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  • grunt安装与配置

    安装 CLI

    npm install -g grunt-cli//全局安装
    npm init //初始化package.json

    npm init   命令会创建一个基本的package.json文件。

    npm install grunt --save-dev
    npm install grunt-contrib-jshint --save-dev





      1 module.exports = function(grunt) {
      2 var timestamp = new Date().getTime();
      3 grunt.initConfig({
      4 pkg: grunt.file.readJSON('package.json'),
      5 //文件合并
      6 concat: {
      7 options: {
      8 //定义一个用于插入合并输出文件之间的字符
      9 seperator: ';'
     10 },
     11 build: {
     12 //将要合并的文件
     13 // src:['src/**/*.js'],
     14 //合并后的js文件的存放位置
     15 // dest:['build/<%= pkg.name %>.js']
     16 files: { // Dictionary of files 
     17 'dist/css/main.css': ['src/**/*.css', '!src/**/*.min.css'],
     18 'dist/js/index.js': 'src/**/*.js'
     19 //'src/sass/all.scss':'src/sass/*.scss'
     20 }
     21 },
     22 concatsass: {
     23 files: {
     24 'src/sass/all.scss': 'src/sass/*.scss'
     25 }
     26 }
     27 },
     28 //压缩js
     29 uglify: {
     30 options: {
     31 banner: '/*! <%= pkg.name %> <%= grunt.template.today("yyyy-mm-dd") %> */
     32 },
     33 /*dist:{
     34 files:{
     35 'dist/<%= pkg.name %>.min.js':['<%= concat.dist.dest %>']
     36 }
     37 }*/
     38 build: {
     39 src: 'dist/js/index.js',
     40 dest: 'dist/js/index.min.js'
     41 }
     42 },
     43 //压缩html
     44 htmlmin: {
     46 options: { // Target options 
     47 removeComments: true,
     48 removeCommentsFromCDATA: true
     49 // collapseWhitespace: true,
     50 // minifyCSS:true
     51 // collapseBooleanAttributes: true,
     52 // removeAttributeQuotes: true,
     53 // removeRedundantAttributes: true,
     54 // useShortDoctype: true,
     55 // removeEmptyAttributes: true,
     56 // removeOptionalTags: true
     57 },
     58 html: {
     59 files: [{ // Dictionary of files
     60 expand: true,
     61 cwd: 'dist',
     62 src: ['**/*.html'],
     63 dest: 'dist' //'destination':'source'
     64 }]
     65 }
     66 },
     67 //js的语法检测
     68 jshint: {
     69 files: ['Gruntfile.js', 'src/**/*.js', 'test/**/*.js', '!src/**/*.min.js'],
     70 options: {
     71 //这里是覆盖JSHint默认配置的选项
     72 globals: {
     73 jQuery: true,
     74 console: true,
     75 module: true,
     76 document: true
     77 }
     78 }
     79 },
     80 //css压缩
     81 cssmin: {
     82 options: {
     83 //shorthandCompactiong:false,
     84 roundingPercision: -1 //这个属性应该是将样式相同的都提取出来
     85 },
     86 build: {
     87 files: {
     88 // 'dist/css/main.css': 'dist/css/main.css'
     89 }
     90 }
     91 },
     92 //
     93 // qunit:{
     94 // files:['test/**/*.html']
     95 // },
     96 //监听事件
     97 watch: {
     98 build: {
     99 files: ['<%= jshint.files %>', 'src/**/*.css'],
    100 tasks: ['jshint', 'qunit'],
    101 options: { spawn: false }
    102 }
    104 },
    105 //处理html中css、js 引入合并问题
    106 usemin: {
    107 html: 'dist/**/*.html',
    108 options: {
    109 blockReplacements: {
    110 js: function(block) {
    111 return '<script type="text/javascript" src="' + block.dest + '?t=' + timestamp + '"></script>';
    112 },
    113 css: function(block) {
    114 return '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="' + block.dest + '?t=' + timestamp + '"/>';
    115 }
    116 }
    117 }
    118 },
    119 //
    121 //copy
    122 copy: {
    123 src: {
    124 files: [
    125 { expand: true, cwd: 'src', src: ['**/*.html'], dest: 'dist' }, //设置的相对于哪个路径找文件就是cwd的值,这里我写的html在test文件里,所以设置成test;所有的源文件路径,都是相对于cwd
    126 //dist 目标路径
    127 { expand: true, cwd: 'src/css', src: ['*.min.css'], dest: 'dist/css' },
    128 { expand: true, cwd: 'src/js', src: ['*.min.js'], dest: 'dist/js' }
    129 ]
    130 },
    131 image: {
    132 files: [
    133 { expand: true, cwd: 'src', src: ['images/**/*.{png,jpg,jpeg,gif}'], dest: 'dist' }
    134 ]
    135 },
