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  • OpenCV 之 基本绘图

       OpenCV 虽是开源的计算机视觉库,但里面也有一些基础的绘图函数,本文将介绍几种常用绘图函数:直线、圆、椭圆、长方形、多边形等。

    1  数据结构

    1.1  二维向量

         cv::Point 代表的是二维点 (int 型),可用来表示图像坐标 (x, y)  

    // one way
    Point pt;
    pt.x = 10;
    pt.y = 8;
    // another way
    Point pt = Point(10, 8);

         OpenCV 中,二维点类型可分为 Point2i, Point2l, Point2f, Point2d 四种,各自定义如下:

    // 4 type of Point
    typedef Point_<int>    cv::Point2i
    typedef Point_<int64>  cv::Point2l
    typedef Point_<float>  cv::Point2f
    typedef Point_<double> cv::Point2d
    // cv::Point
    typedef Point2i cv::Point

     1.2  四维向量

         cv::Scalar 代表的是四维向量,常用来传递像素值,尤其是 BGR 通道的像素值 (最后一个元素不用,则不定义)

         $ exttt{Scalar} (blue \_ component, green \_ component, red \_ component)$

    2  绘图函数

    2.1  line()

        OpenCV 中,绘制直线段较简单,就是过两点画一条直线,函数为 line()

    // pt1, first point
    // pt2, second point
    void cv::line (InputOutputArray img, Point pt1, Point pt2, const Scalar& color, int thickness = 1, int lineType = LINE_8, int shift = 0)

      2.2 circle() 和 ellipse()

         知道圆心和半径,就可以绘制圆了,函数为 circle()

    void cv::circle (     
           InputOutputArray   img,
           Point  center,         // center of the circle
           int         radius,                       // radius of the circle
           const Scalar &     color,
           int      thickness = 1,
           int      lineType = LINE_8,
           int      shift = 0 

        椭圆稍微复杂,椭圆中心,长、短轴半径,以及椭圆弧的旋转角度,则可得到一段椭圆弧 ellipse()

    void cv::ellipse (     
        InputOutputArray   img,
        Point       center,         // center of the ellipse
        Size        axes,           // half size of the main axes
        double      angle,          // ellipse rotation angle in degrees
        double      startAngle,
        double      endAngle,
        const Scalar &   color,
        int      thickness = 1,
        int      lineType = LINE_8,
        int      shift = 0 

    2.3  rectangle()

       长方形的绘制,主要是靠其对角线上的两个点 pt1 和 pt2,函数为 rectangle()

    void cv::rectangle (
        InputOutputArray  img,
        Point      pt1,          // vertex of the rectangle
        Point      pt2,          // vertex of the rectangle opposite to pt1
        const Scalar &    color,
        int      thickness = 1,
        int      lineType = LINE_8,
        int      shift = 0 

     2.4 fillpoly()

    void cv::fillPoly (     
        InputOutputArray  img,
        const Point **   pts,   //
        const int *      npts,  //
        int      ncontours,
        const Scalar &  color,
        int      lineType = LINE_8,
        int      shift = 0,
        Point    offset = Point() 


    3 代码示例

    3.1  直线和长方形

    #include <opencv2/core.hpp>
    #include <opencv2/imgproc.hpp>
    #include <opencv2/highgui.hpp>
    using namespace cv;
    #define w 300
    int main()
        // creat a white background image
        Mat img;
        // draw lines
        line(img, Point(w/4,w/4), Point(3*w/4, w/4), Scalar(255, 0, 0));
        line(img, Point(w/6,w/2), Point(5*w/6, w/2), Scalar(0, 255, 0));
        line(img, Point(w/10,3*w/4), Point(9*w/10, 3*w/4), Scalar(0, 0, 255));
        // draw rectangle
        // show lines in the image
        imshow("line and rectangle", img);

     3.2  圆和椭圆

    // draw circle and ellipse
    circle(img, Point(w/2,w/2), 50, Scalar(255, 0, 0));
    ellipse(img, Point(w/2,w/2), Size(100,50), 0, 0, 360, Scalar(0, 255, 0));

    3.3  多边形

    Point rook_points[1][20];
    rook_points[0][0]  = Point(    w/4,   7*w/8 );
    rook_points[0][1]  = Point(  3*w/4,   7*w/8 );
    rook_points[0][2]  = Point(  3*w/4,  13*w/16 );
    rook_points[0][3]  = Point( 11*w/16, 13*w/16 );
    rook_points[0][4]  = Point( 19*w/32,  3*w/8 );
    rook_points[0][5]  = Point(  3*w/4,   3*w/8 );
    rook_points[0][6]  = Point(  3*w/4,     w/8 );
    rook_points[0][7]  = Point( 26*w/40,    w/8 );
    rook_points[0][8]  = Point( 26*w/40,    w/4 );
    rook_points[0][9]  = Point( 22*w/40,    w/4 );
    rook_points[0][10] = Point( 22*w/40,    w/8 );
    rook_points[0][11] = Point( 18*w/40,    w/8 );
    rook_points[0][12] = Point( 18*w/40,    w/4 );
    rook_points[0][13] = Point( 14*w/40,    w/4 );
    rook_points[0][14] = Point( 14*w/40,    w/8 );
    rook_points[0][15] = Point(    w/4,     w/8 );
    rook_points[0][16] = Point(    w/4,   3*w/8 );
    rook_points[0][17] = Point( 13*w/32,  3*w/8 );
    rook_points[0][18] = Point(  5*w/16, 13*w/16 );
    rook_points[0][19] = Point(    w/4,  13*w/16 );
    const Point* ppt[1] = { rook_points[0]}; int npt[] = { 20 };
    // draw polygon fillPoly(img, ppt, npt, 1, Scalar(0, 255, 255 ));

    3.4  显示效果



        OpenCV Tutorials / imgproc module / Basic Drawing


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/xinxue/p/12711037.html
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