Highcharts 基本区域图
chart.type 配置项用于设定图表类型,默认为 "line",本章节我们使用 'area'。
var chart = { type: 'area' };

<html> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <title>Highcharts 教程 | (runoob.com)</title> <script src="http://apps.bdimg.com/libs/jquery/2.1.4/jquery.min.js"></script> <script src="http://code.highcharts.com/highcharts.js"></script> </head> <body> <div id="container" style=" 550px; height: 400px; margin: 0 auto"></div> <script language="JavaScript"> $(document).ready(function() { var chart = { type: 'area' }; var title = { text: 'US and USSR nuclear stockpiles' }; var subtitle = { text: 'Source: <a href="http://thebulletin.metapress.com/content/c4120650912x74k7/fulltext.pdf">' + 'thebulletin.metapress.com</a>' }; var xAxis = { allowDecimals: false, labels: { formatter: function () { return this.value; // clean, unformatted number for year } } }; var yAxis = { title: { text: 'Nuclear weapon states' }, labels: { formatter: function () { return this.value / 1000 + 'k'; } } }; var tooltip = { pointFormat: '{series.name} produced <b>{point.y:,.0f}</b><br/>warheads in {point.x}' }; var plotOptions = { area: { pointStart: 1940, marker: { enabled: false, symbol: 'circle', radius: 2, states: { hover: { enabled: true } } } } }; var series= [{ name: 'USA', data: [null, null, null, null, null, 6, 11, 32, 110, 235, 369, 640, 1005, 1436, 2063, 3057, 4618, 6444, 9822, 15468, 20434, 24126, 27387, 29459, 31056, 31982, 32040, 31233, 29224, 27342, 26662, 26956, 27912, 28999, 28965, 27826, 25579, 25722, 24826, 24605, 24304, 23464, 23708, 24099, 24357, 24237, 24401, 24344, 23586, 22380, 21004, 17287, 14747, 13076, 12555, 12144, 11009, 10950, 10871, 10824, 10577, 10527, 10475, 10421, 10358, 10295, 10104] }, { name: 'USSR/Russia', data: [null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, 5, 25, 50, 120, 150, 200, 426, 660, 869, 1060, 1605, 2471, 3322, 4238, 5221, 6129, 7089, 8339, 9399, 10538, 11643, 13092, 14478, 15915, 17385, 19055, 21205, 23044, 25393, 27935, 30062, 32049, 33952, 35804, 37431, 39197, 45000, 43000, 41000, 39000, 37000, 35000, 33000, 31000, 29000, 27000, 25000, 24000, 23000, 22000, 21000, 20000, 19000, 18000, 18000, 17000, 16000] } ]; var json = {}; json.chart = chart; json.title = title; json.subtitle = subtitle; json.tooltip = tooltip; json.xAxis = xAxis; json.yAxis = yAxis; json.series = series; json.plotOptions = plotOptions; $('#container').highcharts(json); }); </script> </body> </html>

Highcharts 使用负数区域图

<html> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <title>Highcharts 教程 | (runoob.com)</title> <script src="http://apps.bdimg.com/libs/jquery/2.1.4/jquery.min.js"></script> <script src="http://code.highcharts.com/highcharts.js"></script> </head> <body> <div id="container" style=" 550px; height: 400px; margin: 0 auto"></div> <script language="JavaScript"> $(document).ready(function() { var chart = { type: 'area' }; var title = { text: 'Area chart with negative values' }; var xAxis = { categories: ['Apples', 'Oranges', 'Pears', 'Grapes', 'Bananas'] }; var credits = { enabled: false }; var series= [{ name: 'John', data: [5, 3, 4, 7, 2] }, { name: 'Jane', data: [2, -2, -3, 2, 1] }, { name: 'Joe', data: [3, 4, 4, -2, 5] } ]; var json = {}; json.chart = chart; json.title = title; json.xAxis = xAxis; json.credits = credits; json.series = series; $('#container').highcharts(json); }); </script> </body> </html>

Highcharts 堆叠区域图
配置图表堆叠设置 plotOptions.area.stacking 为 "normal"。如果禁用堆叠使用 null。 如果值为 "percent" 堆叠则按百分比。
var plotOptions = {
area: {
stacking: 'normal',
lineColor: '#666666',
lineWidth: 1,
marker: {
lineWidth: 1,
lineColor: '#666666'

