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  • Matlab:非线性高阶常微分方程的几种解法



    1 function b=F(t,x0,u,h)
    2       b(1,1)=x0(1)-h*x0(2)-u(1);
    3       b(2,1)=x0(2)+2*h*x0(2)/t+4*h*(2*exp(x0(1))+exp(x0(1)/2))-u(2);


    1 function g=Jacobian(x0,t,h)
    2   g(1,1)=1;
    3   g(1,2)=-h;
    4   g(2,1)=4*h*(2*exp(x0(1))+0.5*exp(x0(1)/2));
    5   g(2,2)=1+2*h/t; 


     1 function x=newton_Iterative_method(t,u,h)
     2  % u:上一节点的数值解或者初值
     3  % x0 每次迭代的上一节点的数值
     4  % x1 每次的迭代数值
     5  % tol 允许误差
     6  % f 右端函数
     7 x0=u;
     8 tol=1e-14;
     9 x1=x0-Jacobian(x0,t,h)F(t,x0,u,h);
    10 while (norm(x1-x0,inf)>tol)
    11     %数值解的2范数是否在误差范围内
    12     x0=x1;
    13     x1=x0-Jacobian(x0,t,h)F(t,x0,u,h);
    14 end
    15 x=x1;%不动点


     1 tic;
     2 clear all
     3 clc
     4 N=[128 64 32 16 8 4];
     5 for j=1:length(N)
     6 h=1/N(j);
     7 x=0:h:1;
     8 y=inline('-2*log(1+x.^2)','x');
     9 Accurate=y(x);
    10 Numerical=zeros(2,N(j)+1);
    11 for i=1:N(j)
    12  Numerical(1:2,i+1)=newton_Iterative_method(x(i+1),Numerical(1:2,i),h);
    13 end
    14 error(1:N(j)+1,j)=Numerical(1,:)-Accurate;
    15 figure(j)
    16 subplot(1,3,1)
    17 plot(x,Accurate);
    18 xlabel('x');
    19 ylabel('Accurate');
    20 grid on
    21 subplot(1,3,2)
    22 plot(x,Numerical(1,:));
    23 xlabel('x');
    24 ylabel('Numerical');
    25 grid on
    26 subplot(1,3,3)
    27 plot(x,error(1:N(j)+1,j));
    28 xlabel('x');
    29 ylabel('error');
    30 title(1/N(j));
    31 grid on
    32 end
    33 for k=2:length(N)
    34     X=norm(error(:,k),inf)/norm(error(:,1),inf);
    35     H=N(1)/N(k);
    36 Y(k-1)=log(X)/log(H);
    37 end
    38 figure(length(N)+1)
    39 plot(1:length(N)-1,Y,'-r v');
    40 ylabel('误差阶数');
    41 title('误差阶数');
    42 toc;




    1 function b=F(t,x0,u,h)
    2       b(1,1)=x0(1)-h*x0(2)-u(1);
    3       b(2,1)=t*x0(2)+2*h*x0(2)+4*h*t*(2*exp(x0(1))+exp(x0(1)/2))-t*u(2);


    1 function g=Jacobian(x0,t,h)
    2   g(1,1)=1;
    3   g(1,2)=-h;
    4   g(2,1)=4*h*t*(2*exp(x0(1))+0.5*exp(x0(1)/2));
    5   g(2,2)=t+2*h; 


     1 function x=Euler(t,u,h)
     2  % u:上一节点的数值解或者初值
     3  % x0 每次迭代的上一节点的数值
     4  % x1 每次的迭代数值
     5  % tol 允许误差
     6  % f 右端函数
     7 x0=u;
     8 tol=1e-5;
     9 x1=x0-Jacobian(x0,t,h)F(t,x0,u,h);
    10 while (norm(x1-x0,inf)>tol)
    11     %数值解的2范数是否在误差范围内
    12     x0=x1;
    13     x1=x0-Jacobian(x0,t,h)F(t,x0,u,h);
    14 end
    15 x=x1;%不动点


