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  • RabbitMQ 监控(六)

    接下来说说监控的相关内容。监控还是非常重要的,特别是在生产环境。磁盘满了,队列积压严重,如果我们无法提前知道,这是个很严重的问题;关于解决这些问题网上有很多解决方案。例如:Management UI,rabbitmqctl 命令和 REST API 以及使用 prometheus + grafana,当然大厂的话都会自定开发基于 api监控系统。

    一、rabbitmqctl 命令

    # 启动服务
    # 停止服务 rabbitmqctl stop
    # vhost 增删查 rabbitmqctl add_vhost
    rabbitmqctl delete_vhost
    rabbitmqctl list_vhosts
    # 查询交换机 rabbitmqctl list_exchanges
    # 查询队列 rabbitmqctl list_queues
    # 查看消费者信息 rabbitmqctl list_consumers
    # user 增删查 rabbitmqctl add_user
    rabbitmqctl delete_user
    rabbitmqctl list_users

    二、REST API



    X       /api/overview Various random bits of information that describe the whole system.
    X X     /api/cluster-name Name identifying this RabbitMQ cluster.
    X       /api/nodes A list of nodes in the RabbitMQ cluster.
    X       /api/nodes/name An individual node in the RabbitMQ cluster. Add "?memory=true" to get memory statistics, and "?binary=true" to get a breakdown of binary memory use (may be expensive if there are many small binaries in the system).
    X       /api/extensions A list of extensions to the management plugin.
    X     X /api/definitions
    /api/all-configuration (deprecated)
    The server definitions - exchanges, queues, bindings, users, virtual hosts, permissions, topic permissions, and parameters. Everything apart from messages. POST to upload an existing set of definitions. Note that:
    • The definitions are merged. Anything already existing on the server but not in the uploaded definitions is untouched.
    • Conflicting definitions on immutable objects (exchanges, queues and bindings) will be ignored. The existing definition will be preserved.
    • Conflicting definitions on mutable objects will cause the object in the server to be overwritten with the object from the definitions.
    • In the event of an error you will be left with a part-applied set of definitions.
    For convenience you may upload a file from a browser to this URI (i.e. you can use multipart/form-data as well as application/json) in which case the definitions should be uploaded as a form field named "file".
    X     X /api/definitions/vhost The server definitions for a given virtual host - exchanges, queues, bindings and policies. POST to upload an existing set of definitions. Note that:
    • The definitions are merged. Anything already existing on the server but not in the uploaded definitions is untouched.
    • Conflicting definitions on immutable objects (exchanges, queues and bindings) will be ignored. The existing definition will be preserved.
    • Conflicting definitions on mutable objects will cause the object in the server to be overwritten with the object from the definitions.
    • In the event of an error you will be left with a part-applied set of definitions.
    For convenience you may upload a file from a browser to this URI (i.e. you can use multipart/form-data as well as application/json) in which case the definitions should be uploaded as a form field named "file".
    X       /api/connections A list of all open connections. Use pagination parameters to filter connections.
    X       /api/vhosts/vhost/connections A list of all open connections in a specific virtual host. Use pagination parameters to filter connections.
    X   X   /api/connections/name An individual connection. DELETEing it will close the connection. Optionally set the "X-Reason" header when DELETEing to provide a reason.
    X       /api/connections/name/channels List of all channels for a given connection.
    X       /api/channels A list of all open channels. Use pagination parameters to filter channels.
    X       /api/vhosts/vhost/channels A list of all open channels in a specific virtual host. Use pagination parameters to filter channels.
    X       /api/channels/channel Details about an individual channel.
    X       /api/consumers A list of all consumers.
    X       /api/consumers/vhost A list of all consumers in a given virtual host.
    X       /api/exchanges A list of all exchanges. Use pagination parameters to filter exchanges.
    X       /api/exchanges/vhost A list of all exchanges in a given virtual host. Use pagination parameters to filter exchanges.
    X X X   /api/exchanges/vhost/name An individual exchange. To PUT an exchange, you will need a body looking something like this:
    The type key is mandatory; other keys are optional.

    When DELETEing an exchange you can add the query string parameter if-unused=true. This prevents the delete from succeeding if the exchange is bound to a queue or as a source to another exchange.