<html> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <title>Highcharts 教程 |(runoob.com)</title> <script src="http://apps.bdimg.com/libs/jquery/2.1.4/jquery.min.js"></script> <script src="http://code.highcharts.com/highcharts.js"></script> </head> <body> <div id="container" style=" 550px; height: 400px; margin: 0 auto"></div> <script language="JavaScript"> $(document).ready(function() { var chart = { type: 'area' }; var title = { text: 'Historic and Estimated Worldwide Population Growth by Region' }; var subtitle = { text: 'Source: Wikipedia.org' }; var xAxis = { categories: ['1750', '1800', '1850', '1900', '1950', '1999', '2050'], tickmarkPlacement: 'on', title: { enabled: false } }; var yAxis = { title: { text: 'Billions' }, labels: { formatter: function () { return this.value / 1000; } } }; var tooltip = { shared: true, valueSuffix: ' millions' }; var plotOptions = { area: { stacking: 'normal', lineColor: '#666666', lineWidth: 1, marker: { lineWidth: 1, lineColor: '#666666' } } }; var credits = { enabled: false }; var series= [{ name: 'Asia', data: [502, 635, 809, 947, 1402, 3634, 5268] }, { name: 'Africa', data: [106, 107, 111, 133, 221, 767, 1766] }, { name: 'Europe', data: [163, 203, 276, 408, 547, 729, 628] }, { name: 'America', data: [18, 31, 54, 156, 339, 818, 1201] }, { name: 'Oceania', data: [2, 2, 2, 6, 13, 30, 46] } ]; var json = {}; json.chart = chart; json.title = title; json.subtitle = subtitle; json.xAxis = xAxis; json.yAxis = yAxis; json.tooltip = tooltip; json.plotOptions = plotOptions; json.credits = credits; json.series = series; $('#container').highcharts(json);});</script></body></html>

Highcharts 百分比堆叠区域图
配置图表堆叠设置 plotOptions.area.stacking 为 "percent"。如果禁用堆叠使用 null。
var plotOptions = {
area: {
stacking: 'percent',
lineColor: '#666666',
lineWidth: 1,
marker: {
lineWidth: 1,
lineColor: '#666666'

<html> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <title>Highcharts 教程 | 菜鸟教程(runoob.com)</title> <script src="http://apps.bdimg.com/libs/jquery/2.1.4/jquery.min.js"></script> <script src="http://code.highcharts.com/highcharts.js"></script> </head> <body> <div id="container" style=" 550px; height: 400px; margin: 0 auto"></div> <script language="JavaScript"> $(document).ready(function() { var chart = { type: 'area' }; var title = { text: 'Historic and Estimated Worldwide Population Growth by Region' }; var subtitle = { text: 'Source: Wikipedia.org' }; var xAxis = { categories: ['1750', '1800', '1850', '1900', '1950', '1999', '2050'], tickmarkPlacement: 'on', title: { enabled: false } }; var yAxis = { title: { text: 'Billions' }, labels: { formatter: function () { return this.value / 1000; } } }; var tooltip = { shared: true, valueSuffix: ' millions' }; var plotOptions = { area: { stacking: 'percent', lineColor: '#666666', lineWidth: 1, marker: { lineWidth: 1, lineColor: '#666666' } } }; var credits = { enabled: false }; var series= [{ name: 'Asia', data: [502, 635, 809, 947, 1402, 3634, 5268] }, { name: 'Africa', data: [106, 107, 111, 133, 221, 767, 1766] }, { name: 'Europe', data: [163, 203, 276, 408, 547, 729, 628] }, { name: 'America', data: [18, 31, 54, 156, 339, 818, 1201] }, { name: 'Oceania', data: [2, 2, 2, 6, 13, 30, 46] } ]; var json = {}; json.chart = chart; json.title = title; json.subtitle = subtitle; json.xAxis = xAxis; json.yAxis = yAxis; json.tooltip = tooltip; json.plotOptions = plotOptions; json.credits = credits; json.series = series; $('#container').highcharts(json);});</script></body></html>