stdio(false);cin.tie(0);
    16     int q;
    17     long long k;
    18     cin>>q;
    19     while(q--){
    20        cin>>k; 
    21        long long x=k/4;
    22        if(k%4==0) cout<<x<<endl;
    23        else if(k%4==1){
    24            if(x-2>=0){
    25                cout<<x-1<<endl;
    26            }
    27            else cout<<-1<<endl;
    28        }
    29        else if(k%4==2){
    30            if(x-1>=0){
    31                cout<<x<<endl;
    32            }
    33            else cout<<-1<<endl;
    34        }
    35        else if(k%4==3){
    36            if(x-3>=0){
    37                cout<<x-1<<endl;
    38            } 
    39            else cout<<-1<<endl;
    40        } 
    41     }
    42     return 0;
    43 }
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/xiaowuga/p/7693689.html
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