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  • 【pytorch】改造resnet为全卷积神经网络以适应不同大小的输入













    import torch
    import torch.nn as nn
    from torchvision import models
    import torchvision.transforms as transforms
    from torch.hub import load_state_dict_from_url
    from PIL import Image
    import cv2
    import numpy as np
    from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
    class FullyConvolutionalResnet18(models.ResNet):
        def __init__(self, num_classes=1000, pretrained=False, **kwargs):
            # Start with standard resnet18 defined here 
            super().__init__(block = models.resnet.BasicBlock, layers = [2, 2, 2, 2], num_classes = num_classes, **kwargs)
            if pretrained:
                state_dict = load_state_dict_from_url( models.resnet.model_urls["resnet18"], progress=True)
            # Replace AdaptiveAvgPool2d with standard AvgPool2d 
            self.avgpool = nn.AvgPool2d((7, 7))
            # Convert the original fc layer to a convolutional layer.  
            self.last_conv = torch.nn.Conv2d( in_channels = self.fc.in_features, out_channels = num_classes, kernel_size = 1)
            self.last_conv.weight.data.copy_( self.fc.weight.data.view ( *self.fc.weight.data.shape, 1, 1))
            self.last_conv.bias.data.copy_ (self.fc.bias.data)
        # Reimplementing forward pass. 
        def _forward_impl(self, x):
            # Standard forward for resnet18
            x = self.conv1(x)
            x = self.bn1(x)
            x = self.relu(x)
            x = self.maxpool(x)
            x = self.layer1(x)
            x = self.layer2(x)
            x = self.layer3(x)
            x = self.layer4(x)
            x = self.avgpool(x)
            # Notice, there is no forward pass 
            # through the original fully connected layer. 
            # Instead, we forward pass through the last conv layer
            x = self.last_conv(x)
            return x



    我们将self.avgpool替换成了AvgPool2d,而全连接层虽然还在网络中,但是在前向传播时我们并没有用到 。


    图像大小为:(387, 1024, 3)。而且目标对象骆驼是位于图像的右下角的。 


    with open('imagenet_classes.txt') as f:
        labels = [line.strip() for line in f.readlines()]
    # Read image
    original_image = cv2.imread('camel.jpg')# Convert original image to RGB format
    image = cv2.cvtColor(original_image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
    # Transform input image 
    # 1. Convert to Tensor
    # 2. Subtract mean
    # 3. Divide by standard deviation
    transform = transforms.Compose([            
                  transforms.ToTensor(), #Convert image to tensor. 
                  mean=[0.485, 0.456, 0.406],   # Subtract mean 
                  std=[0.229, 0.224, 0.225]     # Divide by standard deviation             
    image = transform(image)
    image = image.unsqueeze(0)
    # Load modified resnet18 model with pretrained ImageNet weights
    model = fcresnet18.FullyConvolutionalResnet18(pretrained=True).eval()
    with torch.no_grad():
        # Perform inference. 
        # Instead of a 1x1000 vector, we will get a 
        # 1x1000xnxm output ( i.e. a probabibility map 
        # of size n x m for each 1000 class, 
        # where n and m depend on the size of the image.)
        preds = model(image)
        preds = torch.softmax(preds, dim=1)
        print('Response map shape : ', preds.shape)
        # Find the class with the maximum score in the n x m output map
        pred, class_idx = torch.max(preds, dim=1)
        row_max, row_idx = torch.max(pred, dim=1)
        col_max, col_idx = torch.max(row_max, dim=1)
        predicted_class = class_idx[0, row_idx[0, col_idx], col_idx]
        # Print top predicted class
        print('Predicted Class : ', labels[predicted_class], predicted_class)



    device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") 
    from torchsummary import summary
    summary(model, (3, 387, 1024))