    X       /api/exchanges/vhost/name/bindings/source A list of all bindings in which a given exchange is the source.
    X       /api/exchanges/vhost/name/bindings/destination A list of all bindings in which a given exchange is the destination.
          X /api/exchanges/vhost/name/publish Publish a message to a given exchange. You will need a body looking something like:
    {"properties":{},"routing_key":"my key","payload":"my body","payload_encoding":"string"}
    All keys are mandatory. The payload_encoding key should be either "string" (in which case the payload will be taken to be the UTF-8 encoding of the payload field) or "base64" (in which case the payload field is taken to be base64 encoded).
    If the message is published successfully, the response will look like:
    {"routed": true}
    routed will be true if the message was sent to at least one queue.

    Please note that the HTTP API is not ideal for high performance publishing; the need to create a new TCP connection for each message published can limit message throughput compared to AMQP or other protocols using long-lived connections.

    X       /api/queues A list of all queues. Use pagination parameters to filter queues.
    X       /api/queues/vhost A list of all queues in a given virtual host. Use pagination parameters to filter queues.
    X X X   /api/queues/vhost/name An individual queue. To PUT a queue, you will need a body looking something like this:
    All keys are optional.

    When DELETEing a queue you can add the query string parameters if-empty=true and / or if-unused=true. These prevent the delete from succeeding if the queue contains messages, or has consumers, respectively.

    X       /api/queues/vhost/name/bindings A list of all bindings on a given queue.
        X   /api/queues/vhost/name/contents Contents of a queue. DELETE to purge. Note you can't GET this.
          X /api/queues/vhost/name/actions Actions that can be taken on a queue. POST a body like:
    Currently the actions which are supported are sync and cancel_sync.
          X /api/queues/vhost/name/get Get messages from a queue. (This is not an HTTP GET as it will alter the state of the queue.) You should post a body looking like:
    • count controls the maximum number of messages to get. You may get fewer messages than this if the queue cannot immediately provide them.
    • ackmode determines whether the messages will be removed from the queue. If ackmode is ack_requeue_true or reject_requeue_true they will be requeued - if ackmode is ack_requeue_false or reject_requeue_false they will be removed.
    • encoding must be either "auto" (in which case the payload will be returned as a string if it is valid UTF-8, and base64 encoded otherwise), or "base64" (in which case the payload will always be base64 encoded).
    • If truncate is present it will truncate the message payload if it is larger than the size given (in bytes).

    truncate is optional; all other keys are mandatory.

    Please note that the get path in the HTTP API is intended for diagnostics etc - it does not implement reliable delivery and so should be treated as a sysadmin's tool rather than a general API for messaging.

    X       /api/bindings A list of all bindings.
    X       /api/bindings/vhost A list of all bindings in a given virtual host.
    X     X /api/bindings/vhost/e/exchange/q/queue

    A list of all bindings between an exchange and a queue. Remember, an exchange and a queue can be bound together many times!

    To create a new binding, POST to this URI. Request body should be a JSON object optionally containing two fields, routing_key (a string) and arguments (a map of optional arguments):

    {"routing_key":"my_routing_key", "arguments":{"x-arg": "value"}}
    All keys are optional. The response will contain a Location header telling you the URI of your new binding.
    X   X   /api/bindings/vhost/e/exchange/q/queue/props An individual binding between an exchange and a queue. The props part of the URI is a "name" for the binding composed of its routing key and a hash of its arguments. props is the field named "properties_key" from a bindings listing response.
    X     X /api/bindings/vhost/e/source/e/destination

    A list of all bindings between two exchanges, similar to the list of all bindings between an exchange and a queue, above.

    To create a new binding, POST to this URI. Request body should be a JSON object optionally containing two fields, routing_key (a string) and arguments (a map of optional arguments):

