using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; namespace LandmaExpressionDemo { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { //anonymous method Action ac = delegate() { Console.WriteLine("hello delegate"); }; ac(); //Use Action<T> to create anonymous method with parameters Action<string> ac2 = delegate(string strMessage) { Console.WriteLine(strMessage); }; ac2("hello world2"); //Pass the anonymous method to another method as parameter ActionHelper(delegate(string strMessage) { Console.WriteLine(strMessage); }); //use landmar expression as parameter to another method ActionHelper(fw => Console.WriteLine(fw)); //Use lambda expression as a delegate Action ac3 = () => Console.WriteLine("hello ac3"); ac3(); } public delegate void DisplayMessageDelegate(string strMesssage); public static void ActionHelper(Action<string> ac) { ac("hello world3"); } //Useful references //1. //2. //3. //4. } }