import random # 1X3Y3ZX def make_code(size=7): res = '' for i in range(size): # 循环一次则得到一个随机字符(字母/数字) s = chr(random.randint(65, 90)) num = str(random.randint(0, 9)) res += random.choice([s, num]) return res res=make_code() print(res)
def make_progress(percent,width=50): if percent > 1:percent=1 show_str=('[%%-%ds]' % width) % (int(percent * width) * '#') print(' %s %s%%' %(show_str,int(percent * 100)),end='') total_size=1025 recv_size=0 while recv_size < total_size: time.sleep(0.1) # 模拟经过了0.5的网络延迟下载了1024个字节 recv_size+=1024 # 调用打印进度条的功能去打印进度条 percent=recv_size / total_size make_progress(percent)
''' [# ] [## ] [### ] [#### ] [##### ] ''' # print('[%-50s]' %'#') # print('[%-50s]' %'##') # print('[%-50s]' %'###') # print('[%-50s]' %'####') # print('[%-50s]' %'#####') # print('%s%%' %50) # 1、控制打印进度条的宽度 # res='[%%-%ds]' %50 # print(res %'#') # print(res %'##') # print(res %'###') # print(res %'####') # print(res %'#####') #2、不换行+跳回行首打印 # import time # print((' [%%-%ds]' %50) %'#',end='') # time.sleep(0.5) # print((' [%%-%ds]' %50) %'##',end='') # time.sleep(0.5) # print((' [%%-%ds]' %50) %'###',end='') # time.sleep(0.5) # print((' [%%-%ds]' %50) %'####',end='') # time.sleep(0.5) # print((' [%%-%ds]' %50) %'#####',end='') # import time # # def make_progress(percent,width=50): # if percent > 1:percent=1 # show_str=('[%%-%ds]' % width) % (int(percent * width) * '#') # print(' %s %s%%' %(show_str,int(percent * 100)),end='') # # total_size=1025 # recv_size=0 # while recv_size < total_size: # time.sleep(0.1) # 模拟经过了0.5的网络延迟下载了1024个字节 # recv_size+=1024 # # 调用打印进度条的功能去打印进度条 # percent=recv_size / total_size # make_progress(percent) #1 控制宽度 # print('[%s]' %'#') # print('[%-50s]' %'#') #固定宽度 # print('[%-%ds]' %50) #宽度不能固定死 传值错误 解决给%d传值的问题 只让%d有意义 %s取消意义 # print('[%%-%ds]' %50) # res = '[%%-%ds]' %50 #写活宽度 # print(res %'#') #基于上一步 在给%s 传值 #2 不换行 和自动跳到行首 end='' # print((' [%%-%ds]' %50) %'#',end='') # print((' [%%-%ds]' %50) %'##',end='') # print((' [%%-%ds]' %50) %'###',end='')
""" 1、什么是正则 正则就是用一系列具有特殊含义的字符组成一套规则,该规则用来描述具有某一特征的字符串, 正则就是用来去一个大的字符串中匹配出符合规则的子字符串 2、为什么要用正则 1、用户注册 2、爬虫程序 3、如何用正则 """ # import re # print(re.findall('w','hello 123_ */-=')) # print(re.findall('W','hello 123_ */-=')) # print(re.findall('s','hell o 12 3_ */-=')) # print(re.findall('S','hell o 12 3_ */-=')) # print(re.findall('d','hell o 12 3_ */-=')) # print(re.findall('D','hell o 12 3_ */-=')) # print(re.findall(' ','hell o 12 3_ */-=')) # print(re.findall(' ','hell o 12 3_ */-=')) # print(re.findall('l','hell o 12 3_ */-=')) # print(re.findall('egon','my name is egon,egon is beautiful')) # egon # print(re.findall('^egon','egon my name is egon,egon is beautiful')) # print(re.findall('egon$','egon my name is egon,egon is beautifulegon1')) # egon # 重复匹配 # .:匹配换行符以外的任意一个字符 # print(re.findall('a.c','abc a1c aac asd aaaaac a*c a+c abasd')) #['abc','a1c','aac','aac','a*c','a+c'] # a.c # print(re.findall('a.c','abc a1c aac a c asd aaaaac a*c a+c abasd',re.DOTALL)) # []:匹配一个字符,该字符属于中括号内指定的字符 # print(re.findall('a..c','abc a1 c aac asd aaaaac a *c a+c abasd =')) # print(re.findall('a.c','abc a1 c aac aAc aBc asd aaaaac a-c a/c a *c a+c abasd = a1c a2c')) # print(re.findall('a[a-z]c','abc a1 c aac aAc aBc asd aaaaac a-c a/c a *c a+c abasd = a1c a2c')) # print(re.findall('a[A-Z]c','abc a1 c aac aAc aBc asd aaaaac a-c a/c a *c a+c abasd = a1c a2c')) # print(re.findall('a[-+*/]c','abc a1 c aac aAc aBc asd