    136 robots: {
    137 files: [
    138 { expand: true, cwd: 'src', src: ['robots.txt'], dest: 'dist' }
    139 ]
    140 }
    141 },
    142 //图片压缩
    143 imagemin: {
    144 static: { // Target 
    145 options: { // Target options 
    146 optimizationLevel: 3,
    147 svgoPlugins: [{ removeViewBox: false }],
    148 use: []
    149 },
    150 files: { // Dictionary of files 
    151 // 'dist/img.png': 'src/img.png', // 'destination': 'source' 
    152 // 'dist/img.jpg': 'src/img.jpg',
    153 // 'dist/img.gif': 'src/img.gif'
    154 }
    155 },
    156 dynamic: { // Another target 
    157 files: [{
    158 expand: true, // Enable dynamic expansion 
    159 cwd: 'src/', // Src matches are relative to this path 
    160 src: ['**/*.{png,jpg,gif}'], // Actual patterns to match 
    161 dest: 'dist' // Destination path prefix 
    162 }]
    163 }
    164 },
    165 //requirejs 打包
    166 requirejs: {
    167 options: {
    168 baseUrl: '',
    169 paths: {
    170 "$": 'src/zepto',
    171 "_": 'src/underscore',
    172 "B": 'src/backbone'
    173 },
    174 include: ['$', '_', 'B'],
    176 out: 'dist/libs.js' //会将include里面的文件打包为out对应的文件,paths的本身意义不大,就是用于配置include里面的指向
    177 }
    178 },
    179 //sprite 雪碧图 //grunt-spritesmith
    180 sprite: {
    181 options: {
    182 //追加时间戳,默认不追加
    183 spritestamp: true
    184 },
    185 //image-set 示例
    186 all: {
    187 src: 'src/images/*.jpg',
    188 dest: 'dist/images/spritesheet.png',
    189 destCss: 'dist/css/sprites.css'
    190 }
    191 },
    192 sass: {
    193 dist: {
    194 // src:'src/**/*.scss',
    195 // dest:'dist/css/compiled.css'
    196 options: { // Target options 
    197 style: 'expanded'
    198 },
    199 files: {
    200 'src/css/all.css': 'src/sass/all.scss'
    201 }
    202 }
    204 },
    205 //清理文件
    206 clean: {
    207 html: ['dist/**/*.html'],
    208 sass: ['src/sass/all.scss'],
    209 css: ['dist/css/*.css'],
    210 js: ['dist/js/*.js'],
    211 images: ['dist/images/**/*.{png,jpg,jpeg,gif}']
    212 },
    213 //合并 html
    214 includereplace: {
    215 dist: {
    216 files: [
    217 { src: ['**/*.html'], dest: 'dist', expand: true, cwd: 'src' }
    218 ]
    219 }
    220 }
    222 });
    224 //加载包含"uglify" 任务的插件
    225 grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-uglify');
    226 grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-copy');
    227 grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-jshint');
    228 //grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-qunit');
    229 grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-htmlmin');
    230 grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-cssmin');
    231 grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-watch');
    232 grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-concat');
    233 grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-imagemin');
    234 grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-usemin');
    235 grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-requirejs');
    236 grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-spritesmith');
    237 grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-sass');
    238 grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-clean');
    239 grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-include-replace');
    241 //默认被执行的任务列表
    242 //grunt.registerTask('dev',['clean','copy','concat','sass','uglify','copy','usemin','htmlmin']);
    243 grunt.registerTask('dev', ['clean', 'jshint', 'copy', 'concat:concatsass', 'sass', 'concat:build', 'uglify', 'includereplace', 'usemin']);
    244 grunt.registerTask('dist', ['clean', 'jshint', 'copy', 'concat:concatsass', 'sass', 'concat:build', 'uglify', 'cssmin', 'includereplace', 'usemin']);
    245 };
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/xujiangli/p/5788647.html
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