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  • 油猴(tampermonkey)脚本


    // ==UserScript==
    // @name         懒人专用,全网VIP视频免费破解去广告、全网音乐直接下载、百度网盘直接下载、知乎视频下载等多合一版。长期更新,放心使用。
    // @namespace      lanhaha
    // @version      2.3.3
    // @description  自用组合型多功能脚本,集合了优酷、爱奇艺、腾讯、芒果等全网VIP视频免费破解去广告,网易云音乐、QQ音乐、酷狗、酷我、虾米、蜻蜓FM、荔枝FM、喜马拉雅等网站音乐免客户端下载,百度网盘直接下载,知乎视频下载,优惠券查询等几个自己常用的功能。
    // @author       lanhaha,syhyz1990,Chao,zuihuimai
    // @include      *://pan.baidu.com/disk/home*
    // @include      *://yun.baidu.com/disk/home*
    // @include      *://pan.baidu.com/s*
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    // @include      *m.youku.com/v*
    // @include      *m.youku.com/a*
    // @include      *v.qq.com/x/*
    // @include      *v.qq.com/play*
    // @include      *v.qq.com/cover*
    // @include      *v.qq.com/tv/*
    // @include      *film.sohu.com/album/*
    // @include      *tv.sohu.com/*
    // @include      *.iqiyi.com/v_*
    // @include      *.iqiyi.com/w_*
    // @include      *.iqiyi.com/a_*
    // @include      *.le.com/ptv/vplay/*
    // @include      *.tudou.com/listplay/*
    // @include      *.tudou.com/albumplay/*
    // @include      *.tudou.com/programs/view/*
    // @include      *.tudou.com/v*
    // @include      *.mgtv.com/b/*
    // @include      *.acfun.cn/v/*
    // @include      *.bilibili.com/video/*
    // @include      *.bilibili.com/anime/*
    // @include      *.bilibili.com/bangumi/play/*
    // @include      *.pptv.com/show/*
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    // @include      *://item.taobao.com/*
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    // @include      *://*detail.tmall.hk/*
    // @include      *://*.liangxinyao.com/*
    // @include      *://music.163.com/song*
    // @include      *://music.163.com/m/song*
    // @include      *://y.qq.com/n/*
    // @include      *://*.kugou.com/song*
    // @include      *://*.kuwo.cn/yinyue*
    // @include      *://*.kuwo.cn/play_detail*
    // @include      *://*.xiami.com/*
    // @include      *://music.taihe.com/song*
    // @include      *://*.1ting.com/player*
    // @include      *://music.migu.cn/v*
    // @include      *://*.lizhi.fm/*
    // @include      *://*.qingting.fm/*
    // @include      *://*.ximalaya.com/*
    // @exclude      *://*.eggvod.cn/*
    // @connect      d.pcs.baidu.com
    // @require      https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/jquery@3.2.1/dist/jquery.min.js
    // @require      https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/sweetalert2@9
    // @require      https://code.jquery.com/jquery-latest.js
    // @license      GPL License
    // @grant        GM_download
    // @grant        GM_openInTab
    // @grant        GM_setValue
    // @grant        GM_getValue
    // @grant        GM_xmlhttpRequest
    // @grant        GM_addStyle
    // @grant        unsafeWindow
    // @grant        GM_setClipboard
    // @grant        GM_getResourceURL
    // @grant        GM_getResourceText
    // ==/UserScript==
    (function() {
    var pan_title=new Array()
            pan_title[0]= "https://pan.baidu.com/"
            pan_title[1]= "https://yun.baidu.com/"
            let pan_link = location.href;
            for(var a=0;a<pan_title.length;a++){
                if(pan_link.indexOf(pan_title[a])!= -1){
                    pan_link = pan_link.replace('baidu.com','baiduwp.com');
                    var pan_html = "<a href="+pan_link+" target='_blank' style='cursor:pointer;z-index:98;display:block;30px;height:30px;line-height:30px;position:fixed;left:0;top:300px;text-align:center;'><img src='https://cdn.80note.com/vip.gif' height='55' ></a>";
    'use strict'
    var _typeof = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function (e) {
        return typeof e;
    } : function (e) {
        return e && "function" == typeof Symbol && e.constructor === Symbol && e !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof e;
    !function () {
        function e(e, t, i) {
            e = e || "", t = t || "", i = i || "", console.group("[百度网盘直链下载助手]"), console.log(e, t, i), console.groupEnd();
        function t() {
            var e = localStorage.getItem("baiduyunPlugin_BDUSS") ? localStorage.getItem("baiduyunPlugin_BDUSS") : '{"baiduyunPlugin_BDUSS":""}',
                t = JSON.parse(e).BDUSS;
            return t || Swal.fire({
                icon: "error",
                title: "提示",
                html: 'Aria链接获取需要配合<a href="https://www.baiduyun.wiki/zh-cn/assistant.html" target="_blank">【网盘万能助手】使用</a>',
                footer: "【网盘万能助手】是下载助手的增强扩展插件",
                confirmButtonText: "安装"
            }).then(function (e) {
                e.value && GM_openInTab("https://www.baiduyun.wiki/zh-cn/assistant.html", {active: !0});
            }), t;
        function i(e, i, n) {
            var a = t();
            return n = n || m, a ? 'aria2c "' + e + '" --out "' + i + '" --header "User-Agent: ' + n + '" --header "Cookie: BDUSS=' + a + '"' : "请先安装网盘万能助手,安装后请重启浏览器!!!";
        function n(e) {
            return e ? e.replace(/&/g, "&amp;") : "";
        function a(e) {
            var t = void 0, i = void 0, n = void 0, a = void 0, o = void 0, r = void 0,
                l = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/";
            for (n = e.length, i = 0, t = ""; n > i;) {
                if (a = 255 & e.charCodeAt(i++), i == n) {
                    t += l.charAt(a >> 2), t += l.charAt((3 & a) << 4), t += "==";
                if (o = e.charCodeAt(i++), i == n) {
                    t += l.charAt(a >> 2), t += l.charAt((3 & a) << 4 | (240 & o) >> 4), t += l.charAt((15 & o) << 2), t += "=";
                r = e.charCodeAt(i++), t += l.charAt(a >> 2), t += l.charAt((3 & a) << 4 | (240 & o) >> 4), t += l.charAt((15 & o) << 2 | (192 & r) >> 6), t += l.charAt(63 & r);
            return t;
        function o() {
            var e = /[/].+[/]/g;
            return location.pathname.match(e)[0].replace(///g, "");
        function r(e) {
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        function l() {
            function e(e) {
                if (e.length < 2) {
                    var t = e.charCodeAt(0);
                    return 128 > t ? e : 2048 > t ? d(192 | t >>> 6) + d(128 | 63 & t) : d(224 | t >>> 12 & 15) + d(128 | t >>> 6 & 63) + d(128 | 63 & t);
                var i = 65536 + 1024 * (e.charCodeAt(0) - 55296) + (e.charCodeAt(1) - 56320);
                return d(240 | i >>> 18 & 7) + d(128 | i >>> 12 & 63) + d(128 | i >>> 6 & 63) + d(128 | 63 & i);
            function t(t) {
                return (t + "" + Math.random()).replace(l, e);
            function i(e) {
                var t = [0, 2, 1][e.length % 3],
                    i = e.charCodeAt(0) << 16 | (e.length > 1 ? e.charCodeAt(1) : 0) << 8 | (e.length > 2 ? e.charCodeAt(2) : 0);
                return [o.charAt(i >>> 18), o.charAt(i >>> 12 & 63), t >= 2 ? "=" : o.charAt(i >>> 6 & 63), t >= 1 ? "=" : o.charAt(63 & i)].join("");
            function n(e) {
                return e.replace(/[sS]{1,3}/g, i);
            function a() {
                return n(t((new Date).getTime()));
            var o = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/~!@#¥%……&",
                l = /[uD800-uDBFF][uDC00-uDFFFF]|[^x00-x7F]/g, d = String.fromCharCode;
