Gluttonous robot |
Time Limit: 10000ms, Special Time Limit:25000ms, Memory Limit:65536KB |
Total submit users: 11, Accepted users: 9 |
Problem 12263 : Special judge |
Problem description |
Secret laboratory of Fatown has developed a new gluttonous robot which moves on stripe consisting of n+1 cells. Cells are numbered from 0 to n. The robot is located at cell with number 0; each other cell contains several bukazoids which gluttonous robot regales oneself with. The robot can do m single jumps (to adjacent cell) and k double jumps (over one cell). Additionally, m+2k=n. All jumps are jumps forward. To feed gluttonous robot you need to write a program which finds sequence of jumps with highest number of bukazoids on a way. |
Input |
There are several test cases,the input will finish with the end of file. For each testcase,the first line at the input contains 3 integers: n(1 ≤ n ≤ 100), m(0 ≤ m ≤ 100), k(0 ≤ k ≤ 100). The second line contains n integers - number of bukazoids (up to 100) in corresponding cells of the stripe. |
Output |
The first line at the output should contain highest number of bukazoids found. The second line should contain m+k+1 integers ? numbers of cells visited by the robot, starting from cell with number 0. |
Sample Input |
5 1 2 5 2 7 3 1 |
Sample Output |
13 0 1 3 5 |
Problem Source |
2010 All-Ukrainian Collegiate Programming Contest Vinnytsia National Technical University 题意:就是一个机器人只能向前跳,她要么跳大临近位置,要么跳到前面隔一个位置,每个位置有事物,她从0开始跳,跳到终点,问最多能吃到多少食物 输入:n,m,k,其中n是n个格子,标号1,2,3,...n,m是跳一个的次数,k是跳两个的次数,明显有n=m+2*k,第二行输入是每个格子的事物 输出:第一行输出总的能吃多少事物,第二行是她吃做多食物时跳的步骤,从0开始 思路: 刚开始看1<=n<=100,0<=m<=100,0<=k<=100,想直接搜索,tle了,后来想了个剪枝,就是从反面考虑,如果她到某格没吃多的已经多与她一次吃食物最多时没吃过的,就排除,结果。。。。没什么效果。 看别人做都是0ms,15ms,后来睡觉醒的时候想到了是dp,dp不太会,不好描述,就是开一个数组,f[a][b],a,b分别是跳一次和跳两次的次数,则有 :f[a][b]=max(f[a-1][b]+temp[a+2*b],f[a][b-1]+temp[a+2*b]),其中temp数组记录每个格子的食物,然后开始写了。又开始wa,原来没考虑到为0的时候特别一点。继续wa,又发现我是用一个一维len数组记录最大值时候的格子,然后回溯,但是有可能后面相同长度但不是最大时改变, 开始时:len[a+2*b]=a-1+2*b,这是举个例子,比如取a-1,b,后面会出现相同长度的,改变了原数组,于是写了个结构体,path[x][y].x=a-1,path[x][y].y=b,好像可以了吧 。。又表露出我的练习少,后面回溯时不小心把变量改变了,又错了,改过来后,终于ac,了,不容易呀!!!慢慢努力吧! 代码: #include<iostream> 总结: 1.考虑要周全,dp要多思考,练习做过的题目 2.多敲代码,减少错误 3.要冷静,不气馁 **************************************************************************** 我相信我一定会冉冉升起的 |