django.http.multipartparser.MultiPartParserError: Invalid boundary in multipart: None
StackOverflow 上面有人的解答:
It looks like you were paying careful attention to the following note in the django-rest-framework docs: Note: When developing client applications always remember to make sure you're setting the Content-Type header when sending data in an HTTP request. If you don't set the content type, most clients will default to using 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', which may not be what you wanted.
解决方法 就是 在提交的时候,不要添加 headers 头部信息。
uni.uploadFile({ url:your_url, // header 注释掉 // header: { // 'Content-Type': "multipart/form-data", // }, filePath:that.imgList[0], name:'imgs', formData:{'uName': that.uName}, success(res) { console.log('上传成功!') } })
def submitOrders(request): img = request.FILES.get('imgs') uName = request.POST.get('uName') print(uName) print('img:', img) if img: img_path = os.path.join('static/image/', img.name) with open(img_path, 'wb') as fi: for i in img.chunks(): fi.write(i)