#ifndef ICONEDITOR_H #define ICONEDITOR_H #include <QColor> #include <QImage> #include <QWidget> class IconEditor : public QWidget { Q_OBJECT Q_PROPERTY(QColor penColor READ penColor WRITE setPenColor) Q_PROPERTY(QImage iconImage READ iconImage WRITE setIconImage) Q_PROPERTY(int zoomFactor READ zoomFactor WRITE setZoomFactor) public: IconEditor(QWidget *parent = 0); void setPenColor(const QColor &newColor); QColor penColor() const { return curColor; } void setZoomFactor(int newZoom); int zoomFactor() const { return zoom; } void setIconImage(const QImage &newImage); QImage iconImage() const { return image; } QSize sizeHint() const;
The IconEditor class uses the Q_PROPERTY() macro to declare three custom properties: penColor, iconImage, and zoomFactor. Each property has a data type, a "read" function, and an optional "write" function. For example, the penColor property is of type QColor and can be read and written using the penColor() and setPenColor() functions.
When we make use of the widget in Qt Designer, custom properties appear in Qt Designer's property editor below the properties inherited from QWidget. Properties may be of any type supported by QVariant. The Q_OBJECT macro is necessary for classes that define properties.