            Layer (type)               Output Shape         Param #
                Conv2d-1         [-1, 64, 194, 512]           9,408
           BatchNorm2d-2         [-1, 64, 194, 512]             128
                  ReLU-3         [-1, 64, 194, 512]               0
             MaxPool2d-4          [-1, 64, 97, 256]               0
                Conv2d-5          [-1, 64, 97, 256]          36,864
           BatchNorm2d-6          [-1, 64, 97, 256]             128
                  ReLU-7          [-1, 64, 97, 256]               0
                Conv2d-8          [-1, 64, 97, 256]          36,864
           BatchNorm2d-9          [-1, 64, 97, 256]             128
                 ReLU-10          [-1, 64, 97, 256]               0
           BasicBlock-11          [-1, 64, 97, 256]               0
               Conv2d-12          [-1, 64, 97, 256]          36,864
          BatchNorm2d-13          [-1, 64, 97, 256]             128
                 ReLU-14          [-1, 64, 97, 256]               0
               Conv2d-15          [-1, 64, 97, 256]          36,864
          BatchNorm2d-16          [-1, 64, 97, 256]             128
                 ReLU-17          [-1, 64, 97, 256]               0
           BasicBlock-18          [-1, 64, 97, 256]               0
               Conv2d-19         [-1, 128, 49, 128]          73,728
          BatchNorm2d-20         [-1, 128, 49, 128]             256
                 ReLU-21         [-1, 128, 49, 128]               0
               Conv2d-22         [-1, 128, 49, 128]         147,456
          BatchNorm2d-23         [-1, 128, 49, 128]             256
               Conv2d-24         [-1, 128, 49, 128]           8,192
          BatchNorm2d-25         [-1, 128, 49, 128]             256
                 ReLU-26         [-1, 128, 49, 128]               0
           BasicBlock-27         [-1, 128, 49, 128]               0
               Conv2d-28         [-1, 128, 49, 128]         147,456
          BatchNorm2d-29         [-1, 128, 49, 128]             256
                 ReLU-30         [-1, 128, 49, 128]               0
               Conv2d-31         [-1, 128, 49, 128]         147,456
          BatchNorm2d-32         [-1, 128, 49, 128]             256
                 ReLU-33         [-1, 128, 49, 128]               0
           BasicBlock-34         [-1, 128, 49, 128]               0
               Conv2d-35          [-1, 256, 25, 64]         294,912
          BatchNorm2d-36          [-1, 256, 25, 64]             512
                 ReLU-37          [-1, 256, 25, 64]               0
               Conv2d-38          [-1, 256, 25, 64]         589,824
          BatchNorm2d-39          [-1, 256, 25, 64]             512
               Conv2d-40          [-1, 256, 25, 64]          32,768
          BatchNorm2d-41          [-1, 256, 25, 64]             512
                 ReLU-42          [-1, 256, 25, 64]               0
           BasicBlock-43          [-1, 256, 25, 64]               0
               Conv2d-44          [-1, 256, 25, 64]         589,824
          BatchNorm2d-45          [-1, 256, 25, 64]             512
                 ReLU-46          [-1, 256, 25, 64]               0
               Conv2d-47          [-1, 256, 25, 64]         589,824
          BatchNorm2d-48          [-1, 256, 25, 64]             512
                 ReLU-49          [-1, 256, 25, 64]               0
           BasicBlock-50          [-1, 256, 25, 64]               0
               Conv2d-51          [-1, 512, 13, 32]       1,179,648
          BatchNorm2d-52          [-1, 512, 13, 32]           1,024
                 ReLU-53          [-1, 512, 13, 32]               0
               Conv2d-54          [-1, 512, 13, 32]       2,359,296
          BatchNorm2d-55          [-1, 512, 13, 32]           1,024
               Conv2d-56          [-1, 512, 13, 32]         131,072
          BatchNorm2d-57          [-1, 512, 13, 32]           1,024
                 ReLU-58          [-1, 512, 13, 32]               0
           BasicBlock-59          [-1, 512, 13, 32]               0
               Conv2d-60          [-1, 512, 13, 32]       2,359,296
          BatchNorm2d-61          [-1, 512, 13, 32]           1,024
                 ReLU-62          [-1, 512, 13, 32]               0
               Conv2d-63          [-1, 512, 13, 32]       2,359,296
          BatchNorm2d-64          [-1, 512, 13, 32]           1,024
                 ReLU-65          [-1, 512, 13, 32]               0
           BasicBlock-66          [-1, 512, 13, 32]               0
            AvgPool2d-67            [-1, 512, 1, 4]               0
               Conv2d-68           [-1, 1000, 1, 4]         513,000
    Total params: 11,689,512
    Trainable params: 11,689,512
    Non-trainable params: 0
    Input size (MB): 4.54
    Forward/backward pass size (MB): 501.42
    Params size (MB): 44.59
    Estimated Total Size (MB): 550.55


    Response map shape :  torch.Size([1, 1000, 1, 4])
    tensor([[[978, 980, 970, 354]]])
    Predicted Class :  Arabian camel, dromedary, Camelus dromedarius tensor([354])



    from google.colab.patches import cv2_imshow
    Find the n x m score map for the predicted class score_map = preds[0, predicted_class, :, :].cpu().numpy() score_map = score_map[0] # Resize score map to the original image size score_map = cv2.resize(score_map, (original_image.shape[1], original_image.shape[0])) # Binarize score map _, score_map_for_contours = cv2.threshold(score_map, 0.25, 1, type=cv2.THRESH_BINARY) score_map_for_contours = score_map_for_contours.astype(np.uint8).copy() # Find the countour of the binary blob contours, _ = cv2.findContours(score_map_for_contours, mode=cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, method=cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) # Find bounding box around the object. rect = cv2.boundingRect(contours[0]) # Apply score map as a mask to original image score_map = score_map - np.min(score_map[:]) score_map = score_map / np.max(score_map[:]) score_map = cv2.cvtColor(score_map, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR) masked_image = (original_image * score_map).astype(np.uint8) # Display bounding box cv2.rectangle(masked_image, rect[:2], (rect[0] + rect[2], rect[1] + rect[3]), (0, 0, 255), 2) # Display images #cv2.imshow("Original Image", original_image) #cv2.imshow("activations_and_bbox", masked_image) cv2_imshow(original_image) cv2_imshow(masked_image) cv2.waitKey(0)

    在谷歌colab中ipynb要使用:from google.colab.patches import cv2_imshow



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