Retrieves the index of a row in a table.
int rowIndex = table.IndexOf(row);
Shows how to make a clone of the last row of a table and append it to the table.
[C#] Document doc = new Document(MyDir + "Table.SimpleTable.doc"); // Retrieve the first table in the document. Table table = (Table)doc.GetChild(NodeType.Table, 0, true); // Clone the last row in the table. Row clonedRow = (Row)table.LastRow.Clone(true); // Remove all content from the cloned row's cells. This makes the row ready for // new content to be inserted into. foreach (Cell cell in clonedRow.Cells) cell.RemoveAllChildren(); // Add the row to the end of the table. table.AppendChild(clonedRow); doc.Save(MyDir + "Table.AddCloneRowToTable Out.doc");
Shows how to iterate through all tables in the document and display the content from each cell.
[C#] Document doc = new Document(MyDir + "Table.Document.doc"); // Here we get all tables from the Document node. You can do this for any other composite node // which can contain block level nodes. For example you can retrieve tables from header or from a cell // containing another table (nested tables). NodeCollection tables = doc.GetChildNodes(NodeType.Table, true); // Iterate through all tables in the document foreach (Table table in tables) { // Get the index of the table node as contained in the parent node of the table int tableIndex = table.ParentNode.ChildNodes.IndexOf(table); Console.WriteLine("Start of Table {0}", tableIndex); // Iterate through all rows in the table foreach (Row row in table.Rows) { int rowIndex = table.Rows.IndexOf(row); Console.WriteLine(" Start of Row {0}", rowIndex); // Iterate through all cells in the row foreach (Cell cell in row.Cells) { int cellIndex = row.Cells.IndexOf(cell); // Get the plain text content of this cell. string cellText = cell.ToString(SaveFormat.Text).Trim(); // Print the content of the cell. Console.WriteLine(" Contents of Cell:{0} = "{1}"", cellIndex, cellText); } //Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(" End of Row {0}", rowIndex); } Console.WriteLine("End of Table {0}", tableIndex); Console.WriteLine(); }
Shows how to build a nested table without using DocumentBuilder.
[C#] public void NestedTablesUsingNodeConstructors() { Document doc = new Document(); // Create the outer table with three rows and four columns. Table outerTable = CreateTable(doc, 3, 4, "Outer Table"); // Add it to the document body. doc.FirstSection.Body.AppendChild(outerTable); // Create another table with two rows and two columns. Table innerTable = CreateTable(doc, 2, 2, "Inner Table"); // Add this table to the first cell of the outer table. outerTable.FirstRow.FirstCell.AppendChild(innerTable); doc.Save(MyDir + "Table.CreateNestedTable Out.doc"); Assert.AreEqual(2, doc.GetChildNodes(NodeType.Table, true).Count); // ExSkip } /// <summary> /// Creates a new table in the document with the given dimensions and text in each cell. /// </summary> private Table CreateTable(Document doc, int rowCount, int cellCount, string cellText) { Table table = new Table(doc); // Create the specified number of rows. for (int rowId = 1; rowId <= rowCount; rowId++) { Row row = new Row(doc); table.AppendChild(row); // Create the specified number of cells for each row. for (int cellId = 1; cellId <= cellCount; cellId++) { Cell cell = new Cell(doc); row.AppendChild(cell); // Add a blank paragraph to the cell. cell.AppendChild(new Paragraph(doc)); // Add the text. cell.FirstParagraph.AppendChild(new Run(doc, cellText)); } } return table; }
Shows how to insert a table using the constructors of nodes.
[C#] Document doc = new Document(); // We start by creating the table object. Note how we must pass the document object // to the constructor of each node. This is because every node we create must belong // to some document. Table table = new Table(doc); // Add the table to the document. doc.FirstSection.Body.AppendChild(table); // Here we could call EnsureMinimum to create the rows and cells for us. This method is used // to ensure that the specified node is valid, in this case a valid table should have at least one // row and one cell, therefore this method creates them for us. // Instead we will handle creating the row and table ourselves. This would be the best way to do this // if we were creating a table inside an algorthim for example. Row row = new Row(doc); row.RowFormat.AllowBreakAcrossPages = true; table.AppendChild(row); // We can now apply any auto fit settings. table.AutoFit(AutoFitBehavior.FixedColumnWidths); // Create a cell and add it to the row Cell cell = new Cell(doc); cell.CellFormat.Shading.BackgroundPatternColor = Color.LightBlue; cell.CellFormat.Width = 80; // Add a paragraph to the cell as well as a new run with some text. cell.AppendChild(new Paragraph(doc)); cell.FirstParagraph.AppendChild(new Run(doc, "Row 1, Cell 1 Text")); // Add the cell to the row. row.AppendChild(cell); // We would then repeat the process for the other cells and rows in the table. // We can also speed things up by cloning existing cells and rows. row.AppendChild(cell.Clone(false)); row.LastCell.AppendChild(new Paragraph(doc)); row.LastCell.FirstParagraph.AppendChild(new Run(doc, "Row 1, Cell 2 Text")); doc.Save(MyDir + "Table.InsertTableUsingNodes Out.doc");