            return function (e, t) {
                return t ? a(String(e)).replace(/[+/]/g, function (e) {
                    return "+" == e ? "-" : "_";
                }).replace(/=/g, "") : a(String(e));
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                    t.url = n(t.url);
                    var i = $('<div><div style="30px;float:left">' + t.rank + ':</div><div style="white-space:nowrap;overflow:hidden;text-overflow:ellipsis"><a href="' + t.url + '">' + t.url + "</a></div></div>");
                    $("div.dialog-body", o).append(i);
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                    var a = void 0;
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                        a = $('<div style="overflow:hidden;text-overflow:ellipsis;white-space:nowrap"><div style="150px;float:left;overflow:hidden;text-overflow:ellipsis" title="' + n.filename + '">' + n.filename + '</div><span>:</span><a href="javascript:;" class="aria2c-link">' + r + "</a></div>");
                    "batch" == e.type && (a = $('<div style="overflow:hidden;text-overflow:ellipsis;white-space:nowrap"><div style="150px;float:left;overflow:hidden;text-overflow:ellipsis" title="' + n.filename + '">' + n.filename + '</div><span>:</span><a href="' + n.downloadlink + '">' + n.downloadlink + "</a></div>")), "batchAriaRPC" == e.type && (a = $('<div style="overflow:hidden;text-overflow:ellipsis;white-space:nowrap"><div style="150px;float:left;overflow:hidden;text-overflow:ellipsis" title="' + n.filename + '">' + n.filename + '</div><span>:</span><button class="aria-rpc" data-link="' + n.downloadlink + '" data-filename="' + n.filename + '">点击发送到Aria</button></div>')), $("div.dialog-body", o).append(a);
                })), "shareLink" == e.type && (t = e.list, $("div.dialog-header h3 span.dialog-title", o).text(e.title), $.each(e.list, function (e, t) {
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                        var i = $('<div style="overflow:hidden;text-overflow:ellipsis;white-space:nowrap"><div style="150px;float:left;overflow:hidden;text-overflow:ellipsis" title="' + t.server_filename + '">' + t.server_filename + '</div><span>:</span><a href="' + t.dlink + '" class="share-download">' + t.dlink + "</a></div>");
                        $("div.dialog-body", o).append(i);
                })), "rpcLink" == e.type && (t = e.list, $("div.dialog-header h3 span.dialog-title", o).text(e.title), $.each(e.list, function (e, t) {
                    if (t.dlink = n(t.dlink), 1 != t.isdir) {
                        var i = $('<div style="overflow:hidden;text-overflow:ellipsis;white-space:nowrap"><div style="150px;float:left;overflow:hidden;text-overflow:ellipsis" title="' + t.server_filename + '">' + t.server_filename + '</div><span>:</span><button class="aria-rpc" data-link="' + t.dlink + '" data-filename="' + t.server_filename + '">点击发送到Aria</button></div>');
                        $("div.dialog-body", o).append(i);
                })), "shareAriaLink" == e.type && (t = e.list, $("div.dialog-header h3 span.dialog-title", o).text(e.title), $.each(e.list, function (e, t) {
                    if (1 != t.isdir) {
                        var n = i(t.dlink, t.server_filename),
                            a = $('<div style="overflow:hidden;text-overflow:ellipsis;white-space:nowrap"><div style="150px;float:left;overflow:hidden;text-overflow:ellipsis" title="' + t.server_filename + '">' + t.server_filename + '</div><span>:</span><a href="javasctipt:void(0)" class="aria2c-link">' + n + "</a></div>");
                        $("div.dialog-body", o).append(a);
                })), e.tip && $("div.dialog-tip p", o).html(e.tip), e.showcopy && ($("div.dialog-button", o).show(), $("div.dialog-button button#dialog-copy-button", o).show()), e.showedit) {
                    $("div.dialog-button", o).show(), $("div.dialog-button button#dialog-edit-button", o).show();
                    var l = $('<textarea name="dialog-textarea" style="display:none;resize:none;758px;height:300px;white-space:pre;word-wrap:normal;overflow-x:scroll"></textarea>'),
                        d = "";
                    "batch" == a.type ? $.each(t, function (e, i) {
                        "error" != i.downloadlink && (e == t.length - 1 ? d += i.downloadlink : d += i.downloadlink + "
                    }) : "link" == a.type && $.each(t, function (e, i) {
                        "error" != i.url && (e == t.length - 1 ? d += i.url : d += i.url + "
                    }), l.val(d), $("div.dialog-body", o).append(l);
                r.show(), o.show();
            }, this.close = function () {
            }, o = function () {
                var n = document.body.clientWidth, r = n > 800 ? (n - 800) / 2 : 0,
                    l = $('<div class="dialog" style=" 800px; top: 0px; bottom: auto; left: ' + r + 'px; right: auto; display: hidden; visibility: visible; z-index: 52;"></div>'),
                    d = $('<div class="dialog-header"><h3><span class="dialog-title" style="display:inline-block;740px;white-space:nowrap;overflow-x:hidden;text-overflow:ellipsis"></span></h3></div>'),
                    s = $('<div class="dialog-control"><span class="dialog-icon dialog-close">×</span></div>'),
                    c = $('<div class="dialog-body" style="max-height:450px;overflow-y:auto;padding:0 20px;"></div>'),
                    p = $('<div class="dialog-tip" style="padding-left:20px;background-color:#fff;border-top: 1px solid #c4dbfe;color: #dc373c;"><p></p></div>');
                var u = $('<div class="dialog-button" style="display:none"></div>'),
                    h = $('<div style="display:table;margin:auto"></div>'),
                    f = $('<button id="dialog-copy-button" style="display:none; 100px; margin: 5px 0 10px 0; cursor: pointer; background: #cc3235; border: none; height: 30px; color: #fff; border-radius: 3px;">复制全部链接</button>'),
                    v = $('<button id="dialog-edit-button" style="display:none">编辑</button>'),
                    g = $('<button id="dialog-exit-button" style="display:none">退出</button>');
                return h.append(f).append(v).append(g), u.append(h), l.append(u), f.click(function () {
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                        "error" != n.downloadlink && (i == t.length - 1 ? e += n.downloadlink : e += n.downloadlink + "
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                        "error" != a.downloadlink && (n == t.length - 1 ? e += i(a.downloadlink, a.filename, b) : e += i(a.downloadlink, a.filename, b) + "
                    }), "rpc" == a.type && $.each(t, function (i, n) {
                        "error" != n.downloadlink && (i == t.length - 1 ? e += n.downloadlink : e += n.downloadlink + "
                    }), "shareLink" == a.type && $.each(t, function (i, n) {
                        "error" != n.dlink && (i == t.length - 1 ? e += n.dlink : e += n.dlink + "
                    }), "shareAriaLink" == a.type && $.each(t, function (n, a) {
                        "error" != a.dlink && (n == t.length - 1 ? e += i(a.dlink, a.server_filename) : e += i(a.dlink, a.server_filename) + "
                    }), GM_setClipboard(e, "text"), "" != e ? x.fire({
                        icon: "success",
                        text: "已将链接复制到剪贴板!"
