String sqlCode = "SELECT MAX(code) as code from gongzuo where year(create_date) = year(NOW()) and month(create_date)=month(NOW()) "; String delegateCode = jdbcTemplate.queryForObject(sqlCode, String.class); StringB String sqlCode = "SELECT MAX(code) as code from gongzuo where year(create_date) = year(NOW()) and month(create_date)=month(NOW()) "; String delegateCode = jdbcTemplate.queryForObject(sqlCode, String.class); StringBuffer code = new StringBuffer("ZY"); code.append(DateUtils.getDataString(DateUtils.yyyyMMdd).substring(2, 6)); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(delegateCode)) { code.append("0001"); } else { code.append(getCode(delegateCode)); } gongzuo.setCode(code.toString());uffer code = new StringBuffer("ZY"); code.append(DateUtils.getDataString(DateUtils.yyyyMMdd).substring(2, 6)); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(delegateCode)) { code.append("0001"); } else { code.append(getCode(delegateCode)); } gongzuo.setCode(code.toString());
// 后4位自定义编码 +1 public String getCode(String code) { String result = ""; code = code.substring(code.length() - 4); int a = Integer.parseInt(code); a++; int len = (a + "").length(); if (len == 1) { result = "000" + a; } else if (len == 2) { result = "00" + a; } else if (len == 3) { result = "0" + a; } else { result = "" + a; } return result; }