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  • 2010年8月27日周五refrences_FAQ_10.3


    // FAQ


    //Version 2.0


    Problem: QueryTask or FeatureLayer only returns 500 or 1000 features.

    Solution: By default, the server is limiting each service to returning 1,000 features for ArcGIS Server 10.0 and 500 features for ArcGIS Server 9.3. You can modify this on your ArcGIS Server.

    Stop the service.This is usually done with either Manager or ArcCatalog.

    Open the map service config file, for example, c:\Program Files\ArcGIS\Server10.0\user\cfg\ParcelMap.cfg (in 10.0 pre-release) or c:\Program Files\ArcGIS\server\user\cfg\ParcelMap.cfg in Notepad or another text editor.

    Change the value for the MaxRecordCount in the configuration file for the service.

    Restart the SOM on server machine.

    More documentation about limiting the size of the query results on the server:
    .NET: http://resources.esri.com/help/9.3/ArcGISServer/adf/dotnet/developer/ArcGIS/ArcObjects/limit_queryres_output.htm
    Java: http://resources.esri.com/help/9.3/ArcGISServer/adf/java/help/doc/c15f28c6-8dcb-4254-929d-c1582228a281.htm

    问题:查询任务或者FeatureLayer 仅仅返回 500或者1000 features

    解决方法:默认情况下,服务器限制每个服务返回的featurelayer的数量,ArcGIS Server 10版本下返回1000个,在ArcGIS Server 版本下返回500个。 你可以在你的ArcGIS Server 上重新定义。

    1:停止服务。可以通过Manager 或者 ArcCatalog来完成这个操作。

    2:打开地图服务文件配置文件,比如:在ArcGIS Server Verseion 10 下c:\Program Files\ArcGIS\Server10.0\user\cfg\ParcelMap.cfg,在其他版本下c:\Program Files\ArcGIS\server\user\cfg\ParcelMap.cfg。



    .NET: http://resources.esri.com/help/9.3/ArcGISServer/adf/dotnet/developer/ArcGIS/ArcObjects/limit_queryres_output.htm
    Java: http://resources.esri.com/help/9.3/ArcGISServer/adf/java/help/doc/c15f28c6-8dcb-4254-929d-c1582228a281.htm

    Problem: How do I upload large attachments?


    The max allowed upload size is the smallest value defined by:
    a. <MaxUploadSize>20480</MaxUploadSize> as defined in rest.config.
    b. ASP .NET Max Request length as defined in web.config <httpRuntime maxRequestLength=10240" />. See http://support.esri.com/index.cfm?fa=knowledgebase.techarticles.articleShow&d=35971 for more info.

    The default max allowed upload size is 20 MB. This can be modified by setting "config.max-upload-size" property in rest-config.properties.







    B:在web.config配置文件里面定义的 ASP.NET MAX 请求长度<httpRuntime maxRequestLength=10240" />.


    默认定义的最大上传文件大小为:20MB。 这个可以通过设置rest-config.properties.中的"config.max-upload-size"啦来设置文件大小。

    Problem: cannot load data from my server.


    1. Make sure that REST is set up and your Service Directory is available. If you're on the server machine, you should be able to go to it using
    Start -> All Programs -> ArcGIS Server for the Microsoft .NET Platform -> ArcGIS Services Directory.
    The exact URL will vary based on platform and if you've customized it. By default the URL on the .NET platform will be similar to http://sampleserver1.arcgisonline.com/arcgis/rest/services/and for Java platform the default will be similar to: http://myjavamachine:8399/arcgis/rest/services/

    2. Make sure that the REST endpoint for the service is available:

    3. If your SWF is not on the same web server as your Map Service, ensure you have a crossdomain.xml file:

    4. Look at the HTTP request and response, for example using the HttpFox (a Firefox add-on), Fiddler, Charles etc, to see if any of them is failing.

    5. For additional information, read the Deploying your application, Using crossdomain.xml as well as the next problem in this FAQ.



    1:确保你的REST已经设置,并且你的服务路路径是可用的。 如果你在服务器上面,你可以按照下面的方法进入:Start -> All Programs -> ArcGIS Server for the Microsoft .NET Platform -> ArcGIS Services Directory 。准确的URL基于不同的平台会有点变化。默认情况下,.NET平台下的URL类似于:

    http://sampleserver1.arcgisonline.com/arcgis/rest/services/and for Java platform the default will be similar to: http://myjavamachine:8399/arcgis/rest/services/




    5:更多的信息,阅读Deploying your application, Using crossdomain.xml以及本章中的下一个问题。

    Problem: An external data source is not accessible outside your application's domain (crossdomain.xml).

    Solution: To access data from a remote server (a different server from the one where your Flex application is hosted), the remote server needs to have a crossdomain.xml file in the root directory. For sandbox security reasons, the Web browser is not allowed to access data that resides outside the exact Web domain where the SWF file originated. However, Adobe Flash Player can load data across domains if permission is granted from the server. This is accomplished by having a small crossdomain.xml file on the remote server that permits Flash to connect to services on that server. For additional information, read Using cross-domain policy files in the Adobe Flex 3 Help, see the Adobe TechNote "External data not accessible outside a Macromedia Flash movie's domain," or view a sample cross-domain file.