aaaaac a-c a/c a *c a+c abasd = a1c a2c')) # print(re.findall('a[a-z][a-z]c','abc a1 c aac aAc aBc asd aaaaac a-c a/c a *c a+c abasd = a1c a2c')) # print(re.findall('a[^a-z]c','abc a1 c aac aAc aBc asd aaaaac a-c a/c a *c a+c abasd = a1c a2c')) # *: 必须与其他字符连用,代表左侧的字符出现0次或者无穷次 # print(re.findall('ab*','a ab abbb abbbb a1bbbb a-123')) # ab* #['a','ab','abbb','abbbb','a','a'] # print(re.findall('ab{0,}','a ab abbb abbbb a1bbbb a-123')) # ?: 必须与其他字符连用,代表左侧的字符出现0次或者1次 # print(re.findall('ab?','a ab abbb abbbb a1bbbb a-123')) # ab? #['a','ab','ab','ab','a','a'] # print(re.findall('ab{0,1}','a ab abbb abbbb a1bbbb a-123')) # +: 必须与其他字符连用,代表左侧的字符出现1次或者无穷次 # print(re.findall('ab+','a ab abbb abbbb a1bbbb a-123')) # ab+ # ['ab','abbb','abbbb'] # print(re.findall('ab{1,}','a ab abbb abbbb a1bbbb a-123')) # {n,m}: 必须与其他字符连用 # print(re.findall('ab{1,3}','a ab abbb abbbb a1bbbb a-123')) # ab{1,3} # ['ab','abbb','abbb'] # .*:贪婪匹配 # print(re.findall('a.*c','ab123adfc1134124123adasfc123123')) # .*?:非贪婪匹配 # print(re.findall('a.*?c','ab123adfc1134124123adasfc123123')) # a.*?c #():分组 # print(re.findall('expression="(.*?)"','expression="1+2+3/4*5" egon="beautiful"')) # expression=".*?" # print(re.findall('href="(.*?)"','<p>段落</p><a href="https://www.sb.com">点我啊</a><h1>标题</h1><a href="https://www.sb.com">点我啊</a>')) #|: # print(re.findall('a|b','ab123abasdfaf')) # a|b # print(re.findall('compan(?:ies|y)','Too many companies have gone bankrupt, and the next one is my company')) #companies company # print(re.findall(r'a\c','ac a1c aAc aac')) # print(re.findall('a\\c','ac a1c aAc aac')) # print(re.findall('ale(x)','alex is SB,alex is bigSB')) # print(re.search('alex','alex is SB,alex is bigSB')) # print(re.search('ale(x)','alex is SB,alex is bigSB').group()) # print(re.search('abcdefg','alex is SB,alex is bigSB')) # print(re.search('^alex','123alex is SB,alex is bigSB')) # print(re.match('alex','123alex is SB,alex is bigSB')) # l='egon:18:male'.split(':') # print(l) # l1=re.split('[ :/-]','a-b/c egon:18:male xxx') # print(l1) # print(re.sub('[a-z]+xx','yxp','lxx is good,sb is lllxx wxx is good cxx is good')) # [a-z]+xx # pattern=re.compile('alex') # print(pattern.findall('alex is SB,alex is bigSB')) # print(pattern.search('alex is SB,alex is bigSB'))
# import sys # sys.path # sys.argv # 用来接收python解释器执行py文件后跟的参数 #例如:python cp.py argv1 argv2 arg3 #sys.argv=['cp.py','argv1','argv2','argv3']
import sys # print(sys.argv) # src_file=input('请输入源文件路径:') src_file=sys.argv[1] # dst_file=input('请输入目标文件路径:') dst_file=sys.argv[2] with open(src_file,'rb') as read_f, open(dst_file,'wb') as write_f: for line in read_f: write_f.write(line)
# import os # os.system('tasklist') import subprocess import time obj=subprocess.Popen( 'taskliasdfsadfst', shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE ) # print(obj) # stdout_res=obj.stdout.read() # print(stdout_res.decode('gbk')) # print(stdout_res) stderr_res1=obj.stderr.read() stderr_res2=obj.stderr.read() stderr_res3=obj.stderr.read() # print(stderr_res1.decode('gbk')) print(stderr_res1) print(stderr_res2) print(stderr_res3) # import time # time.sleep(50)
import os # print(os.path.normcase('c:/WIndows\system32\') ) # print(os.path.normpath('c://windows\System32\../Temp/') ) BASE1_DIR=os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))) # print(BASE1_DIR) res=os.path.normpath(os.path.join( os.path.abspath(__file__), '..', '..' )) print(res)