第一版(错误信息:不能在 'inserted' 表和 'deleted' 表中使用 text、ntext 或 image 列),代码如下:
--创建insert插入类型触发器 if (object_id('tgr_news_QA_insert', 'tr') is not null) drop trigger tgr_news_QA_insert go create trigger tgr_news_QA_insert on news for insert --插入触发 as --定义变量 declare @id bigint, @content nvarchar(max),@newstype bigint; --在inserted表中查询已经插入记录信息 select @id = id, @content = [content], @newstype = newstype from inserted --处理问题解答数据 if @newstype=101 begin set @content = '<div style="background:url(''images/newsBackgroundImg.jpg'') no-repeat;700px;height:600px; "><div width=''100%'' style=''text-align:left;''>'+@content+'</div></div>' update news set content=@content where id=@id end go
于是改成instead of insert触发器,代码如下:
--创建insert插入类型触发器 if (object_id('tgr_news_QA_insert', 'tr') is not null) drop trigger tgr_news_QA_insert go create trigger tgr_news_QA_insert on news instead of insert --插入触发 as --定义变量 declare @id bigint, @content nvarchar(max),@newstype bigint; --在inserted表中查询已经插入记录信息 select @id = id, @content = [content], @newstype = newstype from inserted --处理对应类型的数据 if @newstype=101 begin set @content = '<div style="background:url(''images/newsBackgroundImg.jpg'') no-repeat;700px;height:600px; "><div width=''100%'' style=''text-align:left;''>'+@content+'</div></div>' insert into news select id, newstype, title, @content content, from inserted end else insert into news select * from inserted
- ntext转nvarchar(max)是否会有数据丢失
- inserted 数据不一定只有一条
--创建insert插入类型触发器 if (object_id('tgr_news_QA_insert', 'tr') is not null) drop trigger tgr_news_QA_insert go create trigger tgr_news_QA_insert on news instead of insert --插入触发 as insert into news select id, newstype, title, '<div style="background:url(''images/newsBackgroundImg.jpg'') no-repeat;700px;height:600px; "><div width=''100%'' style=''text-align:left;''>'+convert(nvarchar(max),content)+'</div></div>', from inserted where newstype=101 insert into news select id, newstype, title, [content], from inserted where newstype<>101
关于SQL Server 2005中NTEXT与NVARCHAR(MAX)参考:http://www.cnblogs.com/dudu/archive/2009/10/17/1585152.html