什么是Experience Replay, Seperate Target Network
最近看到的一篇论文中提到的面对RL network不稳定甚至发散两个方法。
non-linear function approximator is unstable or even to diverge.
In RL, it's common to leverage a neural network as the function approximator.
阅读Human-level control through deep reinforcement learning的笔记。
Experience Replay
- 问题:
- ML都假设数据是IID。
- 但是RL连续online训练中,连续的samples有着很强的关联,所以可能导致network会陷入局部最小值。
- 优点:
- To smooth out learning, avoid oscillations or divergence in the parameters.
- Randomizing the samples breaks these correlations and therefore reduces the variance of the updates.
- Experience replay使训练任务更加像常见的监督学习了,可以简化调试、测试算法。
- 主要是用一个buffer存之前的experiences <s, a, r, s'>。
- 每次从update的时候均匀地从Buffer中随机sample来用。
Seperate Target Network
Goals and Strengths
- To improve the stability of method.
- Reduces oscillations or divergence of the policy.
主要是每C次updates之后,就Clone Q网络作为target network Q',Q' 用于生成targets(假定的现实值)。
Target network是旧的参数network,prediction network是在更新的network。
用旧的参数来生成targets给更新Q和update影响targets之间产生了一个delay,因此making divergence or oscillations much more unlikely.
- 使用experience replay and seperate target network.
- Human-level control through deep reinforcement learning