/* * Copyright (c) 2013, 烟台大学计算机学院 * All rights reserved. * 文件名称:test.cpp * 作者:邱学伟 * 完成日期:2013 年 5 月 11 日 * 版本号:v1.0 * 输入描述:无 * 问题描述: 定义点类,并以点类为基类,派生出直线类,从基类中继承的点的信息表示直线的中点 * 程序输出: * 问题分析: * 算法设计:略 */ #include <iostream> #include <cmath> using namespace std; class Point { public: Point():x(0),y(0){}; Point(double x1,double y1) { x=x1; y=y1; } double getx(){return x;} double gety(){return y;} void display(); private: double x,y; }; void Point::display() { cout<<"Point:("<<x<<","<<y<<")"<<endl; } class Line:public Point { public: Line(Point p1,Point p2); double Lengh(); void PrintLine(); void PrintPoint(); private: class Point pts,pte; }; Line::Line(Point p1,Point p2) { pts=p1; pte=p2; } double Line::Lengh() { double x0=pts.getx()-pte.getx(); double y0=pts.gety()-pte.gety(); return sqrt(x0*x0+y0*y0); } void Line::PrintLine() { cout<<"端点为:"<<endl; pts.display(); pte.display(); cout<<"长度:"<<Lengh()<<endl; } void Line::PrintPoint() { cout<<"("<<(pts.getx()+pte.getx())/2<<","<<(pts.gety()+pte.gety())/2<<")"<<endl; } int main() { Point pt(-2,5),pe(7,9); Line l(pt,pe); l.PrintLine(); cout<<"中点:"<<endl; l.PrintPoint(); return 0; }
/* * Copyright (c) 2013, 烟台大学计算机学院 * All rights reserved. * 文件名称:test.cpp * 作者:邱学伟 * 完成日期:2013 年 5 月 11 日 * 版本号:v1.0 * 输入描述:无 * 问题描述: 定义点类,并以点类为基类,派生出直线类,从基类中继承的点的信息表示直线的中点 * 程序输出: * 问题分析: * 算法设计:略 */ #include <iostream> #include <cmath> using namespace std; class Point { public: Point():x(0),y(0){}; Point(double x1,double y1) { x=x1; y=y1; } double getx(){return x;} double gety(){return y;} void display(); private: double x,y; }; void Point::display() { cout<<"Point:("<<x<<","<<y<<")"<<endl; } class Line:public Point { public: Line(Point p1,Point p2); double Lengh(); void PrintLine(); void PrintPoint(); private: class Point pts,pte; }; Line::Line(Point p1,Point p2):Point((p1.getx()+p2.getx())/2,(p1.gety()+p2.gety())/2) { pts=p1; pte=p2; } double Line::Lengh() { double x0=pts.getx()-pte.getx(); double y0=pts.gety()-pte.gety(); return sqrt(x0*x0+y0*y0); } void Line::PrintLine() { cout<<"端点为:"<<endl; pts.display(); pte.display(); cout<<"长度:"<<Lengh()<<endl; } void Line::PrintPoint() { cout<<"("<<(pts.getx()+pte.getx())/2<<","<<(pts.gety()+pte.gety())/2<<")"<<endl; } int main() { Point pt(-2,5),pe(7,9); Line l(pt,pe); l.PrintLine(); cout<<"\n The middle point of Line: "; l.PrintPoint() ;//输出直线l中点的信息 return 0; }