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  • 一种数据展示方式,UI设计新颖,供大家参考(源码部分) (demo已经上传)


    var parameter = {
                  url: 'json/report.txt',
                  data: data,
                  marker: 'value',
                  titleClick: function (t) {



     parameter: {
    $.fn.latticeControl = function (parameter) {
      var nativeObj = $(this);  
      var commonFn = (function () {
        //Format integer
        function _formatIntNum(amtstr) {
          var isInt = function (num) {
            return (num % 1 === 0);
          var amtstr = (isInt(amtstr)) ? amtstr : Number(amtstr).toFixed(0);
          amtstr = "" + amtstr;
          var a, renum = '';
          var j = 0;
          var a1 = '', a2 = '', a3 = '';
          var tes = /^-/;
          var isCurrency = (typeof (isCurrency) != 'undefined') ? isCurrency : true;
          a = amtstr.replace(/,/g, "");
          a = a.replace(/[^-\.,0-9]/g, "");
          a = a.replace(/(^\s*)|(\s*$)/g, "");
          if (tes.test(a))
            a1 = '-';
            a1 = '';
          a = a.replace(/-/g, "");
          if (a != "0" && a.substr(0, 2) != "0.")
            a = a.replace(/^0*/g, "");
          j = a.indexOf('.');
          if (j < 0)
            j = a.length;
          a2 = a.substr(0, j);
          a3 = a.substr(j);
          j = 0;
          for (i = a2.length; i > 3; i = i - 3) {
            renum = "," + a2.substr(i - 3, 3) + renum;
          renum = a1 + a2.substr(0, a2.length - j * 3) + renum + a3;
          return renum;
        //Get the width of container
        function _getContainerWidth() {
          var strWidth = new String(nativeObj.css('width'));
          var width = parseInt(strWidth);
          return width;
        //Handle the maxmize value
        function _handleMaxValue(maxvalue) {
          if (maxvalue < 100) {
            return 100;
          else {
            if (maxvalue < 1000) {
              return 1000;
            else {
              var strvalue = new String(maxvalue.toFixed(0));
              var intvalue = parseInt(strvalue.substring(0, 2));
              return (intvalue + 1) * _exp(strvalue.length - 2);
          function _exp(num) {
            var value = 10;
            for (var i = 1; i < num; i++) {
              value = value * 10;
            return value;
        //Transfer input data
        function _transferData(obj) {
          // {'title': 'TIANJIN', 'amount': '', 'data': [['January', '20%'], ['February', '15%'], ['March', '9%'], ['May', '8%'], ['June', '5%'], ['July', '43%']]}
          var max = _handleMaxValue(obj.max);
          var reArray = [];
          var result = '';
          for (var i = 0; i < obj.data.length; i++) {
            var dataArray = [];
            result = '{"sum": "' + obj.sum + '", "pagesize": "' + obj.totalItems + '", "title": "';
            result += obj.data[i].title;
            result += '", "amount": ';
            result += '"' + obj.data[i].total + '", ';
            result += '"data": ';
            for (var item in obj.data[i].data) {
              //result += '["' + item + '", "' + obj.data[i].data[item] / max + '", "' + obj.data[i].data[item] + '"]';
                ((obj.data[i].data[item] / obj.data[i].total) * 100).toFixed(2) + "%"
            result += JSON.stringify(dataArray);
            dataArray = [];
            result += '}';
            reArray.push(eval('(' + result + ')'));
          return reArray;
          function _transferPercent(num) {
            return ((num / max) * 100).toFixed(2) + "%";
        //Create lattices html code
        function _getLatticeHtml(data, marker) {
          var result = '', sp = true;
          if (marker != null && marker != undefined) {
            sp = (marker === 'percentage');
          for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
            result += '<div class="row" data-page="' + data[i].pagesize + '" data-amount="' + data[i].sum + '">';
            result += '<ul class="noliststyle">';
            result += '<li class="marginbottom"><span class="title"> '
              + data[i].title
              + '</span><span class="show" data="'
              + ((i === 0) ? '%' : '')
              + _transferPercent(data[i].amount / data[i].sum)
              + '">'
              + ((i === 0) ? '%' : '')
              + _transferPercent(data[i].amount / data[i].sum)
