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  • python jinja2模板分页效果


        <div class="vendor-paging"><!--paging -->
          <div class='vendor-page-numbers'><!-- page button -->
            {% if vendor_page != 1 %}<a class='vendor-page-left-right page-pre' href='javascript:void(0);'><img class='left-right-image' src='/static/images/scroll_left.png'/></a>{% endif %}
            {% for i in range(1, page_total + 1) %}
              <a class='page-digital {% if vendor_page == i %}page-selected{% endif %}' href='javascript:void(0);' num="{{ i }}"><span class='page-number'>{{i}}</span></a>
            {% endfor %}
            {% if vendor_page != page_total and page_total%}<a class='vendor-page-left-right page-next' href='javascript:void(0);'><img class='left-right-image' src='/static/images/scroll_right.png'/></a>{% endif %}
          </div><!-- page button -->
          <div class="show-page-info font-s-14">
            <div class="gl-inline" style="line-height: 30px;">共{{ total }}家 ({% if total %}{{ start}}{% else %}0{% endif %}-{% if vendor_page < page_total%}{{ vendor_page * count }}{% else %}{{ total }}{% endif %}) 显示</div>
            <div class="select-style gl-inline" style=" 135px;">
            <select id="page-number" class="select">
              <option value="1" {% if count == 1 %}selected{% endif %}>1每页</option>
              <option value="20" {% if count == 20 %}selected{% endif %}>20每页</option>
              <option value="30" {% if count == 30 %}selected{% endif %}>30每页</option>
              <option value="50" {% if count == 50 %}selected{% endif %}>50每页</option>
              <option value="100" {% if count == 100 %}selected{% endif %}>100每页</option>
              <option value="250" {% if count == 250 %}selected{% endif %}>250每页</option>
        </div><!--paging -->

    <input name="current_page" id="current_page" value={{ current_page }} type="hidden"></input>
    <input name="count" id="count" value={{ count }} type="hidden"></input>


    current_page = int(params['current_page'])
    count = int(params['count'])
    start = (current_page - 1) * count
    params['start'] = start
    second_level_url = params['second_level_url']
    params['op'] = "getVendorProducts"
    params['count'] = count
    vendor_cars, car_total = rpc('vendor', params)
    page_total = int(ceil(float(car_total) / count))

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