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  • Python笔记 #19# 实现bpnn

    代码编辑&解释工具:Jupyter Notebook 快速入门



    1. initialize方法,用于设定神经网络的层数、各层节点数
    2. predict方法,方便用户应用模型做预测
    3. train方法,用来训练模型


    import numpy as np
    import math
    def linear_transformation(matrix, vector):
        return vector.dot(matrix)
    # vector = np.array([1, 2])
    # matrix = [[1, 2], [3, 4]]
    # vector = linear_transformation(matrix, vector)
    # print("linear_transformation:", vector)
    # print("linear_transformation:", type(vector))
    def active(vector, f):
        return np.array(list(map(lambda x: f(x), vector)))
    def sigmoid(x): # 激活函数
        return 1.0 / (1.0 + math.exp(-x))
    # result = active(vector, sigmoid)
    # print("active:", result)
    # print("active:", type(result))
    class Bpnn:
        # model是一个list,例如[2, 2, 3, 1]表示输入结点2个,第一个隐含层有2个节点,第二个隐含层有3个节点,输出结点1个
        def initialize(self, model):
            # 随机生成模型对应的矩阵(网络权重)和偏置
            self.matrixs = []
            self.biases = []
            for i in range(len(model) - 1): # 矩阵个数为总层数减1,例如4层的网络只需要3个矩阵就可以了           
                self.matrixs.append(np.random.randn(model[i], model[i + 1])) # 矩阵的列数是对应输入节点的个数,矩阵的行数对应输出节点的个数
            for i in range(len(model) - 1):
                # 列表中的每个np数组代表一整层节点的偏置
                self.biases.append(np.random.randn(model[i + 1]))
        def predict(self, vector):
            result = np.array(vector)
            for i in range(len(self.matrixs)): # 其实就是对一个向量做多次线性变换
                result = linear_transformation(self.matrixs[i], result) + self.biases[i]
                result = active(result, sigmoid)
            return result
        def neural_net_output(self, feature): # 记录各层的输出
            result = []
            output = active(linear_transformation(self.matrixs[0], np.array(feature)) + self.biases[0], sigmoid)
            for i in range(len(self.matrixs) - 1):
                output = active(linear_transformation(self.matrixs[i + 1], output) + self.biases[i + 1], sigmoid)
            return result # 格式为[[代表第1层输出的向量], [代表第2层输出的向量], ...,[代表最终输出的向量]],所有向量都是一维的np.array,向量长度为该层节点数
        def compute_error(self, prediction, actual): # 计算各层的误差,actual是样本标记值(期望获得的值)
            result = []
            prediction = prediction[:] # 后面的处理都不影响原始数组
            prediction.reverse() # 转置便于处理
            error = prediction[0] * (1 - prediction[0]) * (actual - prediction[0]) # 计算最终输出的误差
            for i in range(len(self.matrixs) - 1): # 计算每层的误差,可以通过转置矩阵计算上一层误差的一个因子
                error = prediction[i + 1] * (1- prediction[i + 1]) * linear_transformation(self.matrixs[-1 - i].T, error) 
            return result # 格式为[[代表第1层输出误差的向量], [代表第2层输出误差的向量], ...,[代表最终输出误差的向量]],所有向量都是一维的np.array,向量长度为该层节点数数
        def update_network(self, feature, prediction, error, LEARING_RATE):
            # 更新权重(手算凑出来的计算方法↓)
            temp = np.ones_like(self.matrixs[0]) 
            temp = temp * LEARING_RATE * error[0]
            temp = temp.T * np.array(feature)
            temp = temp.T
            self.matrixs[0] += temp;
            for i in range(len(self.matrixs) - 1):
                temp = np.ones_like(self.matrixs[i + 1]) 
                temp = temp * LEARING_RATE * error[i + 1]
                temp = temp.T * prediction[i]
                temp = temp.T
                self.matrixs[i + 1] += temp;            
            # 更新偏置
            for i in range(len(self.biases)):
                self.biases[i] += LEARING_RATE * error[i]
        def train(self, get_batch, MAX_ITERATION, LEARING_RATE, MAX_LOSS):
            loss = MAX_LOSS = abs(MAX_LOSS)
            count = MAX_ITERATION
            while abs(loss) >= MAX_LOSS and count > 0:
                batch = get_batch()
                for example in batch:
                    prediction = self.neural_net_output(example.feature)
                    error = self.compute_error(prediction, example.label)
                    self.update_network(example.feature, prediction, error, LEARING_RATE)
                loss = abs(np.mean(error[-1])) # 取最后一次迭代最终输出的平均值作为本批次的误差
                count = count - 1
            print("迭代次数:", MAX_ITERATION - count)
            print("误差:", loss)
    class LabeledExample:
        def __init__(self, feature, label):
            self.feature = feature
            self.label = label
    # 训练一个类似于异或(xor)运算的函数,相同为假,相异为真
    labeled_examples = [LabeledExample([0, 0], [0]), LabeledExample([0, 1], [1]), LabeledExample([1, 0], [1]), LabeledExample([1, 1], [0])]
    def full_batch():
        return labeled_examples
    bpnn = Bpnn()
    bpnn.initialize([2, 2, 1]) # 构造一个三层的神经网络,输入节点2个,隐含层节点2个,输出节点1个
    bpnn.train(full_batch, 10000, 0.6, 0.01) # 学习因子为0.6, 最大允许误差0.01
    print("输入层与隐含层权值", bpnn.matrixs[0])
    print("隐含层权值与输出层权值", bpnn.matrixs[1])
    print("隐含层阈值", bpnn.biases[0])
    print("输出层阈值", bpnn.biases[1])
    sample1 = [0.05, 0.1]
    sample2 = [0.2, 0.9]
    sample3 = [0.86, 0.95]
    print("预测样本", sample1, "的结果是:", bpnn.predict(sample1))
    print("预测样本", sample2, "的结果是:", bpnn.predict(sample2))
    print("预测样本", sample3, "的结果是:", bpnn.predict(sample3))
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/xkxf/p/9675935.html
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