              + '</span></li>';
            result += '<li>';
            result += '<ul class="lattice-part noliststyle">';
            var width, itemwidth, bodywidth = _getContainerWidth();
            var containerwidth = bodywidth - 120 - (data[i].data.length - 1) * 3;
            var sumwidthofli = 0;
            for (var k = 0; k < data[i].data.length; k++) {
              width = sp ? parseFloat(data[i].data[k][3]) : parseFloat(data[i].data[k][1]);
              itemwidth = Math.round(width * containerwidth / 100);
              itemwidth = itemwidth === 0 ? 3 : itemwidth;
              if (k === 0) {
                result += '<li marker="first" style="' + itemwidth + 'px"><a title="month">';
              } else {
                if (k === (data[i].data.length - 1)) {
                  result += '<li style="' + (sp ? (containerwidth - sumwidthofli) : itemwidth) + 'px"><a title="month">';
                } else {
                  result += '<li style="' + itemwidth + 'px"><a title="month">';
              sumwidthofli += itemwidth;
              result += (data[i].data[k][0] + '</a> <a>|</a> <a title="value" percentvalue="'
                + _switchPercent(data[i].data[k][3])
                + '" figurevalue="'
                + _formatIntNum(data[i].data[k][2])
                + '">'
                + (sp ? data[i].data[k][3] : _formatIntNum(data[i].data[k][2]))
                + '</a></li>');
            if (!sp) {
              result += '<li class="fill" style="' + (containerwidth - sumwidthofli - 3) + 'px"></li>';
            result += '<li class="last" data="'
              + _formatIntNum(data[i].amount)
              + '">'
              + _formatIntNum(data[i].amount)
              + '</li>';
            result += '</ul>';
            result += '</li>';
            result += '</ul>';
            result += '</div>';
          return result;
          function _transferPercent(num) {
            return (num * 100).toFixed(2);
          function _switchPercent(str) {
            var pstr = new String(str);
            pstr = pstr.replace('%', '');
            return pstr;
          function _getFillWidth(pdata) {
            var psum = 0;
            for (var pi = 0; pi < pdata.length; pi++) {
              psum += parseFloat(_switchPercent(pdata[pi][1]));
            var result = parseInt((100 - psum) / 100 * containerwidth);
            return result;
        //Move lattice
        function _moveLattice(lattice) {
          //get the class attribute
          var thisClass = lattice.attr("class");
          //when the class of this item is 'first' or 'last', do nothing
          if (thisClass === "last" || lattice.attr("marker") === "first") {
          var twidth = new String(lattice.css("width"));
          var width = parseInt(twidth.replace('px', ''));
          var arrayli = _getLeftItem(lattice.parent(), _getMarginLeft(lattice));
          lattice.animate({ marginLeft: '0px' });
          for (var i = 0; i < arrayli.length; i++) {
            arrayli[i].animate({ marginLeft: (_getMarginLeft(arrayli[i]) + width + 3) });
        //Recover lattices that in front of current lattice and reset the current one
        function _recoverLattices(lattice, targetLattice) {
          var latticeWidth = _getCssAttr(lattice, 'width');
          //Recover the lattices that in front of current lattice first
          var frontArray = _getFrontOf(), sumWidth = 0;
          for (var i = 0; i < frontArray.length; i++) {
            frontArray[i].animate({ marginLeft: _getCssAttr(frontArray[i], 'margin-left') - latticeWidth - 3 });
            sumWidth += (_getCssAttr(frontArray[i], 'width') + 3);
          //Recover the current lattice      
          if (sumWidth !== 0) {
            lattice.animate({ marginLeft: sumWidth }, 500, function() {
              if (targetLattice !== null) {
          } else {
          function _getFrontOf() {
            var array = [];
            var target = lattice.prev();
            while (target.is('li')) {
              target = target.prev();
            return array;
        //Get the css attribute 'margin-left' of appointed object
        function _getMarginLeft(obj) {
          var strleft = new String(obj.css('margin-left'));
          var l = parseInt(strleft.replace('px', ''));
          return l;
        //Get the css attribute and convert it to integer