    解决方法:为了访问远程服务器上的数据(和你的Flex应用程序存放的服务器不同的一个服务器),因此,远程服务器需要有一个 crossdomian.xml文件方法在根目录下面。由沙箱安全的问题,web 浏览器不嫩访问应用程序的本地计算机之外的存放SWF文件的计算机上面的数据。 尽管如此,如果服务器生成许可文件,那么adobo 的flash 播放器就能跨域访问数据。这是通过下面的步骤完成的:将一个小的crossdomian.xml文件放置在远程的服务器上面,他允许flash连接服务器上面的服务。 更过的信息,在Adeobe flex 3.0 中查看Using cross-domain policy files,查看Adobe的技术文档"External data not accessible outside a Macromedia Flash movie's domain” 或者阅览sample cross-domain file.

    Problem: Adobe Flash Builder reports the following problem: Could not resolve <esri:Map> to a component implementation.

    Solution: Adobe Flash Builder cannot find the SWC file (where esri:Map is defined). Try one of the following solutions:

    Put the SWC file in the libs folder of your Flash Builder project.


    Specify the library path in Flash Builder. To do this, follow these steps:

    Right-click the project.

    Choose Properties.

    Choose Flex Build Path on the left side.

    Click the Library Path tab.

    Add a specific SWC using the Add SWC button, or use the Add SWC Folder option to add all SWC files in a specific folder.

    问题:Adobe flash builder 报告下面的错误:Could not resolve <esri:Map> to a component implementation

    解决方法:Adobe Flash Builder 无法找到 SWC文件(里面有ESRI。Map的定义)。 试试下面的其中的一个方法。

    将SWC文件放置在Flash builder工程文件中libs文件夹中。

    或者 在Flash bulider 中指定library的路径,如果做这个,跟随下面的步骤:


    选择 Properties

    选择左边的Flex build path

    选择 library 路径标签

    使用Add SWC按钮添加一个SWC文件,或者使用AddSWC 文件夹选项添加指定文件夹中的所有的SWC文件。

    Problem: How do I create a legend for a map service?

    Solution: There is no out-of-the-box support for legends. However, if you still want to try... here are a few hints.
    If you need a legend for a graphicsLayer, you might want to take a look at the code gallery sample from the Advanced Flex session a DevSummit 2009. If you are looking for a legend for a dynamic ArcGIS map, take a look at this sample Custom REST Service - Map Service Legends. There is no support for code gallery samples, but feel free to use the user-to-user forum for help.


    解决方法:Legends 没有out – of-the – box的支持。尽管如此,如果你仍然想尝试,这里有一些提示:

    如果需要一个graphicsLayer 的legend图例,你可能想看一个例子:Advanced Flex session a DevSummit 2009 。 如果你想为一个动态的ArcGIS map加载图例的,请查看下面的一个例子:Custom REST Service - Map Service Legends

    Problem: The tile layer does not show on top of the dynamic layer.

    Currently, tiled layers display only when the scale is exactly the same as one of the supported scale levels. If you start your map with a dynamic layer, all scale levels will be supported.

    Solution: To lock in the scale levels of a tiled map, add the tiled layer as the basemap (first layer). Then, on creation, reorder the layers so the dynamic layer is on the bottom.


    当前,tiled图层只有在比例和所有她支持的比例级别的中任何一个相同的时候才能够展示。 如果你启动了加载有动态图层的map对象,那么所有的比例级别都应该支持。

    解决方法:为了在一个比例级别锁定地图,将tiled layer作为一个基础图层添加。 然后,然后重新图层的次序,让dynammic 图层显示在底部。

    Problem: When in the Chrome browser and using Flash Player 10.0 to edit vertices, Flash Player will sometime crash when I click the "Delete vertex".

    This is a known issue for the Chrome browser when using Flash Player 10.0

    Solution: Upgrade your Flash Player to version 10.1 or later.

    问题:当在Chrome浏览器中,使用Flash 播放器 10来编辑顶点的时候,Flash player 有的是偶在我单击“delete vertex“的时候发生崩溃。

    解决方法:更新你的Flash 播放器为 10.1或者更新的。

    Problem: How to verify(核实,查对;证明,证实) the integrity(诚实, 正直, 完整, 完善) of the downloaded ArcGIS API for Flex library (swc) file?

    Answer: Every release of the ArcGIS API for Flex library has a MD5 checksum associated with it (see table below). After downloading and uncompressing the zip file, you should calculate the checksum for the SWC file and make sure it matches with the checksum in the table below.

    问题:如何核实(检查)下载的ArcGIS API for Flex library(swc)文件的完整性。

    答案:每一个发布的ArcGIS API FOR Flex library 有一个MD5校验和和她关联。 下载解压压缩文件后,你应该计算SWC文件的校验和并保证他和下面的表格中的校验和一致。



    MD5 checksum

    2.0 (June 25, 2010)



    2.0 Beta Update 3 (May 18, 2010)



    2.0 Beta Update 2 (April 7, 2010)



    2.0 Beta Update 1 (February 26, 2010)



    2.0 Beta (February 2, 2010)















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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/xingchen/p/1810139.html
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