现在我的TCPServer的工作线程都没有异常,但是当大量客户端以高速连接的时候,为什么停止TCPServer(ACtive := False;)的时候会报告线程停止错误?请指教。 急!在线等。 --------------------------------------------------------------- 呵呵 Indy的Bug!! 修改unit IdTCPServer单元的SetActive()函数:
procedure TIdTCPServer.SetActive(AValue: Boolean); var i: Integer; LListenerThread: TIdListenerThread; begin // SG 28/11/01: removed the "try..finally FActive := AValue; end;" wrapper // SG 28/11/01: It cause the component to be locked in the "active" state, even if // SG 28/11/01: the socket couldn't be bound. if (not (csDesigning in ComponentState)) and (FActive <> AValue) and (not (csLoading in ComponentState)) then begin if AValue then begin // InitializeCommandHandlers must be called only at runtime, and only after streaming // has occured. This used to be in .Loaded and that worked for forms. It failed // for dynamically created instances and also for descendant classes. if not FCommandHandlersInitialized then begin FCommandHandlersInitialized := True; InitializeCommandHandlers; end; // Set up bindings if Bindings.Count = 0 then begin Bindings.Add; end; // Set up ThreadMgr ThreadMgr.ThreadClass := ThreadClass; // Setup IOHandler if not Assigned(FIOHandler) then begin IOHandler := TIdServerIOHandlerSocket.Create(self); FImplicitIOHandler := true; end; // Update reply texts for "global" replies ReplyTexts.UpdateText(ReplyUnknownCommand); ReplyTexts.UpdateText(MaxConnectionReply); // Set up listener threads IOHandler.Init; i := 0; try while i < Bindings.Count do begin with Bindings[i] do begin AllocateSocket; if (FReuseSocket = rsTrue) or ((FReuseSocket = rsOSDependent) and (GOSType = otLinux)) then begin SetSockOpt(Id_SOL_SOCKET, Id_SO_REUSEADDR, PChar(@Id_SO_True), SizeOf(Id_SO_True)); end; Bind; end; Inc(i); end; except Dec(i); // the one that failed doesn't need to be closed while i >= 0 do begin Bindings[i].CloseSocket; Dec(i); end; FActive := True; SetActive(False); // allow descendants to clean up raise; end; FListenerThreads := TThreadList.Create; for i := 0 to Bindings.Count - 1 do begin Bindings[i].Listen(FListenQueue); LListenerThread := TIdListenerThread.Create(Self, Bindings[i]); FListenerThreads.Add(LListenerThread); LListenerThread.Start; end; FActive := True; // fixed by Liu Yang 2007.7.24 end else begin TerminateListenerThreads; FActive := false; // fixed by Liu Yang 2007.7.24 // Tear down ThreadMgr try TerminateAllThreads; finally if ImplicitThreadMgr and TIdThreadSafeList(Threads).IsCountLessThan(1) then begin // DONE -oAPR: BUG! Threads still live, Mgr dead ;-( FreeAndNil(FThreadMgr); FImplicitThreadMgr := False; end; end;//tryf end; end; end;