Spheres, Spheroids, and Geoids
Geoid and Ellipsoid
Literally, geoid means Earth-shaped. The geoid is an empirical approximation of the figure of the Earth (minus topographic relief), its "lumpiness.." Specifically, it is an equipotential surface with respect to gravity, more or less corresponding to mean sea level. It is approximately an oblate ellipsoid, but not exactly so because local variations in gravity create minor hills and dales (which range from -100 m to +60 m across the Earth). This variation in height is on the order of one percent of the differences between the semimajor and semiminor ellipsoid axes used to approximate the Earth's shape, as described in The Ellipsoid Vector.
You can define ellipsoids in several ways. They are usually specified by a semimajor and a semiminor axis, but are often expressed in terms of a semimajor axis and either inverse flattening (which for the Earth, as mentioned above, is one part in 300) or eccentricity. Whichever parameters are used, as long as an axis length is included, the ellipsoid is fully constrained and the other parameters are derivable. The components of an ellipsoid are shown in the following diagram.
The Ellipsoid Vector
- Mapping Toolbox Ellipsoid Management
- Functions that Define Ellipsoid Vectors
- What Is the "Correct" Ellipsoid Vector?
Mapping Toolbox ellipsoid representations are two-element vectors, called ellipsoid vectors. The ellipsoid vector has the form [semimajor_axis eccentricity]. The semimajor axis can be in any unit of distance; the choice of units typically drives the units used for distance outputs in the toolbox functions. Meters, kilometers, or Earth radii (i.e., a unit sphere) are most frequently used. See Functions that Define Ellipsoid Vectors for details.
Eccentricity can range from 0 to 1. Most toolbox functions accept a scalar in place of an ellipsoid vector. In this case, its value is interpreted as the radius of a reference sphere, which is equivalent to an ellipsoid with an eccentricity of zero.
Standard values for the ellipsoid vector, along with several other kinds of planetary data for each of the planets and the Earth's moon, are provided by the Mapping Toolbox almanac function (see Planetary Almanac Data). In the almanac function, the default ellipsoid for the Earth is the 1980 Geodetic Reference System ellipsoid:
format long g
ans =
6378.137 0.0818191910428158
Compare this to a spherical ellipsoid definition:
ans =
6371 0
You should set format to long g, as above, if you want to display eccentricity values at full precision.
For example, examine the parameters of the wgs72 (the 1972 World Geodetic System) ellipsoid, using the almanac function:
wgs72 = almanac('earth','wgs72','kilometers')
wgs72 =
6378.135 0.0818188106627487
Compare this with Bessel's 1841 ellipsoid:
format long g
bessel = almanac('earth','bessel','kilometers')
bessel =
6377.397155 0.0816968312225275
grs80 = almanac('earth','ellipsoid','kilometers')
semidiff = grs80(1) - semiminor
kmtomm = unitsratio('mm','km')
scalelim = semidiff * kmtomm / 0.5
The unitsratio function was used to convert the distance semidiff from kilometers into millimeters. This indicates that the Earth's eccentricity is not geometrically meaningful at scales of less than 1:43,000,000, which is roughly the scale of a world map shown on a page of this document. Consequently, most Mapping Toolbox functions default to a spherical model of the Earth. Another reason for defaulting to a sphere is that angular distances are not meaningful on ellipsoids, and some Mapping Toolbox functions compute or use angular distances. See Working with Distances on the Sphere for more information. Regardless, you are free to specify any ellipsoid when you define map axes or otherwise operate on geodata.
Mapping Toolbox Ellipsoid Management
Most maps you make with the toolbox are displayed in a map axes, which is a MATLAB axes that contains a key data structure called a "map projection structure," or mstruct. A reference ellipsoid is fundamental to defining a map axes, and is stored in the geoid field of the mstruct. (The geographic term "geoid" actually refers to a model of the shape of the earth that is much more detailed. See Geoid and Ellipsoid for more information.) Other mstruct fields specify parameters that define the map axes' current projection and for controlling the appearance of the map frame, grid, and grid labels. You define an mstruct with the axesm or defaultm functions. See Map Axes Object Properties for definitions of the fields found in mstructs.