    {"routing_key":"my_routing_key", "arguments":{"x-arg": "value"}}
    All keys are optional. The response will contain a Location header telling you the URI of your new binding.
    X   X   /api/bindings/vhost/e/source/e/destination/props An individual binding between two exchanges. Similar to the individual binding between an exchange and a queue, above.
    X       /api/vhosts A list of all vhosts.
    X X X   /api/vhosts/name An individual virtual host. As a virtual host usually only has a name, you do not need an HTTP body when PUTing one of these. To set metadata on creation, provide a body like the following:
    {"description":"virtual host description", "tags":"accounts,production"}
    tags is a comma-separated list of tags. These metadata fields are optional. To enable / disable tracing, provide a body looking like:
    X       /api/vhosts/name/permissions A list of all permissions for a given virtual host.
    X       /api/vhosts/name/topic-permissions A list of all topic permissions for a given virtual host.
          X /api/vhosts/name/start/node Starts virtual host name on node node.
    X       /api/users/ A list of all users.
    X       /api/users/without-permissions A list of users that do not have access to any virtual host.
          X /api/users/bulk-delete Bulk deletes a list of users. Request body must contain the list:
    {"users" : ["user1", "user2", "user3"]}
    X X X   /api/users/name An individual user. To PUT a user, you will need a body looking something like this:
    {"password_hash":"2lmoth8l4H0DViLaK9Fxi6l9ds8=", "tags":"administrator"}
    The tags key is mandatory. Either password or password_hash can be set. If neither are set the user will not be able to log in with a password, but other mechanisms like client certificates may be used. Setting password_hash to "" will ensure the user cannot use a password to log in. tags is a comma-separated list of tags for the user. Currently recognised tags are administratormonitoring and managementpassword_hash must be generated using the algorithm described here. You may also specify the hash function being used by adding the hashing_algorithm key to the body. Currently recognised algorithms are rabbit_password_hashing_sha256rabbit_password_hashing_sha512, and rabbit_password_hashing_md5.
    X       /api/users/user/permissions A list of all permissions for a given user.
    X       /api/users/user/topic-permissions A list of all topic permissions for a given user.
    X       /api/user-limits Lists per-user limits for all users.
    X       /api/user-limits/user Lists per-user limits for a specific user.
      X X   /api/user-limits/user/name Set or delete per-user limit for user. The name URL path element refers to the name of the limit (max-connectionsmax-channels). Limits are set using a JSON document in the body:
    {"value": 100}
    . Example request:
    curl -4u 'guest:guest' -H 'content-type:application/json' -X PUT localhost:15672/api/user-limits/guest/max-connections -d '{"value": 50}'
    X       /api/whoami Details of the currently authenticated user.
    X       /api/permissions A list of all permissions for all users.
    X X X   /api/permissions/vhost/user An individual permission of a user and virtual host. To PUT a permission, you will need a body looking something like this:
    All keys are mandatory.
    X       /api/topic-permissions A list of all topic permissions for all users.
    X X X   /api/topic-permissions/vhost/user Topic permissions for a user and virtual host. To PUT a topic permission, you will need a body looking something like this:
    All keys are mandatory.
    X       /api/parameters A list of all vhost-scoped parameters.
    X       /api/parameters/component A list of all vhost-scoped parameters for a given component.
    X       /api/parameters/component/vhost A list of all vhost-scoped parameters for a given component and virtual host.
    X X X   /api/parameters/component/vhost/name An individual vhost-scoped parameter. To PUT a parameter, you will need a body looking something like this:
    {"vhost": "/","component":"federation","name":"local_username","value":"guest"}
    X       /api/global-parameters A list of all global parameters.
    X X X   /api/global-parameters/name An individual global parameter. To PUT a parameter, you will need a body looking something like this:
    X       /api/policies A list of all policies.
    X       /api/policies/vhost A list of all policies in a given virtual host.
    X X X   /api/policies/vhost/name An individual policy. To PUT a policy, you will need a body looking something like this:
    {"pattern":"^amq.", "definition": {"federation-upstream-set":"all"}, "priority":0, "apply-to": "all"}
    pattern and definition are mandatory, priority and apply-to are optional.
    X       /api/operator-policies A list of all operator policy overrides.
    X       /api/operator-policies/vhost A list of all operator policy overrides in a given virtual host.
    X X X   /api/operator-policies/vhost/name An individual operator policy. To PUT a policy, you will need a body looking something like this:
    {"pattern":"^amq.", "definition": {"expires":100}, "priority":0, "apply-to": "queues"}
    pattern and definition are mandatory, priority and apply-to are optional.
    X       /api/aliveness-test/vhost Declares a test queue on the target node, then publishes and consumes a message. Intended to be used as a very basic health check. Responds a 200 OK if the check succeeded, otherwise responds with a 503 Service Unavailable.
    X       /api/health/checks/alarms Responds a 200 OK if there are no alarms in effect in the cluster, otherwise responds with a 503 Service Unavailable.
    X       /api/health/checks/local-alarms Responds a 200 OK if there are no local alarms in effect on the target node, otherwise responds with a 503 Service Unavailable.
    X       /api/health/checks/certificate-expiration/within/unit

    Checks the expiration date on the certificates for every listener configured to use TLS. Responds a 200 OK if all certificates are valid (have not expired), otherwise responds with a 503 Service Unavailable.