     1 tic;
     2 clear 
     3 clc
     4 y(1:2,1)=[0;0];%初值
     5 e=1e-5;%误差过小
     6 tol=1e-5;%指定的误差
     7 N=16;%节点的步数
     8 h=1/N;%初始步长
     9 t=0:h:1;
    10 i=1;
    11 while t(i)<=1
    12     k=1;
    13     while k==1
    14     y(1:2,i+1)=Euler(t(i)+h,y(1:2,i),h);%符合误差的数值解
    15 % y1_half=Euler(h/2,y(1:2,i));%半步长的中点数值解
    16  y1_half=Euler(t(i)+h,y(1:2,i),h/2);%半步长的右端点的数值解
    17  y1_one=Euler(t(i)+h,y1_half,h/2);
    18 Estimate_error=2*norm(y(1:2,i+1)-y1_one);%中间估计误差
    19 if Estimate_error<tol%指定误差
    20     k=0;%步长相差不大,或者说正好在指定的误差范围内,则确定选择h作为步长。
    21 elseif Estimate_error<e%误差过小
    22     h=2*h;
    23 else%近似估计误差大于指定误差
    24     h=h/2;
    25 end
    26     end
    27    t(i+1)=t(i)+h;
    28    i=i+1;
    29 end
    30 f=inline('-2*log(1+x.^2)','x');
    31 Accurate=f(t);
    32 subplot(1,3,1)
    33 plot(t,y(1,:));
    34 xlabel('t');ylabel('numerical');
    35 title('the image of numerical solution');
    36 grid on ;
    37 subplot(1,3,2)
    38 plot(t,Accurate);
    39 xlabel('t');ylabel('Accurate');
    40 title('the image of Accurate solution');
    41 grid on ;
    42 subplot(1,3,3)
    43 plot(t,y(1,:)-Accurate);
    44 xlabel('t');ylabel('error');
    45 title('the image of error solution');
    46 grid on ;
    47 toc;




    1 function b=F(t,x0,h,N)
    2 b(1,1)=4*x0(1)-x0(2);
    3 b(2,1)=-2*x0(1)+4*h^2*(2*exp(x0(1))+exp(x0(1)/2))+(1+h/t(2))*x0(2);
    4 for i=2:N-1
    5     b(i+1,1)=(1-h/t(i+1))*x0(i-1)-2*x0(i)+4*h^2*(2*exp(x0(i))+exp(x0(i)/2))+(1+h/t(i+1))*x0(i+1);
    6 end


     1 function g=Jacobian(t,x0,h,N)
     2 g(1,1)=4;
     3 g(1,2)=-1;
     4 g(2,1)=-2+4*h^2*(2*exp(x0(1))+1/2*exp(x0(1)/2));
     5 g(2,2)=1+h/t(2);
     6 for i=2:N-1
     7 g(i+1,i-1)=1-h/t(i+1);
     8 g(i+1,i)=-2+4*h^2*(2*exp(x0(i))+1/2*exp(x0(i)/2));
     9 g(i+1,i+1)=1+h/t(i+1);
    10 end


     1 function x=newton_Iterative_method(t,u,h,N)
     2  % u:上一节点的数值解或者初值
     3  % x0 每次迭代的上一节点的数值
     4  % x1 每次的迭代数值
     5  % tol 允许误差
     6  % f 右端函数
     7 x0=u;
     8 tol=1e-11;
     9 x1=x0-Jacobian(t,x0,h,N)F(t,x0,h,N);
    10 while (norm(x1-x0,inf)>tol)
    11     %数值解的2范数是否在误差范围内
    12     x0=x1;
    13     x1=x0-Jacobian(t,x0,h,N)F(t,x0,h,N);
    14 end
    15 x=x1;%不动点


     1 tic;
     2 clear
     3 clc
     4 N=[10,20,40,80,160,320,640];
     5 for k=1:length(N)
     6 h=1/N(k);
     7 x=0:h:1;
     8 fun1=inline('-2*log(1+x.^2)');
     9 for i=1:length(x)
    10 Accurate(i,1)=fun1(x(i));
    11 end
    12 Numerical=zeros(N(k)+1,1);
    13 Numerical(2:end,1)=newton_Iterative_method(x,Numerical(2:end,1),h,N(k));
    14 error=Numerical-Accurate;
    15 error_inf(k)=norm(error,inf);
    16 figure(k)
    17 subplot(1,3,1)
    18 plot(x,Accurate);
    19 xlabel('x');
    20 ylabel('Accurate');
    21 grid on
    22 subplot(1,3,2)
    23 plot(x,Numerical);
    24 xlabel('x');
    25 ylabel('Numerical');
    26 grid on
    27 subplot(1,3,3)
    28 plot(x,error);
    29 xlabel('x');
    30 ylabel('error');
    31 grid on
    32 end
    33 for i=2:length(N)
    34 INF(i-1)=log2(error_inf(i-1)/error_inf(i));
    35 end
    36 figure(length(N)+1)
    37 plot(1:length(N)-1,INF,'-rh');
    38 xlabel('x');
    39 ylabel('误差阶数');
    40 title('非线性高阶常微分差分格式误差阶');
    41 grid on
    42 toc;


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/xtu-hudongdong/p/6550549.html
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