                    }) : x.fire({icon: "error", text: "复制失败,请手动复制!"});
                }), v.click(function () {
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                }), g.click(function () {
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                    e.hide(), $dialog_radio_div.hide(), t.show(), g.hide(), f.show(), v.show();
                }), l.append(p), $("body").append(l), s.click(e), l;
            }(), r = function () {
                var e = $('<div class="dialog-shadow" style="position: fixed; left: 0px; top: 0px; z-index: 50; background: rgb(0, 0, 0) none repeat scroll 0% 0%; opacity: 0.5;  100%; height: 100%; display: none;"></div>');
                return $("body").append(e), e;
        function s(e, t) {
            function i() {
                $("#dialog-img", n).attr("src", ""), $("#dialog-err").text(""), n.hide(), a.hide();
            var n = void 0, a = void 0;
            this.open = function (e) {
                e && $("#dialog-img").attr("src", e.img), n.show(), a.show();
            }, this.close = function () {
            }, n = function () {
                var n = document.body.clientWidth, a = n > 520 ? (n - 520) / 2 : 0,
                    o = $('<div class="dialog" id="dialog-vcode" style="520px;top:0px;bottom:auto;left:' + a + 'px;right:auto;display:none;visibility:visible;z-index:52"></div>'),
                    r = $('<div class="dialog-header"><h3><span class="dialog-header-title"><em class="select-text">提示</em></span></h3></div>'),
                    l = $('<div class="dialog-control"><span class="dialog-icon dialog-close icon icon-close"><span class="sicon">x</span></span></div>'),
                    d = $('<div class="dialog-body"></div>'), s = $('<div style="text-align:center;padding:22px"></div>'),
                    c = $('<div class="download-verify" style="margin-top:10px;padding:0 28px;text-align:left;font-size:12px;"></div>'),
                    p = $('<div class="verify-body">请输入验证码:</div>'),
                    u = $('<input id="dialog-input" type="text" style="padding:3px;85px;height:23px;border:1px solid #c6c6c6;background-color:white;vertical-align:middle;" class="input-code" maxlength="4">'),
                    h = $('<img id="dialog-img" class="img-code" style="margin-left:10px;vertical-align:middle;" alt="点击换一张" src="" width="100" height="30">'),
                    f = $('<a href="javascript:;" style="text-decoration:underline;" class="underline">换一张</a>'),
                    v = $('<div id="dialog-err" style="padding-left:84px;height:18px;color:#d80000" class="verify-error"></div>'),
                    g = $('<div class="dialog-footer g-clearfix"></div>'),
                    w = $('<a class="g-button g-button-blue" data-button-id="" data-button-index href="javascript:;" style="padding-left:36px"><span class="g-button-right" style="padding-right:36px;"><span class="text" style="auto;">确定</span></span></a>'),
                    m = $('<a class="g-button" data-button-id="" data-button-index href="javascript:;" style="padding-left: 36px;"><span class="g-button-right" style="padding-right: 36px;"><span class="text" style=" auto;">取消</span></span></a>');
                return r.append(l), p.append(u).append(h).append(f), c.append(p).append(v), s.append(c), d.append(s), g.append(w).append(m), o.append(r).append(d).append(g), $("body").append(o), l.click(i), h.click(e), f.click(e), u.keypress(function (e) {
                    13 == e.which && t();
                }), w.click(t), m.click(i), u.click(function () {
                }), o;
            }(), a = $("div.dialog-shadow");
        function c() {
            function t() {
                return require("disk-system:widget/pageModule/list/listInit.js").getCheckedItems();
            function i() {
                N = C(), U = O.timestamp, B = O.MYBDSTOKEN, z = l();
            function n() {
                o(), r();
            function o() {
                $(document).on("click", ".exe-download", function (e) {
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                }), $(document).on("click", ".aria-rpc", function (e) {
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                        method: "HEAD",
                        headers: i,
                        url: e.target.dataset.link,
                        onload: function (e) {
                            var i = e.finalUrl;
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                                    id: (new Date).getTime(),
                                    jsonrpc: "2.0",
                                    method: "aria2.addUri",
                                    params: ["token:" + k.token, [i], {
                                        dir: k.dir,
                                        out: t,
                                        header: _() ? ["User-Agent:" + b] : ["User-Agent:" + m]
                                    method: "POST",
                                    headers: {"User-Agent": m},
                                    url: n,
                                    responseType: "json",
                                    timeout: 3e3,
                                    data: JSON.stringify(a),
                                    onload: function (e) {
                                        e.response.result ? x.fire({
                                            icon: "success",
                                            title: "任务已发送至RPC下载器"
                                        }) : x.fire({icon: "error", title: e.response.message});
                                    ontimeout: function () {
                                        x.fire({icon: "error", title: "无法连接到RPC服务,请检查RPC配置"});
            function r() {
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                        0 === $("#share-method-public").length ? $(".share-method-line").parent().append('<div class="share-method-line"><input type="radio" id="share-method-public" name="share-method" value="public" checked><span class="icon radio-icon icon-radio-non"></span><label for="share-method-public"><b>公开分享</b><span>任何人访问链接即可查看,下载!</span></div>') : (clearInterval(e), $(document).off("click", '[title="分享"]'));
                    }, 100);
            function s() {
                $("div." + f["bar-search"]).css("width", "18%");