    Valid units: days, weeks, months, years. The value of the within argument is the number of units. So, when within is 2 and unit is "months", the expiration period used by the check will be the next two months.

    X       /api/health/checks/port-listener/port Responds a 200 OK if there is an active listener on the give port, otherwise responds with a 503 Service Unavailable.
    X       /api/health/checks/protocol-listener/protocol Responds a 200 OK if there is an active listener for the given protocol, otherwise responds with a 503 Service Unavailable. Valid protocol names are: amqp091, amqp10, mqtt, stomp, web-mqtt, web-stomp.
    X       /api/health/checks/virtual-hosts Responds a 200 OK if all virtual hosts and running on the target node, otherwise responds with a 503 Service Unavailable.
    X       /api/health/checks/node-is-mirror-sync-critical Checks if there are classic mirrored queues without synchronised mirrors online (queues that would potentially lose data if the target node is shut down). Responds a 200 OK if there are no such classic mirrored queues, otherwise responds with a 503 Service Unavailable.
    X       /api/health/checks/node-is-quorum-critical Checks if there are quorum queues with minimum online quorum (queues that would lose their quorum and availability if the target node is shut down). Responds a 200 OK if there are no such quorum queues, otherwise responds with a 503 Service Unavailable.
    X       /api/vhost-limits Lists per-vhost limits for all vhosts.
    X       /api/vhost-limits/vhost Lists per-vhost limits for specific vhost.
      X X   /api/vhost-limits/vhost/name Set or delete per-vhost limit for vhost. The name URL path element refers to the name of the limit (max-connectionsmax-queues). Limits are set using a JSON document in the body:
    {"value": 100}
    . Example request:
    curl -4u 'guest:guest' -H 'content-type:application/json' -X PUT localhost:15672/api/vhost-limits/my-vhost/max-connections -d '{"value": 50}'
    X       /api/auth Details about the OAuth2 configuration. It will return HTTP status 200 with body:
    {"enable_uaa":"boolean", "uaa_client_id":"string", "uaa_location":"string"}
          X /api/rebalance/queues Rebalances all queues in all vhosts. This operation is asynchronous therefore please check the RabbitMQ log file for messages regarding the success or failure of the operation.
    curl -4u 'guest:guest' -XPOST localhost:15672/api/rebalance/queues/
    X       /api/federation-links
    Provides status for all federation links. Requires the rabbitmq_federation_management plugin to be enabled.
    X   X   /api/auth/attempts/node A list of authentication attempts.
    X   X   /api/auth/attempts/node/source A list of authentication attempts by remote address and username.

    三、prometheus + grafana 监控rabbitmq 

    3.1、 安装并启动grafana


    mkdir -p /data/grafana


    chown -R 472:472 /data/grafana


    docker run -it -d --name=gra -p 3000:3000 -v /data/grafana/:/var/lib/grafana grafana/grafana

    3.2、 安装并启动node export

    docker run -d --restart=always --name node --net="host" --pid="host" -v "/:/host:ro,rslave"   prom/node-exporter --path.rootfs=/host



    vim prometheus.yml
      - job_name: monitor
          - targets: ['192.x.x.x:9100']


      • job_name:可以理解为当前任务的任务名

      • 192.x.x.x是内网IP地址,需要注意

      • targets是列表,意味着可以在里面监听多个IP和端口:

        • targets: ['192.x.x.x:9100','192.x.x.x:3306','192.x.x.y:6379']


    docker run -it -d -p 9090:9090 --name pro -v /root/prometheus.yml:/etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml prom/prometheus

    3.4、 配置grafana图形界面


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/xing1/p/15389487.html
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