CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS tb_amount( `Id` INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `Year` CHAR(4), `Month` CHAR(2), `Amount` DECIMAL(5,2), PRIMARY KEY(`Id`) ); INSERT INTO `tb_amount`(`Year`, `Month`, `Amount`) VALUES('1991', '1', '1.1'); INSERT INTO `tb_amount`(`Year`, `Month`, `Amount`) VALUES('1991', '2', '1.2'); INSERT INTO `tb_amount`(`Year`, `Month`, `Amount`) VALUES('1991', '3', '1.3'); INSERT INTO `tb_amount`(`Year`, `Month`, `Amount`) VALUES('1991', '4', '1.4'); INSERT INTO `tb_amount`(`Year`, `Month`, `Amount`) VALUES('1992', '1', '2.1'); INSERT INTO `tb_amount`(`Year`, `Month`, `Amount`) VALUES('1992', '2', '2.2'); INSERT INTO `tb_amount`(`Year`, `Month`, `Amount`) VALUES('1992', '3', '2.3'); INSERT INTO `tb_amount`(`Year`, `Month`, `Amount`) VALUES('1992', '4', '2.4'); SELECT `Year`, (SELECT Amount FROM tb_amount m WHERE `Month`=1 AND m.`Year`=tb_amount.`Year`) AS m1, (SELECT Amount FROM tb_amount m WHERE `Month`=2 AND m.`Year`=tb_amount.`Year`) AS m2, (SELECT Amount FROM tb_amount m WHERE `Month`=3 AND m.`Year`=tb_amount.`Year`) AS m3, (SELECT Amount FROM tb_amount m WHERE `Month`=4 AND m.`Year`=tb_amount.`Year`) AS m4 FROM tb_amount GROUP BY `Year`;
select year, max(case month when 1 then amount else 0 end ) m1, max(case month when 2 then amount else 0 end) m2, max(case month when 3 then amount else 0 end) m3, max(case month when 4 then amount else 0 end) m4 from tb_amount group by year;