                var e = $('<span class="g-dropdown-button"></span>'),
                    t = $('<a class="g-button g-button-blue" href="javascript:;"><span class="g-button-right"><em class="icon icon-picpre-download" title="百度网盘下载助手"></em><span class="text" style=" 60px;">下载助手</span></span></a>'),
                    i = $('<span class="menu" style="114px"></span>'),
                    n = $('<span class="g-button-menu" style="display:block"></span>'),
                    a = $('<span class="g-dropdown-button g-dropdown-button-second" menulevel="2"></span>'),
                    o = $('<a class="g-button" href="javascript:;"><span class="g-button-right"><span class="text" style="auto">直链下载</span></span></a>'),
                    r = $('<span class="menu" style="120px;left:79px"></span>'),
                    l = $('<a id="batchhttplink-direct" class="g-button-menu" href="javascript:;">显示链接</a>');
                r.append(l), n.append(a.append(o).append(r)), n.hover(function () {
                }), l.click(A);
                var d = $('<span class="g-button-menu" style="display:block"></span>'),
                    s = $('<span class="g-dropdown-button g-dropdown-button-second" menulevel="2"></span>'),
                    v = $('<a class="g-button" href="javascript:;"><span class="g-button-right"><span class="text" style="auto">Aria下载</span></span></a>'),
                    g = $('<span class="menu" style="120px;left:79px"></span>'),
                    w = $('<a id="batchhttplink-aria" class="g-button-menu" href="javascript:;">显示链接</a>');
                g.append(w), d.append(s.append(v).append(g)), d.hover(function () {
                }), w.click(A);
                var m = $('<span class="g-button-menu" style="display:block"></span>'),
                    b = $('<span class="g-dropdown-button g-dropdown-button-second" menulevel="2"></span>'),
                    y = $('<a class="g-button" href="javascript:;"><span class="g-button-right"><span class="text" style="auto">导出到RPC</span></span></a>'),
                    x = $('<span class="menu" style="120px;left:79px"></span>'),
                    k = $('<a id="batchhttplink-rpc" class="g-button-menu" href="javascript:;">显示链接</a>'),
                    _ = $('<a class="g-button-menu" href="javascript:;">RPC配置</a>');
                x.append(k).append(_), m.append(b.append(y).append(x)), m.hover(function () {
                }), k.click(A), _.click(c);
                var G = $('<span class="g-button-menu" style="display:block"></span>'),
                    M = $('<span class="g-dropdown-button g-dropdown-button-second" menulevel="2"></span>'),
                    C = $('<a class="g-button" href="javascript:;"><span class="g-button-right"><span class="text" style="auto">API下载</span></span></a>'),
                    j = $('<span class="menu" style="120px;left:77px"></span>'),
                    D = $('<a id="download-api" class="g-button-menu" href="javascript:;">直接下载</a>'),
                    I = $('<a id="batchhttplink-api" class="g-button-menu" href="javascript:;">显示链接</a>'),
                    V = $('<a id="appid-setting" class="g-button-menu" href="javascript:;">神秘代码</a>'),
                    E = $('<a id="default-setting" class="g-button-menu" href="javascript:;" style="color: #999;">恢复默认</a>');
                var R = $('<span class="g-button-menu" style="display:block;cursor: pointer">分享选中文件</span>'),
                    O = $('<a data-menu-id="b-menu209" style="color: #e85653;font-weight: 700;" class="g-button-menu" href="javascript:;">Ver ' + h + "</a>");
                G.append(M.append(C).append(j)), G.hover(function () {
                }), D.click(T), I.click(A), V.click(p), E.click(u), O.click(S), R.click(P), i.append(G).append(d).append(m).append(R), e.append(t).append(i), e.hover(function () {
                }), $("." + f["list-tools"]).append(e), $("." + f["list-tools"]).css("height", "40px");
            function c() {
                var e = "";
                e += '<div style="display: flex;align-items: center;justify-content: space-between;"><label for="rpcDomain" style="margin-right: 5px;flex: 0 0 90px;">主机:</label><input type="text" id="rpcDomain" value="' + k.domain + '" class="swal2-input" placeholder="http://localhost"></div>', e += '<div style="display: flex;align-items: center;justify-content: space-between;"><label for="rpcPort" style="margin-right: 5px;flex: 0 0 90px;">端口:</label><input type="text" id="rpcPort" value="' + k.port + '" class="swal2-input" placeholder="6800"></div>', e += '<div style="display: flex;align-items: center;justify-content: space-between;"><label for="rpcToken" style="margin-right: 5px;flex: 0 0 90px;">密钥:</label><input type="text" id="rpcToken" value="' + k.token + '" class="swal2-input" placeholder="没有留空"></div>', e += '<div style="display: flex;align-items: center;justify-content: space-between;"><label for="rpcDir" style="margin-right: 5px;flex: 0 0 90px;">下载路径:</label><input type="text" id="rpcDir" value="' + k.dir + '" class="swal2-input" placeholder="默认为D:"></div>', e = "<div>" + e + "</div>";
                var t = $(e);
                    title: "RPC配置",
                    allowOutsideClick: !1,
                    html: t[0],
                    showCancelButton: !0,
                    confirmButtonText: "保存",
                    cancelButtonText: "取消"
                }).then(function (e) {
                    e.value && (GM_setValue("rpcDomain", $("#rpcDomain").val() ? $("#rpcDomain").val() : k.domain), GM_setValue("rpcPort", $("#rpcPort").val() ? $("#rpcPort").val() : k.port), GM_setValue("rpcToken", $("#rpcToken").val()), GM_setValue("rpcDir", $("#rpcDir").val() ? $("#rpcDir").val() : k.dir), history.go(0));
            function p() {
                    title: "请输入神秘代码",
                    input: "text",
                    inputValue: w,
                    showCancelButton: !0,
                    confirmButtonText: "确定",
                    cancelButtonText: "取消",
                    inputValidator: function (e) {
                        if (6 != e.length) return "请输入正确的神秘代码";
                }).then(function (e) {
                    GM_setValue("secretCodeNew", e.value), x.fire({
                        icon: "success",
                        text: "神秘代码执行成功,3s后将自动刷新!"
