标签一: if else
<#if x == 1> x is 1 </#if>
<#if x == 1> x is 1 <#else> x is not 1 </#if>
<#if x == 1> x is 1 <#elseif x == 2> x is 2 <#elseif x == 3> x is 3 </#if>
<#if x == 1> x is 1 <#elseif x == 2> x is 2 <#elseif x == 3> x is 3 <#elseif x == 4> x is 4 <#else> x is not 1 nor 2 nor 3 nor 4 </#if>
<#if x == 1> x is 1 <#if y == 1> and y is 1 too <#else> but y is not </#if> <#else> x is not 1 <#if y < 0> and y is less than 0 </#if> </#if>
2 switch,case,default,break指令
<#switch being.size> <#case "small"> This will be processed if it is small <#break>
<#case "medium"> This will be processed if it is medium <#break>
<#case "large"> This will be processed if it is large <#break>
<#default> This will be processed if it is neither </#switch>
3 list,break 指令
<#assign seq = ["winter", "spring", "summer", "autumn"]> <#list seq as x> ${x_index + 1}. ${x}<#if x_has_next>,</#if> </#list>
4 include指令
<#assign me = "Juila Smith"> <h1>Some test</h1> <p>Yeah. <hr> <#include "/common/copyright.ftl">
5 compress指令
<#assign x = " moo "> (<#compress> 1 2 3 4 5 ${moo} test only I said, test only </#compress>)
(1 2 3 4 5 moo test only I said, test only)