/** * @class String concat * @return {StrBuf/String} * @constructor * eg: var buf = new StrBuf("contructor str "); buf.push("hello,") .push("Today is {0}, {1}", "Monday", "March 28th") .push("${name} is a good ${category} company", {name: "Google", category: "Intenet"}); document.write(buf);// auto call toString method console.log(buf); console.log(StrBuf("static {0} method", "invoke")); */ var StrBuf = function(s) { this.data = []; if(s) { var args = arguments, buf; if(this instanceof StrBuf) { this.push.apply(this, args); } else { // static invoke buf = new StrBuf(); return buf.push.apply(buf, args).toString(); } } }; StrBuf.prototype = { // add String to the instance push: function(s, j) { var args = arguments; if(args.length < 2) { this.data.push(s || ""); } else if(typeof j == 'object') { this.data.push(s.replace(/${([w.]+)}/g, function($, $1) { return ($1 in j) ? j[$1] : $; })); } else { this.data.push(s.replace(/{(d+)}/g, function($, $1) { return args[+$1 + 1]; })); } return this; }, toString: function() { return this.data.join(""); } };
var buf = new StrBuf("contructor str "); buf.push("hello,"); buf.push("Today is {0}, {1}", "Monday", "March 28th"); buf.push("${name} is a good ${category} company", {name: "Google", category: "Intenet"}); document.write(buf);// auto call toString method console.log(buf); console.log(StrBuf("static {0} method", "invoke"));