                    }).then(function () {
            function u() {
                GM_setValue("secretCodeNew", g), x.fire({text: "恢复默认成功,3s后将自动刷新", icon: "success"}).then(function () {
            function _() {
                return 1 === O.ISSVIP;
            function S() {
                GM_openInTab("https://www.baiduyun.wiki", {active: !0});
            function T(i) {
                H = t(), e("选中文件列表:", H);
                var n = i.target.id, a = void 0;
                if ("download-direct" == n) {
                    var o = void 0;
                    if (0 === H.length) return void x.fire({icon: "error", text: v.unselected});
                    1 == H.length && (o = 1 === H[0].isdir ? "batch" : "dlink"), H.length > 1 && (o = "batch"), L = j(H);
                    var r = I(o);
                    if (0 !== r.errno) return -1 == r.errno ? void x.fire({
                        icon: "error",
                        text: v.deleted
                    }) : 112 == r.errno ? void x.fire({icon: "error", text: v.timeout}) : void x.fire({
                        icon: "error",
                        text: v.fail
                    if ("dlink" == o) a = r.dlink[0].dlink; else {
                        if ("batch" != o) return void x.fire({icon: "error", text: v.fail});
                        a = r.dlink, 1 === H.length && (a = a + "&zipname=" + encodeURIComponent(H[0].server_filename) + ".zip");
                } else {
                    if (0 === H.length) return void x.fire({icon: "error", text: v.unselected});
                    if (H.length > 1) return void x.fire({icon: "error", text: v.morethan});
                    if (1 == H[0].isdir) return void x.fire({icon: "error", text: v.dir});
                    "download-api" == n && (a = V(H[0].path));
            function A(i) {
                if (H = t(), e("选中文件列表:", H), 0 === H.length) return void x.fire({icon: "error", text: v.unselected});
                var n = i.target.id, a = void 0, o = void 0;
                if (a = -1 == n.indexOf("https") ? -1 == n.indexOf("http") ? location.protocol + ":" : "http:" : "https:", q = [], F = [], -1 != n.indexOf("direct")) {
                    q = G(a);
                    if (0 === q.length) return void x.fire({icon: "error", text: v.unselected});
                        title: "直链下载",
                        type: "batch",
                        list: q,
                        tip: '点击链接直接下载,请先升级 <a href="https://www.baiduyun.wiki/zh-cn/assistant.html">[网盘万能助手]</a> 至 <b>v2.2.0</b>,本链接仅支持小文件下载(<300M)',
                        showcopy: !1
                if (-1 != n.indexOf("aria")) {
                    if (q = M(a), o = '请先安装 <a  href="https://www.baiduyun.wiki/zh-cn/assistant.html">网盘万能助手</a> 请将链接复制到支持Aria的下载器中, 推荐使用 <a href="http://pan.baiduyun.wiki/down">XDown</a>', 0 === q.length) return void x.fire({
                        icon: "error",
                        text: v.unselected
                    J.open({title: "Aria链接", type: "batchAria", list: q, tip: o, showcopy: !0});
                if (-1 != n.indexOf("rpc")) {
                    if (q = M(a), o = '点击按钮发送链接至Aria下载器中<a href="https://www.baiduyun.wiki/zh-cn/rpc.html">详细说明</a>,需配合最新版 <a href="https://www.baiduyun.wiki/zh-cn/assistant.html">[网盘万能助手]</a>,支持本地和远程下载,此功能建议配合百度会员使用', 0 === q.length) return void x.fire({
                        icon: "error",
                        text: v.unselected
                    J.open({title: "Aria RPC", type: "batchAriaRPC", list: q, tip: o, showcopy: !1});
                if (-1 != n.indexOf("api")) {
                    if (q = M(a), o = '请先安装 <a href="https://www.baiduyun.wiki/zh-cn/assistant.html">网盘万能助手</a> <b>v2.2.0</b> 后点击链接下载,若下载失败,请更换神秘代码 <a href="https://www.baiduyun.wiki/zh-cn/question.html" target="_blank">获取神秘代码</a>', 0 === q.length) return void x.fire({
                        icon: "error",
                        text: v.unselected
                    J.open({title: "API下载链接", type: "batch", list: q, tip: o});
            function G(e) {
                var t = [];
                return $.each(H, function (i, n) {
                    var a = void 0, o = void 0, r = void 0;
                    a = 0 == n.isdir ? "dlink" : "batch", L = j([n]), r = I(a), 0 == r.errno ? ("dlink" == a ? o = r.dlink[0].dlink : "batch" == a && (o = r.dlink), o = o.replace(/^([A-Za-z]+):/, e)) : o = "error", t.push({
                        filename: n.server_filename,
                        downloadlink: o
                }), t;
            function M(e) {
                var t = [];
                return $.each(H, function (i, n) {
                    if (1 != n.isdir) {
                        var a = void 0;
                        a = V(n.path), a = a.replace(/^([A-Za-z]+):/, e), t.push({
                            filename: n.server_filename,
                            downloadlink: a
                }), t;
            function C() {
                var e = void 0;
                try {
                    e = new Function("return " + O.sign2)();
                } catch (e) {
                    throw new Error(e.message);
                return a(e(O.sign5, O.sign1));
            function j(e) {
                if (0 === e.length) return null;
                var t = [];
                return $.each(e, function (e, i) {
                }), "[" + t + "]";
            function P() {
                H = t();
                var e = [];
                if (0 === H.length) return void x.fire({icon: "error", text: v.unselected});
                $.each(H, function (t, i) {
                var i = "https://pan.baidu.com/share/set?channel=chunlei&clienttype=0&web=1&channel=chunlei&web=1&app_id=250528&bdstoken=" + B + "&logid=" + z + "&clienttype=0",
                    n = D(), a = {schannel: 4, channel_list: JSON.stringify([]), period: 0, pwd: n, fid_list: j(H)};
                    url: i, async: !1, method: "POST", data: a, success: function (e) {
                        if (0 === e.errno) {
                            var t = e.link;
                                title: "分享链接",
                                allowOutsideClick: !1,
                                html: '<a href="' + t + '" target="_blank">' + t + "</a><br>提取码: " + n,
                                confirmButtonText: "复制链接",
                                footer: y
                            }).then(function (e) {
                                e.value && GM_setClipboard(t + "#" + n);
            function D() {
                function e(e, t) {
                    return Math.round(Math.random() * (e - t) + t);
                for (var t = "", i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
                    t = t + e(0, 9) + String.fromCharCode(e(97, 122)) + String.fromCharCode(e(65, 90));
                for (var n = "", i = 0; i < 4; i++) n += t[e(0, t.length - 1)];
                return n;
            function I(e) {
                var t = void 0;
                z = l();
                var i = {sign: N, timestamp: U, fidlist: L, type: e};
                return $.ajax({
                    url: "https://pan.baidu.com/api/download?clienttype=1",
                    async: !1,
                    method: "POST",
                    data: i,
                    success: function (e) {
                        t = e;
                }), t;
            function V(e) {
                return W + "file?method=download&path=" + encodeURIComponent(e) + "&app_id=" + w;
            function E(e) {
                $("#helperdownloadiframe").attr("src", e);
            function R() {
                var e = $('<div class="helper-hide" style="padding:0;margin:0;display:block"></div>'),
                    t = $('<iframe src="javascript:;" id="helperdownloadiframe" style="display:none"></iframe>');
                e.append(t), $("body").append(e);
            var O = void 0, N = void 0, U = void 0, B = void 0, z = void 0, L = void 0, H = [], q = [], F = [], J = void 0,