You can pass an mstruct to certain functions you call. Other functions obtain the mstruct from the current map axes. (If it is not a map axes, such functions error.) When axesm or defaultm create a map axes containing an mstruct, their default behavior is to use a unit sphere for the ellipsoid vector. Unless you override this default, you must work in units of earth radii (or radii of whatever planet you are mapping). The following short example shows this clearly (getm obtains mstruct parameters from a map axes):
worldmap australia
ellipsoid = getm(gca,'geoid')
ans =
1 0
The worldmap function chooses map projections and parameters appropriate to the region specified to it and sets up default values for the rest of the mstruct. The geoid parameter is the ellipsoid vector that worldmap generated. The first element of the output vector indicates that the semimajor axis has a length of 1; the second element indicates that there is no eccentricity. Therefore, you are working with a sphere—a unit sphere, to be specific.
If, instead of using default ellipsoid vectors, you prefer to be explicit about your reference ellipsoid, then you can work in the length units of your choice, on either a sphere or an ellipsoid. In following example (on the sphere),
[x, y] = mfwdtran(0,90)
x =
y =
the projected map coordinates for a point at 0 degrees latitude, 90 degrees longitude falls just over 107 meters east of the origin. If you then revert to a unit sphere (the default ellipsoid), the distance units are quite different:
axesm mercator
[x, y] = mfwdtran(0,90)
x =
y =
This value for x turns out to equal π/2, which might tempt you to think that the Mercator projection has simply converted degrees to radians. But what has actually changed is that the point at (0, 90) now maps to a point 1 earth radius east of the origin. Because Mercator is a cylindrical projection having no length distortion along the equator, and because a radian is defined in terms of a sphere's radius, the numbers just happen to work out this way.
Functions that Define Ellipsoid Vectors
The elevation Function. The elevation function uses the GRS 80 ellipsoid in meters as its default; unless you specify a reference ellipsoid vector yourself, elevation will assume that input altitudes and the output slant range are both in units of meters.
The distance and reckon Functions. These functions assume by default a reference sphere with a radius of 1 (a unit sphere), but scale their range inputs and outputs to equal the size (in degrees) of the angle subtended by rays joining the center of the Earth (or planet) to the start and end points. To obtain results on an ellipsoid you must specify an ellipsoid vector such as almanac provides.
Angle-Distance Conversion Functions. The default behavior of the 12 angle-distance conversion utilities (itemized in Working with Distances on the Sphere) is different than the above; as discussed below, these functions assume a sphere with a radius of 6371 kilometers (or, equivalently, 3440.065 nautical miles or 3958.748 statute miles), which is a reasonable average radius for Earth.
See the documentation for individual functions if you are not clear whether or how they may generate default reference ellipsoids.
What Is the "Correct" Ellipsoid Vector?
Many different reference ellipsoids have been proposed through the years. They differ because of the surveying information upon which they are based, or because they are intended to approximate the Earth only within a specific geographic region. In many cases you will want to use either the Geodetic Referencing System of 1980 (GRS80) ellipsoid or the World Geodetic System 1984 (WGS84); their semimajor axis lengths are equal and their semiminor axes (i.e., center to pole) differ in length by just over 1/10 mm, as the following code demonstrates:
grs80 = almanac('earth','grs80','meters');
wgs84 = almanac('earth','wgs84','meters');
minaxis(wgs84) - minaxis(grs80)
ellipsoid1 = almanac('earth','ellipsoid','kilometers','everest');
ellipsoid2 = almanac('earth','ellipsoid','kilometers','iau65');
See the reference page for the almanac function for more information on the ellipsoids that are built into the toolbox. If you cannot find the ellipsoid vector you need, you can create it in the following form:
ellipsoidvec = [semimajor_axis eccentricity]