        function _getCssAttr(obj, css) {
          var str = new String(obj.css(css));
          var result = parseFloat(str.replace('px', ''));
          return result;
        //Get the lattice whose css attribute 'margin-left' is less than the appointed
        function _getLeftItem(containerobj, marginleft) {
          var result = [];
          containerobj.find("li").each(function () {
            var l = _getMarginLeft($(this));
            if (l < marginleft) {
          return result;
        return {
          formatIntNum: _formatIntNum,
          getContainerWidth: _getContainerWidth,
          getLatticeHtml: _getLatticeHtml,
          getCssAttr: _getCssAttr,
          moveLattice: _moveLattice,
          recoverLattices: _recoverLattices,
          transferData: _transferData
      nativeObj.html(commonFn.getLatticeHtml(commonFn.transferData(parameter.data), parameter.marker));
      //Set the css attribute 'margin-left' for every lattice in every row
      nativeObj.find('.row .lattice-part li').each(function () {
        strwidth = new String($(this).css("width"));
        if ($(this).index() > 0) {
          width += 3;
          if ($(this).attr("class") != "last") {
            $(this).css('margin-left', (width + 'px'));
          width += parseInt(strwidth.replace('px', ''));
        else {
          width = parseInt(strwidth.replace('px', ''));
      //Here, create a div, put it in the page, it'll be used to show the detail information of every lattice when mouse-hover event triggers
      var hoverContainer = document.createElement('div');
      hoverContainer.id = 'container_showLatticeData';
      //Set the class to this object
      hoverContainer.className = 'lattice-data';
      //Add mouse-hover event for every lattice in every row
      nativeObj.find('.row .lattice-part li[class!="last"]').hover(function () {
        var offset = $(this).offset();
        if (commonFn.getCssAttr($(this), 'margin-left') === 0) {
          var titleWidth = new String($(this).parent().parent().prev().find('span:eq(0)').css('width'));
          titleWidth = titleWidth.replace('px', '');
          var intWidth = parseInt(titleWidth) + 10;
          offset.left += intWidth;
          left: offset.left,
          top: offset.top - 29
        if (!$(this).hasClass('clicked') && !$(this).hasClass('moved')) {
      }, function () {
      //Add click event for every lattice in every row
      nativeObj.find('.row .lattice-part li[class!="last"]').click(function () {
        var index = $(this).index(),
          arrayLi = [],
          thisClass = $(this).attr('class'),
          moved = ($(this).parent().find('li[marker="moved"]').length > 0);
        nativeObj.find('.row').each(function () {
          arrayLi.push($(this).find('.lattice-part li:eq(' + index + ')'));
          //Remove the attribute 'marker' of the first lattice
          if (thisClass === 'clicked') {
            $(this).find('.lattice-part li:eq(0)').removeAttr('marker');
          //Recover the attribute of the first lattice
          if (thisClass === 'moved') {
            $(this).find('.lattice-part li:eq(0)').attr('marker', 'first');
            var lastLattice = $(this).find('.lattice-part li[class="last"]'),
                showSpan = $(this).find('span[class="show"]');
          if (thisClass === 'hover') {
            $(this).find('.lattice-part li').removeClass('clicked').removeClass('moved');
            var targetLattice = $(this).find('li:eq(' + index + ') a:eq(2)');
            $(this).find('.lattice-part li[class="last"]').html(targetLattice.attr('figurevalue'));
        for (var i = 0; i < arrayLi.length; i++) {
          if (thisClass === 'clicked') {
            if (moved) {
              commonFn.recoverLattices(arrayLi[i].parent().find('li[marker="moved"]'), arrayLi[i]);
            } else {
            arrayLi[i].addClass('moved').removeClass('clicked').attr('marker', 'moved');
          } else if (thisClass === 'hover') {
          } else if (thisClass === 'moved') {
            commonFn.recoverLattices(arrayLi[i], null);
      //Add title click event
      nativeObj.find('.row span[class="title"]').click(function () {

  • 相关阅读:
    Java面向对象(三) 【面向对象深入:抽象类,接口,内部类等】
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/xinyuyuanm/p/3010930.html
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