                W = (location.protocol, location.host, location.protocol + "//pcs.baidu.com/rest/2.0/pcs/");
            this.init = function () {
                if (O = unsafeWindow.yunData, e("初始化信息:", O), void 0 === O) return e("页面未正常加载,或者百度已经更新!"), !1;
                i(), n(), s(), R(), J = new d({addCopy: !0}), e("下载助手加载成功!当前版本:", h);
        function p() {
            function t() {
                Z = o(), V = I.SIGN, E = I.TIMESTAMP, R = I.MYBDSTOKEN, O = "chunlei", N = 0, U = 1, B = w, z = l(), L = 0, H = "share", F = I.SHARE_ID, q = I.SHARE_UK, "secret" == Z && (W = p()), c() || (K = I.SHARE_ID);
            function i() {
                return c() ? I.FILEINFO : require("disk-share:widget/pageModule/list/listInit.js").getCheckedItems();
            function n() {
                var e = location.hash && /^#([a-zA-Z0-9]{4})$/.test(location.hash) && RegExp.$1,
                    t = $('.pickpw input[tabindex="1"]'), i = $(".pickpw a.g-button"), n = $(".pickpw .input-area"),
                    o = $('<div style="margin:-8px 0 10px ;color: #ff5858">正在获取提取码</div>'),
                    r = (location.href.match(//init?(?:surl|shareid)=((?:w|-)+)/) || location.href.match(//s/1((?:w|-)+)/))[1];
                t && i && (n.prepend(o), e && (o.text("发现提取码,已自动为您填写"), setTimeout(function () {
                    t.val(e), i.click();
                }, 500)), $.ajax({
                    method: "GET", url: "https://api.baiduyun.wiki/reset/" + r, success: function (e) {
                        e.link ? GM_xmlhttpRequest({
                            method: "GET", url: e.link, onload: function (e) {
                                var n = JSON.parse(e.responseText);
                                n.access_code ? (o.text("发现提取码,已自动为您填写"), t.val(n.access_code), setTimeout(function () {
                                    i.click(), a(n.referrer);
                                }, 300)) : o.text("未发现提取码,请手动填写");
                        }) : o.text("未发现提取码,请手动填写");
                    }, error: function (e) {
            function a(e) {
                if ("object" !== (void 0 === e ? "undefined" : _typeof(e))) return !1;
                var t = Object.values(e), i = {}, n = t.reduce(function (e, t) {
                    return i[t.title] || (i[t.title] = e.push(t)), e;
                }, []), a = setInterval(function () {
                    $(".slide-show-header").length > 0 && (clearInterval(a), $.each(n, function (e, t) {
                        if ("undefined" != t.title) {
                            var i = $('<a style="display: block;margin-top: 7px;overflow: hidden;text-overflow: ellipsis;white-space: nowrap;" href="' + t.url + '" target="_blank">【来源】:' + t.title + "</a>");
                }, 500);
            function o() {
                return 1 === I.SHARE_PUBLIC ? "public" : "secret";
            function c() {
                return void 0 === I.getContext;
            function p() {
                return '{"sekey":"' + decodeURIComponent(r("BDCLND")) + '"}';
            function u() {
                c() ? ($("div.slide-show-right").css("width", "500px"), $("div.frame-main").css("width", "96%"), $("div.share-file-viewer").css("width", "740px").css("margin-left", "auto").css("margin-right", "auto")) : $("div.slide-show-right").css("width", "500px");
                var e = $('<span class="g-dropdown-button"></span>'),
                    t = $('<a class="g-button g-button-blue" style=" 114px;" data-button-id="b200" data-button-index="200" href="javascript:;"></a>'),
                    i = $('<span class="g-button-right"><em class="icon icon-picpre-download" title="百度网盘下载助手"></em><span class="text" style=" 60px;">下载助手</span></span>'),
                    n = $('<span class="menu" style="auto;z-index:41"></span>'),
                    a = $('<a data-menu-id="b-menu207" class="g-button-menu" href="javascript:;">直接下载</a>'),
                    o = $('<a data-menu-id="b-menu208" class="g-button-menu" href="javascript:;" data-type="down">显示链接</a>'),
                    r = $('<a data-menu-id="b-menu208" class="g-button-menu" href="javascript:;">显示Aria链接</a>'),
                    l = $('<a data-menu-id="b-menu208" class="g-button-menu" href="javascript:;" data-type="rpc">导出到RPC</a>'),
                    d = $('<a data-menu-id="b-menu209" style="color: #e85653;font-weight: 700;" class="g-button-menu" href="javascript:;">Ver ' + h + "</a>");
                n.append(a).append(o).append(r).append(l), t.append(i), e.append(t).append(n), e.hover(function () {
                }), a.click(S), l.click(C), o.click(C), r.click(g), d.click(f), $("div.module-share-top-bar div.bar div.x-button-box").append(e);
            function f() {
                GM_openInTab("https://www.baiduyun.wiki", {active: !0});
            function g() {
                return te = i(), null === R ? (x.fire({
                    icon: "error",
                    text: v.unlogin
                }), !1) : (e("选中文件列表:", te), 0 === te.length ? (x.fire({
                    icon: "error",
                    text: v.unselected
                }), !1) : 1 == te[0].isdir ? (x.fire({
                    icon: "error",
                    text: v.toobig
                }), !1) : (Y = "ariclink", void j(function (e) {
                    if (void 0 !== e) if (-20 == e.errno) {
                        if (!(X = T()) || 0 !== X.errno) return x.fire({icon: "error", text: v.wrongcode}), !1;
                    } else {
                        if (112 == e.errno) return x.fire({icon: "error", text: v.timeout}), !1;
                        if (0 === e.errno) {
                                title: "下载链接(仅显示文件链接)",
                                type: "shareAriaLink",
                                list: e.list,
                                tip: '请先安装 <a  href="https://www.baiduyun.wiki/zh-cn/assistant.html">网盘万能助手</a> 请将链接复制到支持Aria的下载器中, 推荐使用 <a  href="http://pan.baiduyun.wiki/down">XDown</a>',
                                showcopy: !0
                        } else x.fire({icon: "error", text: v.fail});
            function b() {
                var e = $('<div class="helper-hide" style="padding:0;margin:0;display:block"></div>'),
                    t = $('<iframe src="javascript:;" id="helperdownloadiframe" style="display:none"></iframe>');
                e.append(t), $("body").append(e);
            function y() {
            function _() {
                $(document).on("click", ".aria-rpc", function (e) {
                    var t = (e.target.dataset.link, e.target.dataset.filename);
                        method: "HEAD",
                        headers: {"User-Agent": m},
                        url: e.target.dataset.link,
                        onload: function (e) {
                            var i = e.finalUrl;
                            if (i) {
                                var n = k.domain + ":" + k.port + "/jsonrpc", a = {
                                    id: (new Date).getTime(),
                                    jsonrpc: "2.0",
                                    method: "aria2.addUri",
                                    params: ["token:" + k.token, [i], {dir: k.dir, out: t, header: ["User-Agent:" + m]}]
                                    method: "POST",
                                    headers: {"User-Agent": m},
                                    url: n,
                                    responseType: "json",
                                    timeout: 3e3,
                                    data: JSON.stringify(a),
                                    onload: function (e) {
                                        e.response.result ? x.fire({
                                            icon: "success",
                                            title: "任务已发送至RPC下载器"
                                        }) : x.fire({icon: "error", title: e.response.message});
                                    ontimeout: function () {
                                        x.fire({icon: "error", title: "无法连接到RPC服务,请检查RPC配置"});
