- main memory :DRAM dynamic Random Access Memory
- cache : SRAM static Random Access Memory
- Magnetic disk
why hierarchy works?
two reasons:
- temporal locality:90%的时间实际上在执行10%的代码。
- spatial locality:比如说arry/pc指令都是挨着执行的。
- registers->cache by compiler
- cache->memory by hardware
- memory -> disk by hardware and OS(virtual memory) and by programmer(files)
cache -> Memory,在这个过程中要解决以下几个问题:
1、block placement
2、finding a block
3、replacement on a miss
4、write policy
cache -> memory是怎么映射的呢?
方法一: direct-mapped cache
还需要1bit的valid bit信息,告诉我cache里面是不是有data从memory过来。
need 3bit address to find location in cache. no compare
就相当于cache size进行分组,for example(还是以上个例子):
fully-associative的情况,memory的一个位置只能map到对应的cache的一个位置,但是two-way set associate就可以将memory的一个位置只能map到对应的cache的两个位置
need 2bit address and 2 compare to find location in cache.
for example(还是以上个例子):
no need address but need 8 compare to find location in cache.
data replacement policy:
- random
- LRU(least recently used)
read hit and miss:
- on cache hit,normally
- on cache miss:stall the CPU pipeline,and fetch block from next level of hierarchy
write hit and miss:
- write hit
1、 write through updata the block in cache and also update memory. It will take a long time.
2、 write back hold data waiting to be written to memory,only stall on write if write buffer is already full.
dirty bit = 1的时候表示的是要写到memory里面。dirty bit = 0的时候表示cache和memory是一样的copy。
write miss
- write back,从memory里面搬到cache里面。
- write through,第一种:直接写到memory里面。第二种:allocate fetch the block。
multilevel cache :
L1- cache
L2 -cache
a. 一个wrod access memory,一个wrod bus tranfer
b. 四个word access memory, 四个word bus transfer
c. 四个word access memory,一个word bus transfer(主要应用)
access of DRAM:
row + column
sources of misses
- compulsory misses(aka code start misses):first access to a block
- capacity misses:cache的容量有限
- conflict misses(aka collision misses):发生在non-fully associate cache