            function S() {
                return te = i(), null === R ? (x.fire({
                    icon: "error",
                    text: v.unlogin
                }), !1) : (e("选中文件列表:", te), 0 === te.length ? (x.fire({
                    icon: "error",
                    text: v.unselected
                }), !1) : te.length > 1 ? (x.fire({
                    icon: "error",
                    text: v.morethan
                }), !1) : 1 == te[0].isdir ? (x.fire({
                    icon: "error",
                    text: v.dir
                }), !1) : (Y = "download", void j(function (e) {
                    if (void 0 !== e) if (-20 == e.errno) {
                        if (X = T(), 0 !== X.errno) return void x.fire({icon: "error", text: v.wrongcode});
                    } else if (112 == e.errno) x.fire({icon: "error", text: v.timeout}); else if (0 === e.errno) {
                        var t = e.list[0].dlink;
                    } else x.fire({icon: "error", text: v.fail});
            function T() {
                var e = ie + "getvcode", t = void 0;
                z = l();
                var i = {
                    prod: "pan",
                    t: Math.random(),
                    bdstoken: R,
                    channel: O,
                    clienttype: N,
                    web: U,
                    app_id: B,
                    logid: z
                return $.ajax({
                    url: e, method: "GET", async: !1, data: i, success: function (e) {
                        t = e;
                }), t;
            function A() {
                X = T(), $("#dialog-img").attr("src", X.img);
            function G() {
                var e = $("#dialog-input").val();
                return 0 === e.length ? void $("#dialog-err").text("请输入验证码") : e.length < 4 ? void $("#dialog-err").text("验证码输入错误,请重新输入") : void P(e, function (e) {
                    if (-20 == e.errno) {
                        if (ee.close(), $("#dialog-err").text("验证码输入错误,请重新输入"), A(), !X || 0 !== X.errno) return void x.fire({
                            icon: "error",
                            text: v.wrongcode
                    } else if (0 === e.errno) {
                        if (ee.close(), "download" == Y) {
                            if (e.list.length > 1 || 1 == e.list[0].isdir) return x.fire({
                                icon: "error",
                                text: v.morethan
                            }), !1;
                            var t = e.list[0].dlink;
                        if ("link" == Y) {
                                title: "下载链接(仅显示文件链接)",
                                type: "shareLink",
                                list: e.list,
                                tip: '点击链接直接下载,请先升级 <a href="https://www.baiduyun.wiki/zh-cn/assistant.html">[网盘万能助手]</a> 至 <b>v2.2.0</b>(出现403请先禁用IDM扩展,若仍失败请尝试Aria链接)',
                                showcopy: !1
                        if ("ariclink" == Y) {
                                title: "下载链接(仅显示文件链接)",
                                type: "shareAriaLink",
                                list: e.list,
                                tip: '请先安装 <a  href="https://www.baiduyun.wiki/zh-cn/assistant.html">网盘万能助手</a> 请将链接复制到支持Aria的下载器中, 推荐使用 <a  href="http://pan.baiduyun.wiki/down">XDown</a>',
                                showcopy: !1
                    } else x.fire({icon: "error", text: v.fail});
            function M() {
                var e = [];
                return $.each(te, function (t, i) {
                }), "[" + e + "]";
            function C(t) {
                return te = i(), null === R ? (x.fire({
                    icon: "error",
                    text: v.unlogin
                }), !1) : (e("选中文件列表:", te), 0 === te.length ? (x.fire({
                    icon: "error",
                    text: v.unselected
                }), !1) : 1 == te[0].isdir ? (x.fire({icon: "error", text: v.dir}), !1) : (Y = "link", void j(function (e) {
                    if (void 0 !== e) if (-20 == e.errno) {
                        if (!(X = T()) || 0 !== X.errno) return x.fire({icon: "error", text: v.wrongcode}), !1;
                    } else {
                        if (112 == e.errno) return x.fire({icon: "error", text: v.timeout}), !1;
                        if (0 === e.errno) if ("rpc" === t.target.dataset.type) {
                                title: "下载链接(仅显示文件链接)",
                                type: "rpcLink",
                                list: e.list,
                                tip: '点击按钮发送链接至Aria下载器中 <a href="https://www.baiduyun.wiki/zh-cn/rpc.html">详细说明</a>,需配合最新版 <a href="https://www.baiduyun.wiki/zh-cn/assistant.html">[网盘万能助手]</a>,支持本地和远程下载',
                                showcopy: !1
                        } else {
                                title: "下载链接(仅显示文件链接)",
                                type: "shareLink",
                                list: e.list,
                                tip: '点击链接直接下载,请先升级 <a href="https://www.baiduyun.wiki/zh-cn/assistant.html">[网盘万能助手]</a> 至 <b>v2.2.0</b>(出现403请先禁用IDM扩展,若仍失败请尝试Aria链接)',
                                showcopy: !1
                        } else x.fire({icon: "error", text: v.fail});
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                        url: "https://api.baiduyun.wiki/download?sign=" + V + "&timestamp=" + E + "&logid=" + z + "&init=" + GM_getValue("init"),
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                        complete: function (e) {
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                        method: "POST", data: i, url: atob(atob(t)), onload: function (t) {
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                        url: "https://api.baiduyun.wiki/download?sign=" + V + "&timestamp=" + E + "&logid=" + z,
                        cache: !1,
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                        complete: function (e) {
                            i = e.responseText;
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                        method: "POST", data: n, url: atob(atob(i)), onload: function (e) {
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                t(), u(), Q = new d({addCopy: !1}), ee = new s(A, G), b(), y(), e("下载助手加载成功!当前版本:", h);
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                        return void (new c).init();
                        return void (new p).init();
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                                title: "初次使用请随便输入一串数字",
                                html: i[0],
                                allowOutsideClick: !1,
                                confirmButtonText: "确定"
                            }).then(function (t) {
                                e.scode == $("#scode").val() ? (GM_setValue("scode", e.scode), GM_setValue("init", 0), x.fire({
                                    icon: "success",
                                    text: "暗号正确,正在初始化中。。。"
                                }).then(function () {
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            function a() {
                GM_registerMenuCommand("设置", function () {
                    void 0 === GM_getValue("SETTING_P") && GM_setValue("SETTING_P", !1), void 0 === GM_getValue("SETTING_H") && GM_setValue("SETTING_H", !0);
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                        onload: function (e) {
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                dir: "提示:不支持整个文件夹下载,可进入文件夹内获取文件链接下载!",
                unlogin: "提示:登录百度网盘后才能使用此功能哦!",
                fail: "提示:获取下载链接失败!请刷新网页后重试!",
                unselected: "提示:请先选择要下载的文件!",
                morethan: "提示:多个文件请点击【显示链接】!",
                toobig: "提示:只支持300M以下的文件夹,若链接无法下载,请进入文件夹后勾选文件获取!",
                timeout: "提示:页面过期,请刷新重试!",
                wrongcode: "提示:获取验证码失败!",
                deleted: "提示:文件不存在或已被百度和谐,无法下载!"
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                            return 'Chrome';
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        function fetchRetry(url, options = {}, times = 1, delay = 1000, checkStatus = true) {
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                    else {
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                function failure(error) {
                    if (times) {
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                    else {
                // 总体失败处理函数
                function finalHandler(error) {
                    throw error;
                function fetchUrl() {
                    return fetch(url, options)
        // 下载指定url的资源
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                let res = await fetchRetry(url);
                let blob = await res.blob();
                url = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
            // Chrome 可以使用 Tampermonkey 的 GM_download 函数绕过 CSP(Content Security Policy) 的限制
            if (window.GM_download) {
                GM_download({url, name});
            else {
                // firefox 需要禁用 CSP, about:config -> security.csp.enable => false
                let a = document.createElement('a');
                a.href = url;
                a.download = name;
                // a.target = '_blank';
                setTimeout(function () {
                }, 100);
        function humanSize(size) {
            let n = Math.log(size) / Math.log(1024) | 0;
            return (size / Math.pow(1024, n)).toFixed(0) + ' ' + (n ? 'KMGTPEZY'[--n] + 'B' : 'Bytes');
        if (!player) return;
        // 获取视频信息
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            headers: {
                'referer': 'refererBaseUrl + videoId',
                'authorization': 'oauth c3cef7c66a1843f8b3a9e6a1e3160e20' // in zplayer.min.js of zhihu
        }, 3);
        const videoInfo = await res.json();
        // 获取不同分辨率视频的信息
        for (let [key, video] of Object.entries(videoInfo.playlist)) {
            video.name = key;
            if (!videos.find(v => v.width == video.width)) {
        // 按分辨率大小排序
        videos = videos.sort(function (v1, v2) {
            return v1.width == v2.width ? 0 : (v1.width > v2.width ? 1 : -1);
        document.addEventListener('DOMNodeInserted', (evt) => {
            let domControlBar = evt.relatedNode.querySelector(':scope > div:last-child > div:first-child');
            if (!domControlBar || domControlBar.querySelector('.download')) return;
            let domFullScreenBtn = domControlBar.querySelector(':scope > div:nth-last-of-type(1)');
            let domResolutionBtn = domControlBar.querySelector(':scope > div:nth-last-of-type(3)');
            let domDownloadBtn, defaultResolution, buttons;
            if (!domFullScreenBtn || !domFullScreenBtn.querySelector('button')) return;
            // 克隆分辨率菜单或全屏按钮为下载按钮
            domDownloadBtn = (domResolutionBtn && (domResolutionBtn.className == domFullScreenBtn.className))
                ? domResolutionBtn.cloneNode(true)
                : domFullScreenBtn.cloneNode(true);
            defaultResolution = domDownloadBtn.querySelector('button').innerText;
            // 生成下载按钮图标
            domDownloadBtn.querySelector('button:first-child').outerHTML = domFullScreenBtn.cloneNode(true).querySelector('button').outerHTML;
            domDownloadBtn.querySelector('svg').innerHTML = svgDownload;
            domDownloadBtn.className = domDownloadBtn.className + ' download';
            buttons = domDownloadBtn.querySelectorAll('button');
            // button 元素添加对应的下载地址
            buttons.forEach(dom => {
                let video = videos.find(v => v.name == resolutionMap[dom.innerText || defaultResolution]);
                video = video || videos[0];
                dom.dataset.video = video.play_url;
                if (dom.innerText) {
                    (dom.innerText = `${dom.innerText} (${humanSize(video.size)})`);
                else if (buttons.length == 1) {
                    dom.nextSibling.querySelector('div').innerText = humanSize(video.size);
            // 鼠标事件 - 显示菜单
            domDownloadBtn.addEventListener('pointerenter', () => {
                let domMenu = domDownloadBtn.querySelector('div:nth-of-type(1)');
                if (domMenu) {
                    domMenu.style.cssText = menuStyle + 'opacity:1 !important; visibility:visible !important';
            // 鼠标事件 - 隐藏菜单
            domDownloadBtn.addEventListener('pointerleave', () => {
                let domMenu = domDownloadBtn.querySelector('div:nth-of-type(1)');
                if (domMenu) {
                    domMenu.style.cssText = menuStyle;
            // 鼠标事件 - 选择菜单项
            domDownloadBtn.addEventListener('pointerup', event => {
                if (downloading) {
                let e = event.srcElement || event.target;
                while (e.tagName != 'BUTTON') {
                    e = e.parentNode;
            // 显示下载按钮
  • 相关阅读:
    关于css中touch-action属性 在移动端开发中遇到的问题
    django 开发忘记密码通过邮箱找回功能
    django 通过ajax完成邮箱用户注册、激活账号
    django 通过ajax完成登录
    django 通过邮箱和用户名都能登录
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/xiximayou/p/12875060.html
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